Sunday, October 2, 2016

The Birthday Weekend Edition Week 1

Welcome to the first Birthday Weekend Edition in celebration of our 9th Birthday. That means Seekerville is starting year TEN! Every week, starting today, we have a fabulous giveaway  ($50 Amazon gift card or a Kindle Fire) and on November 5, we'll draw for our Grand Prize, an iPad mini. 

We Have Winners

If you are not familiar with our giveaway rules, take a minute to read them here. It keeps us all happy! All winners should send their name, address, and phone number to claim prizes. Send to

Birthday Week 1 Winner of a $50 Amazon gift card is Voni Harris.

From last Weekend Edition, Cathy Ann, Josee Telfer and Patty are winners of Ruth Logan Herne's The First Gift.


Lisa Carter returned to Seekerville with her post, "Mission Possible—Ground the Reader." Hope you had a chance to chat and pick up some tips to take your first chapter to the next level.Laura Conner Kestner is the winner of Falling for the Single Dad. 

  Sandra Leesmith discussed placing ads to promote sales on TuesdaySandra asked commenters to share their experiences with placing ads. What works and what doesn't work. May the K9Spy is the winner of $25.00 toward an ad of their choice. Renee McBride is the reader winner of a Seeker book of choice. Sandra will report on ad results in her November post.

Glynna Kaye joined us on Wednesday with "5 Tips for Taking Your Writing to the Next Level. " Vince, Sandy Smith and Cindy W are the winners of her November Love Inspired release, "The Pastor's Christmas Courtship."

Cara Lynn James was your hostess Thursday. Winner of Starbucks gift card is Jan Christiansen.

The  Birthday Bash Began with the October Contest Update on Saturday, October 1. Congratulations to our October Diva, Sharee Stover. Winner of a surprise pack of holiday books is Ohio Home School/Becky. Winners of First Impression entry critiques are Josee and Theresa Van Meter. Winner of Lindt Truffles is Debbie Clatterbuck.

In addition to celebrating our birthday, this week we're celebrating the release of Julie Lessman's new novel, Love Everlasting. Book 2 in the Isle of Hope series. Leave a comment today for your chance to win one of three e-book copies!

Next Week in Seekerville

Monday: Mary Connealy is your hostess today in Seekerville! Mary will be giving away three books to three winners. In Honor of our NINTH Birthday, Mary is talking about "9 Ways to Face Your Fears."

Tuesday: Join guest Alison Stone today! "Things I Learned When I Took a Leap of Faith: How a Category Romance Author Found Her Way While Writing Her First Single Title Book." One commenter will win a signed print copy of her new release from Waterfall Press, Pointe and Shoot.

Wednesday: Dani Pettrey is our special birthday guest today with her post "Nine Ways To Grab an Editor’s or Agent’s Attention." Stop by for a chance to win a guaranteed cozy afternoon that involves her latest release Cold Shot and a Starbucks gift card. 

Thursday: We begged Sherri Shackleford to return after her last post (find here). So here she is with a follow-up, "A Hero with a Sense of Humor: How to Create the Ultimate Leading Man." She has a terrific giveaway, 2 copies of A Family for the Holidays and 2 copies of Cowboy Creek Christmas. 

Friday: Today we welcome a brand new publisher, Gilead Publishing LLC. We'll learn more about the publisher and talk about Seekerville's Mary, Julie and Ruthy in a novella together and if the world is ready for that!!!!!!!

Saturday: You don’t want to miss the great information shared by writer, speaker, and social media coach Edie Melson who runs the popular The Write Conversation blog! She’ll be sharing "9 Ways to Increase Your Social Media Presence."

Sunday: The Weekend Editions are on Sundays in October. Week 2 winner will be announced on Sunday, October 9.

 Seeker Sightings

Congratulations to Ruth Logan Herne, who won the Maggie Award in the Inspirational Category last night at the Moonight & Magnolia's Conference.

Ruth Logan Herne, Refuge of the Heart
Editors: Katie Carroll and Ericka McIntyre, Publisher: Franciscan Media.

NEW CONTEST! Win a character named after you in Julie Lessman's November paperback release of Love Everlasting AND a signed copy, PLUS signed copies of three of Julie’s novels and a framed quote. Details can be found HERE!


Julie Lessman's LOVE EVERLASTING is finally here!! Buy Link

FREE DOWNLOAD on Julie Lessman's A Glimmer of Hope the prequel novella to her award-winning novel Isle of Hope. Get your free e-copy of AGOH at AMAZON, BARNES, AND NOBLE, or KOBO.


