Monday, November 7, 2016

Four book style

Being an author is great…..especially the writing part.
But we all know there is a LOT more to it than writing.
I’m in the middle of what feels like a four car pile-up.
A collision that stops me in their tracks….and of course I’m stopped right when I need to be going full speed.
Mary 'The Wrecker' Connealy
I’m about 16k into a 20k novella. That’s four more days work, c’mon, man. Get with it, Mary. Four days, you can put everything else off for four days.
I’ve just finished and sent in a finished novel, book one of the series AFTER the one that’s releasing now. I’d hoped to have part of book #2 done before I sent in book #1 because there’s a lot that can be wound into book #1 once you know book #2 a little better.
AND I just got revision notes back on book #2 of the Cimarron Legacy. Long Time Gone releases in February.
Speaking of Novellas
Getting that finished novel out the door was like my collision is finally starting to clear up (sorry for anyone caught in a traffic jam). The wrecker has hauled off the first car…which of course I look at and let’s just pretend there are NO dents. It just needs to be checked over by a mechanic (aka editor) and that’s not MY job. (Except they will make it my job when the revision notes come back!
This novella…do I dare to ignore the revisions for four more days? Hmmm. Maybe I can … no, you know what, it’s time to turn and face the revisions. No, stick with the novella…get it done, then set a finished book back to percolate is best.
Another Novella-$1.99
No, really I should do the revisions. I’d better go recheck the date that’s due. I know the date, but panic makes be doubt my memory. (ps doubting my memory is usually just as well)
As I slowly approach the pile-up with my wrecker I know clearing up the crash (AKA…ME) tows the wrong car away first I’ll probably end up rupturing a gas tank and catching the whole thing on fire.
is touchy. If the wrecker
And the fourth car…in the back of my addled mind is the drumbeat telling me to get started on with book #2 of this series. So that’s muddling up everything because that seems to be the story most prominently in my head.
The book needing revisions
A four car pile-up.
Or maybe better to think of me juggling four firecrackers while walking on a tight rope.
No let’s have this be about cowboys. I’m in the bull pen with four nervous bulls and my whole being is a bright red cape. And I can NOT get out.
Does your writing collide with itself? Does it collide with your day job? Does it collide with your responsibilities as a wife/mother/student?
Tell me how you handle it when your life turns into a four car pile-up.
I'm giving away a copy of the ebook Room at the Inn for Christmas! 
That most rare of all fiction......a Mary Connealy Contemporary. Also find Ruthy's novella in this series 'Silent Night, Star Lit Night' and a third 'Do You Hear What I Hear' by Margaret Brownley.

Welcome to Heywood, Oregon where three lost women find healing, hope and love under the bright light of the town's old Star Inn this Christmas season.

Amanda Star’s father always wanted her to come into the family business, and run the majestic old Star Inn with him but she had bigger plans. She’s a high-powered executive in the multi-national Halston hotel chain. One more promotion—which she expects to get by Christmas—will make her the youngest vice president in Halston history and she’s got her sights set on the CEO job.
Then she inherits the Star Inn. With no time to be away from her job, she impatiently rushes home to list the beautiful old bed and breakfast for sale. Now that she’s here she’s swamped with sweet memories and keen regret. Her father has made the inn a safe haven where weary travelers can get away from their hectic lives, and Amanda, working 10-hour days and living on coffee and antacids, desperately needs that safe haven.
As Amanda struggles against the lure of home, she also is reunited with an old classmate: Anthony Carter, a handyman with a guarded heart. Hurt before by a woman who saw his contentment and pleasure in building and living on his own land as a lack of ambition, Cart reluctantly finds himself drawn to a woman who wants so much more than a man with callused hands and sawdust in his hair. A woman who came home for Christmas and badly needs to stay. With the help of Angel Rafferty, the front desk clerk and a lifelong friend of Amanda’s parents, can Cart help Amanda realize the hospitality industry is far more than spreadsheets and bottom lines in time for Christmas?


  1. Mary, I can sympathize with you a little! I feel like I'm in a forty-book pileup (reader style), you see it seems the authors I influence for have ALL come out with holiday books that NEED reviews in the next month and I have no idea HOW I will get them all read and reviewed....and I'm stressing big time! I keep shuffling my "urgent" books around and then this one must get read first because it releases on such-and-such a day...and so on and so forth! I feel like that push-pull llama thing on Dr. Dolittle (the original movie).