50% SALE on Julie Lessman's award-winning ISLE OF HOPE, the 5-star novel on Family Fiction Magazine's Top 15 Novels of 2015! Buy Link. 


Debby Giusti has been at Georgia Romance Writers' Moonlight & Magnolias Conference, taking part in the Pitch Workshop and signing copies of her newest Love Inspired Suspense, Plain Truth. She's also been giving hugs to all Villagers in attendance!

 M & M Conference. L to R top, Debby & Roxanne St. Claire keynote, Debby & Walt.

Bottom L to R, Debby & Laurel Blount, Debby & Tanya Agler.
 Above are the many smiling faces of ACFW Phoenix, Christian Writers of the West from Tina Radcliffe's program on Saturday, September 29th.

Random News & Information

Thanks to everyone who sent links!

The October Birthday Calendar is here. Go to the right side and click on the link to download a pdf. Have problems? Email us and we will send it directly to your inbox.

It's that time of year when we ask you to please consider nominating Seekerville for the 19th Annual Writer’s Digest 101 Best Website for Writer’s Award. Send an email to with “101 Websites” in the subject line. We are an Inspirational Romance Writing Community.

From Facebook. Click on the article to see it larger.

We've recently discovered AWeber Email Marketing. Check it out and their helpful blog posts here. **

 15 Essential Differences Between Productive People And Busy People (Lifehack)

  The Ultimate Guide to Thunder Clap for Product Launches (WPCurve)

The Hero's Two Journey's- Part 1 The Outer Journey- available for rental on Amazon for $2.99. Hopefully, Part 2 will be available soon! A must watch (the DVD costs $49).

An Intro to BookBub Ads (Insights From NINC 2016) (BookBub Partners)**

Money and the Writer (Writer Unboxed)**

29 Quick & Easy Social Media Updates to Share (The Write Conversation)

“Help! My book isn’t selling!” 9 Things to Consider Before Giving Up (AME)

10 Hacks For Organizing Books And Making Your Reading Space Instagram-Worthy (Bustle)

How to Create Engaging Images for Social Media: A Simple Guide For Non-Designers (BufferSocial)**

How to Make the Most of Goodreads Giveaways (DBW)

 Everyone Suffers from Impostor Syndrome — Here’s How to Handle It (The Passive Voice)

Electronic Proofreading Tips And Tricks For Authors (Just Publishing Advice)

Changing Your Hero's Goal (Story Mastery)**

What Goes in A Press Kit (The Verbs via The Literary Entrepreneur)**

Short on time? Read the ** posts now and come back later for the rest!

That's it! Happy Birthday to Seekerville! 


  1. Yay!!!!!!!! Happy Birthday to us. Happy Birthday to all my Seeker sisters. Happy birthday to all of our Villagers and commenters and readers. Yay!!!!!!


    I love birthdays.

    Love all of you too.

  2. Way to go, Ruthy!!!!!!!! Congrats on your Maggie!!!!!!!

  3. Happy Birthday, SEEKERVILLE! This is going to be a fabulous month!

    Congratulations to all winners ~ Congratulations, JULIE, on the release of your latest novel!Congratulations, RUTHY, on your recent Maggie! And how fun, DEBBY, to attend the Moonlight and Magnolias conference! (I LOVE your hugs.)

    Here's to a great day (and another great year)!


  5. Happy birthday!!!! It was during yoir birthday party in 2012 that received a revision letter and sold. Thank you, Ladies!!

  6. Happy birthday!!!! It was during yoir birthday party in 2012 that received a revision letter and sold. Thank you, Ladies!!

  7. Sign me up for Love Everlasting, please. :)

  8. Congratulations on your Maggie win, Ruthy! I'm so happy for you.

    Looking forward to some great posts this coming week.

  9. Congratulations, Ruthy on your win.

    Congratulations Julie on your release!!!


  10. So much going on here. I'm having a blast celebrating with Seekerville. Congrats, Ruthy on your Maggie Award. Thanks for the tips and recommendations. Rented the Heroes Journey this week and I'm taking copious notes. Loved hearing Tina speak at our Christians Writers of the West meeting. She inspired me so much I went right home and wrote out my Writers Dreams & Goals as well as a page of positive affirmations to read to myself each morning, beginning with "I am a Writer!" Now, I'm off to nominate Seekerville for the 101 Best Writers Websites!

  11. Oh, and next week's line up looks terrific!

  12. Happy birthday Seekerville, day two!!!
    Congrats to the winners :-)

    San Fran is fabulous (but BIG, wowser!!). Chinatown is definitely awesome....Fisherman's Wharf & Gheridelli Square is on tomorrows agenda. I'll be sure to bring plenty of chocolate to share!

    Please enter my name for whatever prizes are up for grabs, thanks so much.

    Yay for decent WiFi!

  13. So many great things happening. Thank you for the heads up.

  14. I found the message about the Maggie at 4:15 AM.... AND I STILL CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!!!

    What an amazing weekend here.... the high school hall of fame, kids here from out of town, and crazy busy pumpkin patch!!!!! I am thanking God.... and the Maggie judges and Hall of Fame committee members..... LIKE CRAZY!!!!

    I'm posting early because it's all hands on deck at the pumpkin stand this time of year. And I'll try and get back in later so we can Dance Party the Weekend Edition!!!!!

    Bring on the music!!!! The dancing bears.... or cute pandas!!!! It's party time in Seekerville!!!!

    I have carrot cake from yesterday, but I think our birthday needs something else today... and it's a Death by Chocolate cake!!!! Chocolate cake with chocolate pudding between the layers, chocolate fudge frosting and curls of chocolate decadence on top....

    A celebration this big needs chocolate!!!!!

  15. Happy Birthday Seekerville and congratulations to all the winners this week! I'm so blessed to have won Glynna Kaye's The Pastor's Christmas Courtship. Thank you so very, very much!

    A HUGE Congratulations to Ruthy for winning the Maggie Award! Yay! I am so very happy for you.

    May everyone have a blessed week ahead!

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.

  16. Thanks for a great WE, Tina! I need to go and catch up on yesterday's post that I missed.

    So exciting to hear Ruthy's name called last night at the Moonlight and Magnolia's Conference!! Congrats, Ruthy!! We cheered loudly for you! :) :)

    And congrats to Tanya Agler on her Honorable Mention in the unpublished Maggie!

  17. Christina, that's so exciting! We'll also celebrate your revision letter and first sale! :)

  18. Jan, I took tons of notes when I watched the video as well! And I still love to either watch it again or go back and review my notes.

  19. Congratulations Julie, Ruthy, and all you winners! What a great way to celebrate Seekerville :)

  20. Whoo hoo! Happy Birthday, Seekerville!!

    Congratulations on winning the Maggie, Ruthy!

    Julie, congratulations on the new release!

    Wonderful WE, Tina.

  21. So much fabulous information! I am excited to read all the posts coming up this week. Thanks for taking so much time to share and teach us. Congratulations to all the authors with new releases (and to all of us readers who have another fabulous reason to hide away from the world with those books).

  22. Happy Birthday Seekerville!!!

    Congratulations to Julie for the release of Love Everlasting!!! Woohoo! (I have it already and can't wait to start this week!)

    Congratulations to Ruthy on the Maggie win! I've heard great things of Refuge of the Heart! On my TBR! Love that cover!


  23. I'm so excited to have won Lisa Carter's book, Falling for the Single Dad!! Thank you! And congratulations to all the winners!

    Congratulations, RUTHY, on winning the Maggie for Refuge of the Heart! I'm so happy for you!!

    And congratulations TANYA AGLER for your Honorable Mention in the unpublished Maggie!!

    JULIE, congratulations on your new book - I read Glimmer of Hope and Isle of Hope and truly enjoyed them, so I'm sure I'll love this one, too!!

    Thanks, TINA, for such a great WE, and also for sharing photos from your program in Phoenix!! Wish I could've been there!

    Happy Birthday, SEEKERVILLE!!

  24. Happy Birthday Seekerville! You've brought us 9 years of incredibly helpful information, lessons, laughs, and yes, an occasional tear or two!

    A huge congratulations to Ruthy on her well-deserved win at Moonlight & Magnolias!

    Thanks Tina for sharing your pics and for the awesome, as always, WE! Love those links!

    Blessings to everyone for a safe and enjoyable week!