    In a way, I can understand what you are going through! Trying to get it ALL done in a timely manner according to which is more urgent and immediate. And then the OTHER responsibilities you have on your plate outside of your writing time....don't you just wished sometimes you could clone yourself so each person is assigned a task? I do!

    I'm still trying to figure out a formula that helps me with the figurative multiple car pile-up. I just ask God to show me the way and keep plugging along, that's the ONLY way to keep my sanity! I'll keep you in my prayers Mary, because I can't imagine being a writer on top of everything else. You gals are rock stars in my book (pun intended)!

  2. I think when your life isn't a four-book pileup you should begin to worry. Enjoy the ride and congratulations on all the releases and deadlines. God is good!

  3. Mary, I'm so excited about Room at the Inn for Christmas! I just bought it and can't wait to read. Yours and Ruthy's are both calling my name from my iPad. :)

    I'd say you need to work on what's freshest in your mind (or strongest on your mind) as long as you won't get behind on a deadline. You can do this! You've juggled well before and will do it again!

  4. Trixi, it sounds like you need a nice big calendar to figure out your review schedule! :)

  5. 16k? you know what I got, BUPKIS. And we're facing a huge personal hurdle in a week, We absolutely know the crash comes on November 10th, one that might make that zero look like a party. At least I got the plot written out. Anywho, glad you got your wrecker car headed out, I personally would choose putting down your 4k real quick and let it percolate while you do the other, that sounded like a good plan. Back at it!!!

  6. Didn't we have so much fun writing those novellas, Mare? The Star Inn in Heywood Oregon is the place to be this Christmas! Absolutely charming stories of God's grace and sweet romance with a splash of twinkle lights and second chances thrown in!!!

    The pile-up. I'm laughing because I get it! I'm working on my "Peace in the Valley" edits... and I've just sent in a book and a proposal to Love Inspired, but I don't think I'll hear from them for a few weeks... so that way this time is dedicated to editing Peace in the Valley...

    except for the pre-dawn hours. The early stint is always writing because then I'm going to get interrupted by kids (day job). So I write early... then feed cute kids and get them on the bus... and then the morning and afternoon (before kids) is spent on the revisions.

    Then kids here, homework, kiss them goodbye, send them home and then marketing...

    The early morning writing stint makes me feel good about reaching my goals... and keeps me on my timeline.

    But isn't this the most AMAZING PROBLEM IN THE WORLD TO HAVE?????




  7. Melissa, I'm tucking you on my prayer list for your crash... because I'm never of fan of the inevitable.

    But you always seem to be good at the big push, getting lots of words out at the end. Hoping that works for you and that maybe the crash doesn't happen!

  8. Loved the post Mary, your humor shines through even during a four car pile-up. I wish you well on getting those last 4K down. I know you'll do it.

    I am currently reading Ruthy's book Silent Night, Star Lit Night and I am loving it. I also bought your book Room at the Inn for Christmas and I am looking forward to reading it as well. Next I'll need to get a copy of Margaret Brownley's. I love books set during Christmas.

    No need to put my name in the hat for Mary's book since I already have a copy. :)

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.

  9. Great post, Mary!
    I have no doubt that you'll get it done...just keep in mind what you've accomplished in the past.
    Congratulations on your releases!

  10. Mary,

    I have faith in you. You'll accomplish all you need to do and meet your deadlines.

    Congratulations on all these books!

  11. Cindy, I'm so glad you're loving Silent Night, Star-lit Night! I love that story and had so much fun working with these gals on this collection.

    But the proof is when readers give their vote of approval!!!

    DID I SAY VOTE?????

    YES!!!! VOTE!!!! :) On the eve of election day, the word "vote" takes on huge importance!

    We'll read... write... and vote!

  12. Boy can I relate to this pile-up, MARY! LOL So often just got the last book turned in and am trying to get the next proposal out the door, but having to stop do art fact sheet business, write blogs, etc. Then the proposal comes back with edits and before you can get that done, edits on the previous book you turned in arrive and pull your brain out of the new story for a week. Turn those in and here come the AAs for another week. Mix in a full-time day job with ITS deadlines, and truly it can feel like a major pile-up! Thank you for bringing a smile to the insanity today, Mary! We're probably all a little crazy, having CHOSEN to live like this! But if this is what being published is about, would we have it any other way? :)

  13. MARY, I love your sense of humor. Right now I'm in a phase that is stretching me immensely, and it would be a pile-up if I let it. I won a contest and one of the judges, an agent, wants to see a proposal, so I want that to be perfect and am hacking away at it. I have a chapter to edit for my critique partner and a chapter of my own to revise after she critiqued it. I am working on a draft of the sequel to the story that won the contest. And I have the Christmas novella I started in last spring's Speedbo, which only needs one chapter to be finished, but there's a chunk of research I need to do for that one chapter. (Early sawmills, anyone? Or how someone can escape death from one?) My day job is in a shambles due to personnel changes, but at least I still have one. I'm also struggling with getting the house and yard ready for a New Hampshire winter, even a mild one is a hassle, and ALL my Saturdays are booked because I do craft fairs with my daughter in November. I do not need one more thing. The only way we can get through a pile-up is by the grace of God. I depend on Him every day, and I have strategies I've developed over the years, such as printing out copy and red-penning it when I'm early to an appointment or between gigs.
    GLYNNA is right, we're all crazy.
    But as RUTHY often says, it's also a joy and a privilege, so we make it work.
    Take a deep breath and focus, focus, focus. Do The Next Thing.
    Kathy Bailey

  14. SO I'm working on four books right now...The one for the requested proposal, the sequel in the event that the agent takes up the first book, the one I'm doing with my crit partner and my poor little Christmas novella. None of these is in the initial writing stage, all of them are in an editing stage, so there's that. I burn a lot of dinners these days. But I don't multi-task ever since I left a burner on and set fire to my purple Nine West purse, Best Bag Ever and a lesson sorely learned.

  15. Doing stuff for day job, back later.

  16. Mary, Even with how busy your highway is, you still found time to put out a wonderful blog. I enjoyed the accident theme and the humor in it all. At least you are not in the trainwreck stage, which is one step higher. You still have the drive to take this in your stride are complete all your goals. When the law office I worked at got crazy, my boss would say "If your not overly busy, we don't need you." Ha! His kind of joke. I always told myself to concentrate on one piece of paper at a time. We wear many hats in one day. Be sure to wear your writer hat more and keep it all under control. I agree with Tina. Not having a four book pile-up is when you should worry. Good for you. Thanks for sharing your high-paced life, now get writing. Smile.

  17. Good morning Miss Mary, What a sense of humor. That is what I love the most about your writing. smile And it shows even in a blog. Yep, four car pile up is a great analogy. I think we've all been there with something going on in real life.

    And as Ruthy said, Four contracts! Can't complain about that. Congrats and I know you. You will get it done. Easy peasy.

    Happy writing.

  18. Oh, Mary, I'm saying a prayer for you as you unravel this four book pile-up, which I know you will do successfully. Thanks for sharing this post with us.

    I can not even imagine having to juggle that many writing things at once. Heck, I couldn't even juggle a two book pile-up (R&Rs) at the same time. I tried to work on both, alternating between the two by working on one until I hit a wall and then working on the other, but that didn't work. I was just spinning my wheels. Finally, I had to focus on one. Of course, by the time I got it untangled and ready to roll, I was exhausted so I took a few days off to regroup, but now I'm ready to do the necessary clean-up on the other wreck.

  19. BURNING DINNERS! I even managed to burn a package of those Pillsbury biscuits. In the can. Sheesh.
    After November, December is going to seem like a vacation.

  20. Today I have to deal with the comp title analysis. That is the hardest part of a proposal for me. I broke it into chunks and did the easy parts first (my name etc.).

  21. Hello from the bleary eyed confusion on Daylight Savings Time.

  22. Hi Trixi. I hope you aren't reading so much....being FORCED to read so much it stops being fun for you.
    Thank you so much for reading! We all know that we would be NOTHING without our readers. And....Merry Christmas from way way way before Thanksgiving Time. :)

  23. Very wise and true Tina.
    I'd sit back and contemplate the wisdom...if I had time. :)

  24. Missy I can't pin it down or find it, but I think I've written this (almost) exact blog before. I guess it just happens now and then.
    I didn't even mention the TWO novellas I am marketing.

  25. Melissa, I made the call last ripping off a turn my attention to the revisions. I decided I want that handled and out of the house.

    I already have misgivings. I sort of worry about stepping out of a book like that so near the end. It might be hard to pick up the threads. But I'll probably just start at the beginning with revisions and work my way through and have a much more polished draft when I get done.

  26. Okay, Ruthy, Missy AND Tina all calling me out for not being grateful.
    And I only just want to whine a that too much to ask!!!?????????

  27. I just busted out laughing!!!!!

    You ungrateful wretch, LOL!