  25. You author are AWESOME 👏🏻 and I mean AWESOME 👏🏻! Thanks for all you do!

  26. What a way to start the Party. I. Giddy with excitement! CONGRATULATIONS to the winners! Ruthy, your books deserve that award. I'm glad others saw it too. Julie, I can hardly wait to read the book...but then again, maybe I should wait because when I'm done, I have to wait for the next book!
    TINA, you did an absolutely fabulous WE agin, and the lineup for next week is amazing!

    We had snow yesterday, it didn't stay, but Arizona is calling, and these. Ext two months will seem like years till we can leave!

  27. Congratulations seekerville!!! Nine years, yeah!!! Congratulations to all the winners and Julie Lessman. I can't wait to read Julie ' s new release. Sign me up for the giveaway of one of the three digital copies. God bless!

  28. Can you BELIEVE we've been at this for nine years, Kelly?

    You'd think we'd be better at it by now, but I still manage to drop the ball, mess up, forget stuff.

  29. Good morning, Seekerville! Man, this W.E. is STUFFED with good stuff--so I'll have to stop by again later!

    Congratulations to all the winners and finalists and those with new releases.

    Looks like Moonlight & Magnolias was quite the event this year!

  30. Don't you be waving that WE word around Conneally.

    Happy Birthday to us. May we have enough sense to know when to retire. Amen.

  31. Well, Amy Tyner, thank you. But awesome is pretty strong. We may have difficulty exiting rooms if our heads swell. How about "pretty darn amazing?"

    Good to see you in Seekerville.

  32. Thanks for the kudos, Susan Stitch and welcome to Seekerville.

  33. Beth Erin! Once again I must say how much I love your new profile picture. Your smiling face makes me smile.

    Waving to Rhonda!!!!

    Jan Christiansen!!! So proud of you. You came, you saw, you conquered your fears. WOOOT!!

  34. Well, Marianne, Phoenix is calling you!!! Rain today. Very nice to wake up to.

  35. Time to party Seekerville! I can't remember what it was like before I started following this awesome blog! I think you all are pretty great :)

  36. Ruthy, kudos on the Maggie award!

    Best wishes for your newest release, Julie!

    Congrats to all the winners.

    Thanks to all the link-providers, pix-providers, and to Tina for another super WE.

    Happy Birthday, Seekerville!!!! (Do we get to say that every day this month?)

    Nancy C

  37. Happy Birthday, Seekerville!!!!!! So many great book news and fantastic links. Woot! This is a happening place!

  38. WOW, WHAT A WE!!!! (Did I get it right this time, Teenster??!!) ;)

    RUTHY, SUPER CONGRATS, my friend, and I have to say -- 2016 is definitely your year with all the wonderful things going on with you, so onward and upward!!

    CYNTHIA, TINA, BETH, RHONDA, ANNIE, LAURA -- thank you for the congrats on the release of my latest, Love Everlasting -- MUCH appreciated!!

    Aw, MARIANNE, thank you SO much, sweetie -- can't wait to see what you think. It's no Isle of Hope (about half as long and half as complicated), but it's a good story, I think, so I hope you enjoy it.


  39. KELLY!!! You're in the draw, girlfriend, so GOOD LUCK!!

    Nancy, thank you, my friend! Good luck in the contest!!

    Hugs and HELP ... I've eaten too many birthday cupcakes this weekend!!!

  40. Happy, happy birthday to my favorite romance writer hang out, Seekerville!! (I did send a email vote!!)

    Y'all are extremely inspirational and helpful!!

    Looking forward to next week's posts!! Last week I couldn't emergency....

    Have a beautiful Sunday everyone...tipping my cuppa tea in celebrating Seekerville's birthday month!!

  41. Congrats to Ruthy on the Maggie! Great book, read it and loved it!!

  42. Congrats to all the winners and to Ruthy!

    With that said, I'm off to take a Sunday nap- in other words I'm going to go finish the book I am reading (for readers a nap is just never a nap ;)

    Later, y'all

  43. Congrats to all the winners, Ruthy, and Julie! Great things are happening.

    Thanks for all the helpful links!

  44. Happy Birthday, Seekerville! It doesn't seem nine years that Ive been here soaking up all the invaluable help and enjoying the generosity and friendship. Major kudos to Ruthy. Well deserved! Congrats to the finalists in the Phoenix Rattler too. And to Julie on her newest release. Congrats to all the winners from last week. Received my packet of books. Thank you so much, Tina. Over to vote for Seekerville. Looking forward to next week's lineup. Have a great Sunday and week, all.