    I don't think I said that, did I?

    Wait. I kind of did. I reminded you how amazing this all was/is!!! So yes! Now I'm laughing more and not feeling the eensiest bit guilty!

    Hey, I have coconut cake!!!!! The famous coconut poke cake... oh my stars, it is so delicious!!!

    And I brought chocolate chip cookies, too. For those who aren't into coconut... A treat for all!

  28. Well I just wrote a long brilliant comment and when I clicked to post it Blogger came on and chastized me for posting TWICE. Which ... I did NOT do ... and since NEITHER of those two posts are here....well, now I forgot what I said. Let's just assume I was making fun of Ruthy

  29. I'm grinning and unrepentant because your writerly angst means reader bliss in my future. Don't enter me in the draw because I'm not reading ebooks at the present time.

  30. Ah, now I remember, Cindy W, I was talking about the collaboration with Ruthy and Margaret in this three book series.
    We created this majestic old Victorian bed and breakfast. It was so fun decorating it for Christmas. More fun than actually doing it to my own house.

  31. I tried to GIVE Kav e-books.... the St. Martin's Collection.... and she said she couldn't read 'em and I've never known our amazing Kav to turn down a great read, but I totally get it, my friend... I'd rather you save your computer time for that amazing writing talent God gave you!

    And I love that you're kind of laughing at The Connealy, too!!!

  32. Jill yes, I'll get it down, but honestly, it's cool outside and I'm in the mood for reading and chili and cornbread and maybe this STUNNING dessert I make called Hot Fudge Pudding Cake.

    I should make it and take pictures and see if Ruthy will let me on Yankee-Belle Cafe.

    Than when My Cowboy says, "Why did you make this?"
    (you know, while we are both having our second luscious serving and feeling guilt for all the calories)

  33. Thanks Jackie. The encouragement helps me believe!!!

  34. Ruthy I used to encourage people to vote. But I quit. I've decided that people who don't care enough to WANT to vote...probably shouldn't.

  35. Ah, Glynna that is so perfectly accurate. And it reminds me I probably have galley edits coming in any minute for a February book.

  36. KAYBEE!!! I'm so excited for the agent request!!!!!!!!!!!
    And oh boy do you sound busy@ Okay I'll snap out of it. Everyone has it harder than me.
    On the other hand, I'm giving you all a good chance to vent!!!!!!

  37. KAYBEE I feel your pain on the burned up Nine West. OUCH!
    And of course the danger of it. Have you worked a house fire started by a misplace purse into your book???
    Except you're doing wagon trains, right? So tricky.

  38. Hi Suzanne! Yes, your boss is practically a stand up comedian. :(
    I guess that's life. And maybe if we are NOT busy, we hunt around and find stuff until we are.

  39. I'm with you right up to easy peasy, Sandra!!!!!

  40. Rhonda!!! When I decided to switch to revisions yesterday for a time I had an OLD BOOK OPEN, reading the revision notes for it. I kept thinking they sounded familiar. I almost revised the WRONG BOOK. Yikes.

  41. kaybee??????? IN THE CAN?????? Okay, tell us what happened. You stuck an unopened can of biscuits in the oven?

  42. Lucky for you, Ruthy I love coconut....otoh I didn't get into this shape by being picky right? I love pretty much everything.


  43. I have people ask me about it EVER coming out as a print book.

    I always wish I could say yes. :( And it's always possible...maybe

  44. That's what newsletters are for, so I can keep people in the loop.

  45. hi Mary
    I couldn't handle a one-car wreck, let alone four. Let me just say I am in awe of your skills (even with the whine, it's vintage and aged to perfection). When I whine, my mom's first question is always: Did you ask the Lord what order you should be doing things?
    So, I know God gave you a huge talent for a purpose and He won't ever give you more than you can handle, so... I'm sure you'll be fine after the wreckage clears. We all have confidence in your writing brilliance. So whine away and keep writing/editing/whatever else. Um... that's my rah, rah, cheer you on to your normal greatness bit. Hope it works.

    btw, this cheer can be copy/pasted for any of you Seeker ladies. I pretty much feel the same way about all y'all.

    No need for being in the draw, I pre-ordered, bought and read all three Star Inn novellas. They are AWESOME!!!! (I even reviewed 'em...)

    Big Hugs! I'm looking forward to reading the books involved in this four-car pile-up.

  46. Okay, I'm kind of dizzy after reading that, Mary! You make my life seem very . . . blah.

    I think I need to go juggle some firecrackers.