  45. Congrats to Ruthy, Seekerville and Julie! We are all winners because we get to enjoy Seekerville! I can't believe it's been going for 9 years! What a joy it's been for me - a reader! I'm so thankful for all of you writers who continue to write such great books! Keep it going!

  46. Look! Jessica has a face.

    I nearly fell over.

    Good to SEE you, Jessica!!!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. Sally Shupe, how's the writing going? I expect BIG things from you this year!!

  48. Jackie,

    How's your writing going? Jackie and I have a secret project in the works. I'd tell you about it but then I'd have to know.

  49. Thank you to Kate and Pat for the vote.

    We appreciate you as well.

  50. Yay, I won Glynna's Christmas book. Will start reading Christmas books soon.

    Congrats Ruthy for your Maggie award. Congrats Julie on your latest book coming out.

    Very excited about the Seekerville birthday month!

  51. Walt, thank you! I'm still disbelieving this! We've had family in town this weekend for the hall of fame induction so it's been crazy fun/busy here, but I am SO EXCITED!!!!

    What an amazing day!

  52. Cynthia! Thank you so much!!! Happy dancing in upstate !!!!!

  53. Connealy, I CAN'T EVEN!!!!!!

    I'm beside myself....

    Tina, thank you! You've kicked my bootie in every contest this year, and deservedly so! But I can't deny I was so delighted to final in the Maggie!

  54. Christina, it's so nice to see you here! Welcome back!!!!!

  55. Keli Gwynster, super huge hugs coming your way! Thank you, my friend!!!!

  56. Jan Christiansen, I saw your facebook post about how nice Tina's presentation was on facebook, and it was such a great shout-out!

    Tina has an amazing way of breaking things down into simplest terms... and making them sound sensible!!!

  57. Annie, do you have a copy of Refuge???? E-mail me if you don't.... I'll give you an early Christmas present, dear thing!!!!

  58. Tanya Agler.... who I finally met in Nashville.... CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!

    I am so delighted to know you!!!!

  59. Laura, thank you!!!! You too, Edwina! I'm so grateful for your good wishes... I am still pinching myself about this whole thing. What an amazing blessing this all is.

  60. Congratulations to Ruthy on the Maggie! Congratulations also to all the finalists for the Maggie.

    Happy Birthday, Seekerville!

    I would love to be entered for a copy of Julie's new book. I haven't had the money yet to buy a copy.

    I am looking forward to this whole month long celebration. I am hoping to be able to get back to writing. I just need to get this vertigo to disappear. It was much better yesterday but is back with a vengeance today. Yet the Lord is so good. I was able to go to church this morning.

  61. Happy Birthday, Seekerville!!!!!!

    AND BIG Congratulations, Ruthy!!!! Awesome, Awesome news!!!

  62. Rose, thank you!!!! Have some chocolate cake, darling! Birthday celebration and incredible can't-believe-it's true Ruthy weekend!!!!

  63. Marianne... snow for real???? OH MY STARS!!!!!

    Thank you, sweet lady, for your kind words. They touched my heart..... And snow... Getting the gloves and boots out, time to get ready!!!

  64. Mary, I'm convinced that our mess-ups endear us to others.

    That's my story, and I'm sticking to it!


  65. Laughing at Tina's retirement comment!!!!

    Did anyone hear a swan song????


    Me, either!!!! :)

  66. Heidi, thank you! We love you right back!

  67. Nancy, thank you!!!! Sending hugs and chocolate cake your way!

  68. Debby Giusti, thank you for accepting the Maggie for me.... that made missing the banquet easier for me.

    And thank you for being my friend.


  69. Jackie Smith, thank you!!!! I'm so glad you loved it!

  70. Nicky, a nap sounds good!

    So does a book!!!

  71. Pat Jeanne, thank you!!!!

    Have a slice of cake, darling, and we've got a salsa band starting on the back patio!

  72. Valri, you guys are the reason we do this... You've become the VILLAGE PEOPLE!


    The best village people ever!

  73. WOOHOO for RUTHY!!!! Ever since I read the Maggies list a few hours ago, I've been smiling for you, sweet friend!! :) CONGRATULATIONS!!!!

    Congrats to all the Seekerville prize winners!!
    Nobody does a party like Seekerville!!

    Happy Hugs to all my friends, Patti Jo :)

    p.s. OOOPS! Almost forgot - - just took a peach cobbler from the oven, so please enjoy with some homemade vanilla ice-cream! ;)

  74. LOL, Tina! You're funny. Good to see you, too. :) So thankful for Seekerville!

  75. Happy Birthday, Seekerville! I've been reading this blog for several years and have become acquainted with quite a few authors and their books because of it.


    Congratulations to October Diva, Sharee Stover.

  77. I'm up tomorrow. I like to go early in the month especially in the birthday month. But the end of the month it is INSANE!!!!!!!!!!!
    I couldn't bear the strain!!!!!

  78. Wait.

    Jessica has a face and a name!!!!!


  79. Pam, thank you!!!! We're so glad you're here!

  80. Happy birthday Seekerville. So excited to learn about a new site to follow.

  81. Congrats to the winners! Congratulations to Ruthie.
    What a fun post!
    Becky B

  82. Haha, Ruth! I'm just full of surprises. :)

    Congrats on your award!

  83. KLKFrog.....

    Do you know something I don't know????

    What's TINA been saying??????


  84. Home from M&M and so excited about Ruthy's Maggie win!!! And I got to read her acceptance speech. Such an honor!!! Congrats, Ruthy!!!

    Thanks, Tina, for making the collage from the M&M pics. It was wonderful to see so many Villagers. Dianna Shuford was there too...shame on me for not getting a pic. Others as well. The conference was wonderful. It always is.

    Happy Birthday, Seekerville! October is such a fun month! May I have a slice of birthday cake? Is there ice cream? Hope so!!!

    Love to all who make this blog work...that means Seekers and Villagers alike. You're all so special to me. Hugs and love!

  85. Congratulations, Ruthy! I was so excited for you when they called out your name, and Debby was (as ever) gracious in her role in reading your acceptance speech.

    Happy birthday, Seekerville.

    (And Debby, you may certainly have a slice of birthday cake!)

  86. I just want to know what that abbreviation means. KLKFROG. Writer or reader.

    Do you know Kermit? Miss Piggy?

    Welcome to Seekerville.

  87. JACKIE, PAT, VALRI, AND SANDY -- THANK YOU for the congrats! It always feels good to release a book and move on. :)

    And, WILANI, here's to a win, darlin', because I sure would love to send a copy of LE to you, so good luck!


  88. Happy Weekend!

    Congrats to all the winners!
    And congrats especially to Ruthy! What an exciting time for you :)

  89. Megan!!! Kiss those babies for me, you know I have a particular love for BABIES!!!!! :)

    Thank you, sweet thing!

  90. Tanya!!! I'm so glad you were there, and so glad you finaled... it's such a great contest!

    And truly, I was totally honored just to final with those amazing ladies. No lie, and total truth humility... but I was also thrilled that Refuge was recognized by that because Lena's story is so touching and relevant to things going on today.

    Thank you, my lovely friend and I'm so glad we got to meet!!!

  91. late to party. watching two six year old boys. chaos. who knew there were so many things to argue about?

    YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY RUTHY! Congrats on the Maggie!!! Very cool that Debby read your acceptance speech too.

    Looking forward to the coming week of posts.

  92. Kissing the babies for you this morning Ruthy! <3

  93. "Happy Birthday", Seekerville!! So much celebrating with you this month - thank you for all you do!!

    Congrats, winners!!

    Special, huge congrats to RUTHY on her Maggie award and to JULIE on the release of 'Love Everlasting'!! Love those beautiful books the two of you produce!!

  94. Congratulations Ruthy! And Happy Birthday Seekerville! I loved hearing how you all got together at CFRR this year!

  95. Congratulations Ruthy! And Happy Birthday Seekerville! I loved hearing how you all got together at CFRR this year!

  96. Happy birthday Seekerville! Major congrats to Miss Ruthy.

    Congrats to all the winners.

    Julie I had a lady at church forward me your newsletter and say look new Julie Lessman books. As the librarian I know a hint when I get one. However she'll have to wait until it is in print version and not ebook. Can't wait!

  97. Wow. Another year has flown by. First, I'm sending congratulations to Ruthy on her Maggie win. You go girl.
    Second, a great big Happy Biirthday to all of Seekerville. Another successful year for the Inspirational authors and the writers who joined their rank and published their first book. Happy days to you all. Keep writing everyone.

  98. Rewriting and revising is not fun. But very necessary if you want to get published. I wish us all the stamina to pursue our dreams and deem the inspiration that our Seekerville authors provide for us. Bless them all for this wonderful birthday month celebration.