  47. I learned a long time ago, I'm a terrible multi-tasker. If I have several things going, I do a bad job with EVERY thing. Really, if I had 4 writing things going, I'd sit down w/chocolate in front of some old tv show and pretend I had nothing to do. Then when the show was over, I'd bawl because I'm even further behind.

    I'm always amazed how you and so many of the Seekers get so much done on a tight schedule.

    Room at the Inn is a contemporary?

    (FYI--my 17 yo daughter is reading Tried & True right now. She loves it!)

  48. Wow, Mary. I think I know how to pray for you now. You are such a gifted author and I know you can pull through this of course with the Lord's help.

    The fires are still going strong in my area and I am trapped in my house if I want to breathe. That might sound like great now you can work on your book babies and the one I am doing for Nano, but alas the vertigo also flared up and between wheezing, falling over, a muddled brain and wanting to sleep, I am pretty much derailed for the time being. My four car pile up is of a different nature but I am being affected.

    Is it time to give up and quit? No Way, I will work in what little time periods my body allows and will continue to do some research and writing down of ideas that pop in my head.

    Please enter me for a copy of your book and I will be praying for you and all your deadlines.

  49. Oh my gosh, Mare, I feel like taking a nap after reading this blog, and I NEVER take naps!!

    YIKES!! I would be in a padded cell with that much going on, so NO, my life is not that complicated anymore since I slowed it down following my sabbatical. But one thing I've noticed is that the more you slow down, the harder it is to handle your kind of workload, so I don't know if that's good or bad.

    Saying a prayer for you, girlfriend, but if anybody can survive this four-book pile-up, it's YOU!! Er ... and Ruthy!!


  50. MARY, may the Lord give you GREAT GRACE during this season! Also I have a question for you. Is the Wild at Heart series a trilogy?


    Please enter me in the drawing for a copy of your book.

  51. I can't believe somebody uttered the word "vote" in these comments. I'm planning to get up early tomorrow and get it done, meaning that I'll probably have to get there at 6:00 a.m. to get it done quickly. I may have to bring myself coffee.

    To adjust to the idea of a Mary Connealy contemporary, I need more coffee. This I definitely need to read.

  52. Mary, I love that you're at least keeping your delightful sense of humor in it all. Being a Colorado girl, I get traffic jams and pile ups big time. This brought back scary memories. I kinda like never having to deal with those anymore. Alas, real life is just as complicated though.

    Trying to get through NaNo and asking myself, "What on earth was I thinking signing up for this?"

    Kids and housework and husbands and dogs and all of the daily stuff that needs to be done and I'm wracking my brain for the quickest meal I can come up with tonight so I can continue to be stuck to my computer.

    If it helps at all, just remember, you're living the dream! :) And if you survive, pizza or Lantz's is only a phone call away. :)

  53. What fun, Mary, a contemporary by you! Was that difficult? Did it present any new challenges? I'm looking forward to reading it and see what a "contemporary" by you is like! I can honestly say I don't think I've ever read one! Maybe I have but I don't remember! The cover is so cute - simple and darling!

    Please enter me in the drawing!

  54. MARY, I love the image of you in a bullpen with four nervous bulls and your entire being a red cape! Yep, that's trouble. But you'll survive with using your fancy footwork.

    LOVE the sound of your contemporary novella in the Room in the Inn at Christmas collection! I'm ordering this today.


  55. Oops, typing too fast, Mary. Your novella is Room in the Inn at Christmas.


  56. Wait ... you mean there are people whose writing lives don't collide with their regular lives? Where??

    I keep waiting for the traffic policeperson to take over, you know ... direct the traffic? Tell me whether I can only turn left (historicals) or should I try turning right (contemporaries). Whether there's a closed lane ahead (rejections). Should I take the exit now (quit) or wait to see if traffic speeds up after the next hill (the ms might just final in the contest and get in front of an editor/agent).

    But enough about me. Sending tons of support (in that piggy-back 18-wheeler coming up behind you) and congratulations (the delivery truck driving alongside the 18-wheeler).

    Nancy C

  57. SHAREE - I've also signed up for NaNo and asking myself "Why did I think I could this?!"

    November is always so busy with three birthdays in our family, hockey tournaments, Thanksgiving and a house filled with in-laws...But, I want to write for a living, so I better get it figured out.

    Plus, having worked in several professions, there are always those moments where you feel like you'll never be able to get it all done. You've just got to power through, ask for help and pray! I see a lot of pizza and pasta in my future for dinner...

  58. Mary, your heartfelt honesty always resonates with me and today's post is spot on. Yep. Train wreck, car wreck, whatever you want to call it, I'm right there with you.

    Two weeks ago, I isolated and boiled down my MUST DO OR DIE list to 6 broad items. By broad, I mean that I grouped some things together, but gave each writing project its own space. So, my six columns are two writing projects, ACFW Accounting, 3 Family Business Accounting, Social Media / PR, and Misc.

    I created a 7 day calendar and printed it out. I'm starting my third week of seeing how I'm doing in each area. In a word.. PITIFUL! Each day I jot down what I've done in each area if anything. Some days are heavier than others, depending on what day it is. Sunday, Monday and Thursday are busier for church and baby sitting, but the other four days are wide open and I need to REALLY focus on those days and do what I can on writing and business on those days and do as much as I can on my 3 busy days.

  59. Thanks for the prayers, Ruthy, we'll need them.

  60. Melissa, they're given sincerely.... Life hands us some rough turns and twists. I know they're not easy.

  61. Walt, I see that "VOTE" word in your post and it CALLED ME ACROSS THE ROOM! I was making cookies but I had to pause!!! :)

    I'm just stinkin' glad to see people actually caring.

    One way or another, we have to care... People died for our right to do this. Gotta live up to the mission! If I was down there, I'd bring you coffee and we could vote together!!!!

  62. I love the idea of setting the stories in Oregon! Not that I'm ... um... biased or anything ... oh all right, maybe a little.

    Already got the voting part out out the way. Now all that's left to do is pray.

  63. I feel a bit like I'm in a book pile-up. I need to get my second book finished being proofread so it can finally be published, but I also have to read two books (the first just so I know where the story is going) so that I can write a review for my mom on the second of the books. I also have to write a review for my mom on a book that I have already read. Not to mention my the book that I am trying to get written in one month for NaNoWriMo, and the fact that my brother has given me a "due date" to get the third book in my first series (my NaNoWriMo project is the first book in a new series) done by my birthday which is in four months and he is constantly pestering me about writing it!

    Add into the mix that I also have to deal with high school and now college that I just started two weeks ago, and I feel like I've been steamrolled by the end of each day.

  64. Kaybee, I don't remember if I've said this already, but I really like your photo. Either it's fairly new or I've been in a fog and missed it. :)

  65. WALT, I didn't vote early while the weather was beautiful. Rain is predicted tomorrow. So I'll go prepared and hope I don't have to stand outside too long. Lots of early voting here but I'm still expecting a long wait. Like RUTHY, I'm thrilled. It's sad to go to the polls and see the low turnout.

    EVELYN, praying alongside you in spirit.


  66. MARY, when you have time--:-)--please bring your Hot Fudge Pudding Cake to the Yankee Belle! I want to make it!


  67. DebH there you go. Pray about it. That's what I always ask my daughters when they have a dilemma. "Did you pray about it?"

  68. That's just so WEIRD Myra. I toyed with titling this, "Juggling Firecrackers while Tightrope Walking"

  69. Connie, tell your daughter THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!

    And I agree I'm a terrible multi-tasker. I do NOT do these things all at once. i pick one and focus. I'd sink like a stone. And have many times. Usually in the form of letting something burn on the stove while I step away for 'just a minute'

  70. Janet that Hot Fudge Pudding is stunning it's so good.

  71. Wilani I'm so sorry.
    Sit down and READ A BOOK!
    And keep playing on Seekerville
    Take care of yourself. Being sick is so demoralizing. What you honestly need is.....HOT FUDGE PUDDING CAKE!!!

  72. Ruthy just exists as an example to us all Julie.
    By the Way a padded cell sounds so PEACEFUL. Can I take my computer and a stack of books?

  73. I'm looking around the room I'm in right now and wondering if it's not a padded cell. It's not like I ever TRY to get out.

  74. Caryl the Wild at Heart series is a three book series
    Tried & True
    Now & Forever
    Fire & Ice

  75. And Caryl I really do appreciate the prayers. So so so so much. Thank You

  76. Walter good luck with the voting. I'm in a voting district which has FOUR voting booths. A single wire frame with dividers and curtains hung over the doors. PAPER ballots and every single one of the ladies who help with the voting are local and sweet and I end up TALKING for much longer than VOTING.

  77. Sharee if you're failing at NaNo at least nobody's gonna call a cop!

  78. Valri I loved it. It sort of juices up my creativity.

    But I really had to fumble with somethings. For example.....where is her cell phone?

  79. Janet that was such a fun book to write.
    Just a sweet, sentimental love story draped in greenery and white lights. I loved it.

  80. Fast typing is a tool of the trade, Janet. And both your titles are wrong.
    My novella is:
    Room at the Inn for Christmas (I think)

  81. Nancy C I love that idea. A traffic cop telling me what to do, where to go next. I'm all over that becoming a law.
    (Would he make me stop fooling around online when I should be writing, cuz that's a deal breaker!)

  82. Josee I can NEVER figure out why they chose November. You're almost guaranteed to lose a big chunk of one week for the holidays.
    That's why we started Speedbo.

  83. Pammy my disorganized soul immediately wants to tell you that if you stopped making spread sheets, you might have more time to write.

    But probably not. You're probably fast at being organized....while I rebel at the very thought.

  84. God bless you, Melissa... I'm pretty sure I teased you and Ruthy was kind and wise and prayerful.....she's such a show off.

  85. Okay it's probably good advice. Still.........

  86. And I'm speaking as a woman who has missed exactly TWO PRIMARIES in the gazillion years since I turned 18....never have I missed voting.

  87. Oregon and the research that went with it ended up being so beautiful Evelyn. I loved setting a Christmas story there!

  88. Nicky you can tell your mother I give you permission to skip the book reports. (yeah that'll go over good)
    And your brother.....unless he's an editor at Bethany House.....well, ignore him.
    There, your pile-up is all fixed. :)
    And now I'm ducking!

  89. Sometimes it's hard to keep all the balls we juggle in the air! :)

    Hope you get a breather soon! I don't like stress. Ever! Although it does happen.

    I'm feeling the strain of the upcoming holidays. Not that I don't love them, but the prep takes time and can pull me away from my writing. I'll have to improve my juggling!


  90. That's funny, Mary! Not too much call for a "cell phone" in the wild west novels that you write! Do you find yourself struggling between the two genres? I think it would be hard on the simple things - like cell phones!

  91. Thanks for putting it all in perspective, MARY, and for making me laugh! The pre-published pile-ups can also be daunting and discouraging but at least there's no publisher breathing down my neck. Hope you get a chance to just be and breathe soon :-)

  92. Mary, I have faith that you will get it all done but it makes me tired to think about it. I do have my own cars colliding right now. I am in the second week of a long term sub job that will last until Christmas. Not the best time of year as this is also the busiest time of year at my second job at the book store. Then there are the holidays. My family is celebrating Christmas at Thanksgiving so have to do all my shopping now. Have been texting nonstop the last couple days with my sister and my two sisters-in-law on Christmas suggestions. (And why are our husbands conveniently not involved in this gift planning and buying??)

    Alas the writing is falling by the wayside. Somebody here on Seekerville recently (I can't remember who it was) talked about how we can all write 30 minutes a day. I told myself I could do that and it worked for about three days. Then this sub job started, which keeps me constantly busy, and beginning tomorrow I have 47 papers written in Spanish to correct. I am barely home 30 minutes out of a day. When I am I just want to chill out and not do anything that feels like work. Even on the weekend I was just trying to keep up with my home chores. But when I get a bit more into the swing of things I hope I can try again.

    I am reading Christmas books, however. Reading at night before bed is what saves my sanity. So I would love to be entered in the drawing.

    Oh I will be sure to vote tomorrow! That gets a priority between jobs!

  93. Praying for you Mary. I know this snarl will ease soon for you. Looking forward to reading your new books soon: )
    Hang in there!

  94. Thankfully at this stage of my life (kids out of the house and on their own), I don't experience many of those four car pileups. I go to my job, do some volunteer work for church, but give myself plenty of relaxing time. It's what I need to do to take care of myself. I do sympathize with you, though. I don't know how you keep it all straight when working on so many books. Maybe you should just slow down a bit; I'm having a hard time keeping up with reading all of your books! Seriously, though, be sure to spend some time each day with God, and as my mom used to say, "it will all work out." I used to get tired of hearing that, since it's not really too helpful at the moment, but now it's almost a year since her passing and I'd sure love to hear her say that again. You'll do fine, Mary. Thanks for all the great books you write.

  95. Mary, I've heard of authors working on a book while they get the revisions for the book that's at the publisher while they then get suggestions for the synopsis while they need to finish a book. I myself put off writing the final 1000 words of a rewrite so I can finish the last draft of something. I know I have something due this Friday, and I didn't take into account the kids being out of school and then that crept up on me, and then an appointment I can't avoid came up on Thursday while my husband is having a bout of Posner-Schlossman (eye pressure way up in eyes). But everything is coming together, and I'll get it done just like I know you'll get everything done, and yours shall be fabulous.

    Good luck with all your revisions. Looking forward to more of your books.

  96. Mary, you sound as if you have an extremely, tight, stressful work load! You must work well under pressure. I love that you have written another contemporary! I have your contemporary Heartsongs and know that you have a great voice for both contemporary and historical.


  97. Wow, you are one busy lady! That's good news for us readers, but be sure to take care of yourself and not get burned out in the long run. We need you around for the long haul! ;)

    Throw my name in the hat for your rare contemporary! I'm looking forward to reading all the novellas in that series this Christmas season!

  98. Mary said: Pammy my disorganized soul immediately wants to tell you that if you stopped making spread sheets, you might have more time to write.

    Unfortunately, Mary, you're not the first one to have such a thought. :(

  99. You are a busy lady. I too sometimes stretch myself to thin. Oh if only I would do that weight wise I would be doing alright. I review books too and sometimes my plate gets to full.
    I love your books Mary. I've never read your contemporary but I know I love the historical.
    I would love to win your book. Thanks for the opportunity!

  100. Debbie...two solve all your holiday stress.......frozen pie crusts.


  101. Valri mostly I eally like jumping genres. I find I go BACK to the historical cowboys with my imagination sort of refreshed and energized. But I did nearly finish that book before I thought of cell phones and KNEW to young adults like my heroine and hero would DEFINITELY have them and most likely be CHAINED to them.

  102. Well, Laura, I'm sure there's a reason your brother gives you you ASKED him to. Or something.

    Some people function best with deadlines. It seriously is just the spur they need to carry on.

    So you just carry on, girl.

  103. Oh. My. Gosh. Mary! This is my life story for the past three years!
    Honestly, it's enough to destroy the last vestiges of my sanity. I hope your mind is stronger than mine. LOL!

  104. How do *I* handle it?

    Prayer, strong tea, chocolate, a Schnauzer to pet and a very understanding DH... :)

    Nothing like what you guys crank out mind you, but wow this last book about did me in. Taking a breather from any further writing to market and get it posted everywhere I can think of as well as scheduling school visits.

    Don't know how y'all do it! Wshew.

    Loving that "no dents" line - wouldn't THAT be pawsome! ;)

  105. Wow, Sandy you might get the award for busiest human ever.
    Wow, that's a beauty of a list.

  106. Stacy, I know it'll ease has to or I will DIE!!!

  107. Pam ... keeping things straight is actually a nerve wracking thing for you to say because suddenly I'm worried I may NOT be keeping it straight.

    WHAT AM I FORGETTING??????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  108. Keep making forward progress, Tanya!!!

  109. Thanks, Sylvia. I hope the voice is there. I sure had fun.

  110. Heidi you are RIGHT! I need to take better care of myself.

    I'm printing your comment out for My Cowboy to read. So he'll understand why he has to feed himself for a while.

    I'll tell him it was your idea.

  111. Hi Brenda. Your name's in the drawing.
    My other contemporaries are in a novella collection called Blackhills Blessing

  112. You know Blackhills Blessing isn't really a novella collection. The books are really SHORT, but they count as novels.

  113. Your mind is holding up JUST FINE, Mz New York Times Bestseller List!!! :)

  114. Hi KC and May....we all have our pile-ups. Sounds like you survived yours (so far!!!)

  115. Eeek! What I need to remember to do first when life starts piling up is to stop and PRAY! I tend to panic and try to make lists and/or dive in, when often what I need most is a deep breath and some godly perspective :) Thanks for the reminder!

  116. Oh I understand pile-ups. I feel like that a lot with 7 children. I think taking a deep breathe, making list of what needs to be done, and just realizing in most cases nothing happens if you are late. Most cases.

    Cannot wait to read your new book.
    Becky B.

  117. This comment has been removed by the author.

  118. I'm not an author but I have several books that need to be read and reviewed in the next few weeks so my four book pileup feels about to happen!!!
    Thanks for sharing!

  119. Looking forward to reading long time gone when it is released.

  120. Crazy-writingness for you equals more books for me to read!!! Which actually creates a anti-crazy-writingless for me, since then all I want to do is read your books...and not write in what little time there is.
