Saturday, November 5, 2016

The Weekend Edition

 This weekend we're celebrating the release of
Leave a comment for a chance to win your own copy.

 We Have Winners

If you are not familiar with our giveaway rules, take a minute to read them here. It keeps us all happy! All winners should send their name, address, and phone number to claim prizes. Send to

Thank you for sharing our month long birthday with us. All that's left is the clean up..oh and to pick the Grand Prize Winner.

The winner of an iPad mini is Laura Conner Kestner!

Winners of Do You Hear What I Hear? are Heidi Robbins and Carol Garvin. Winners of Silent Night,  Star-Lit Night are Valri and Trixi. Winners of Room at the Inn are Amber Schamel and Susan Stitch! Congratulations, ladies!

A Seekerville birthday cheer and welcome for Jen Turano who led the party grand finale with her post, "Top Nine “Who Knew” Moments Since Becoming a Writer. " Tracey Hagwood is the winner of three books in Jen's last series - "A Class of Their Own."  That includes "After a Fashion," "In Good Company," and "Playing the Part."

  On Tuesday, author Jordyn Redwood returned to Seekerville with her post, "Should Authors Write Book Reviews?" S.R. Karfelt is the winner of Jordyn's fun prize pack that includes her debut Love Inspired release, Fractured Memory.

Wednesday we were delighted to welcome Tyora Moody to the Village with her post "Using Visual Content to Attract Readers." Patricia W and Patti Jo are the winners of two E-copies of The Literary Entrepreneur Toolkit: Building and Managing an Online Presence for Authors.

  Kara Isaac returned to Seekerville today! Her post is The Benefits of Being a Middle Distance Writer. TBD is the winner of Close To You or Can’t Help Falling (winner’s choice). TBD is the winner of some of Kara's favorite New Zealand chocolate up for grabs.

Next Week in Seekerville 

Monday: Mary Connealy asks the eternal question....How is being an author like a four car pileup in rush hours. Mary is giving away a copy of Room at the Inn for Christmas (ebook)

Tuesday: "Welcome to the Lone Star Cowboy League: Boys Ranch." Seekerville is totally thrilled to welcome Love Inspired Associated Editor, Shana Asaro and the authors behind this heart-warming continuity series. Comment for a chance to win a bundle of the first three books in the series. 

Wednesday: You won't want to miss Gilead Publishing's super girls Nichole Parks and Katelyn Bolds as they talk shop with a great post on "Redefining Tag Lines." You'll also have a chance to win a paperback or ebook copy of Cowboy Christmas Homecoming, one of two Gilead Christmas novellas that have just released featuring Seekerville's own Mary Connealy, Ruth Logan Herne, and Julie Lessman.

Thursday: Come on over as Waterbrook Press and Love Inspired author Ruth Logan Herne talks about Wranglin' That Cowboy Without Using Spurs although she might spur you into some creative ways of setting up cowboy scenarios! And she might be looking for likely cowboys and girls to play host or hostess for our annual 2016 Rockin' It New Year's Eve Party! She's got two copies of "Silent Night, Star-lit Night" to give away to two wonderful folks who leave a comment and make her feel less alone in the world. 

Friday: Join us for the Best of the Archives. Sandra Leesmith will bring back her April post entitled Setting Your Scenes. On Friday's comments are closed so we can catch up with our reading and writing.
Seeker Sightings

Don't miss the chance to enter the ginormous Fall Christian Fiction Scavenger Hunt this weekend! The hunt goes all weekend long, and as you follow the trail... and pick up the clues in red!!!... you'll end up with multiple chances to win an amazing array of books and prizes from 28 of your favorite Christian authors! The HUNT STARTS HERE at Stop #1.... and then links you to the next stops in order!

Win three signed paperbook copies of three of Julie Lessman's favorite books when Julie helps Andi Tubbs celebrate her ten-year blogaversary of the Radiant Light blog. Contest ends Sunday. Here's the link: RADIANT LIGHT BLOG.

ALSO!!! From Waterbrook/Multnomah for Book Clubs! Enter your book club to win an online chat with Ruthy ( Ruth Logan Herne ) AND free copies of "Home on the Range" for your book club... with snack recipes included! GO HERE TO ENTER!!!! 
Random News & Information

Thanks for sending links!

The November calendar is up. Click on it and print for your use.

How Filtering the Point of View Affects Show, Don’t Tell (Writers in the Storm)**

How Long Should You Wait for an Answer (Steve Laube Blog)**

DEAD ON! Ten Secrets to Writing “Killer” Romantic Suspense by Brenda Novak (Romance University)**

The JABBIC is Open-Enter your 2016 novel, novella, short story, or compilation cover here. (Houston Bay Area RWA)

Book Publishing Glossary (Nathan Bransford)

Wanted: Appropriate Filters (Books & Such Literary Agency)**

Understanding Inner conflict with Story Expert Michael Hauge (Writers Helping Writers)**

Why Most Amazon Reader Reviews are Worthless (PW)**

Writing Three-Dimensional Characters (Bookbaby Blog)

How To Automate Your Marketing (Tim Grahl)

Returns 101: What New Authors Need to Know (BookLife)**

Do Less, Write More: How the Right Author Assistant Can Sell More Books (DBW)**

Have Trouble Getting That Book Done? Try Doing Less (Jane Friedman)

13 Social Media Rules That Every Author Needs to Know ( Novel Rocket)

Amazon charges non-Prime members more at physical bookstores, hinting at new retail strategy (GeekWire)


NaNoWriMo 2016 Tip #1: Read 148 Tips From Previous Years (GalleyCat)

NaNoWriMo 2016 Word Counting Calendar (Dave Seah)

Short on Time? Read ** First and come back later for the rest!

That's it! Have a great reading and writing Weekend.


  1. I love cowboys too. Thank you for a great October and for the days ahead.

  2. What a beautiful book cover. Congratulations authors, on your release.

    Happy Weekend. Daylight savings time switch for some of you folks. (Not in Arizona!~)

    NaNoWriMo races on!!! Do friend me if you are in the race.

  3. Mary Preston, me too! And it was so much fun writing a true-to-life historical cowboy in the "Cowboy Christmas Homecoming" collection... and adding him to my list of Ranchers and Wranglers I've had fun creating!

    Adding your name in for the drawing!

  4. Tina, thank you! You know how much fun it is working with Mary... And Julie... and then to have Anna's wisdom thrown in for good measure. We had a good time, and I can't believe it's fall already and these beautiful Christmas stories are erupting all around us!

    I love the mix of Christmas and romance... and throwing a cowboy into the mix is never a bad thing!

    I'm looking forward to Shana's day on Tuesday... there's a reason cowboys sell romances and it's way deeper than just a good-looking guy, and no one knows that better than Harlequin editors.

  5. Have a great weekend and congrats to all of the winners.

    Tina thanks for all the good links! Another great WE edition!

  6. Congratulations to all of the winners! Yay, Laura! The iPad mini...nice!
    Tina, I know you're busy with NANO, so thanks for taking the time to prepare another great WE.
    Happy Writing!

  7. Laura!!!!

    I forgot to congratulate you earlier... huge congratulations, my friend! Happy dancing for you in upstate!

    And congratulations to all of our winners from Birthday Bash 2016... but mostly congrats for your growth as writers and your time as readers!

    You guys bless us every single stinkin' day and we couldn't do this without you.

    You rock.

  8. Congratulations, Laura!

    AND congratulations to all of the winners.

    The line up for next week looks great. Just like always!

  9. Another fabulous WE! Congratulations to all the winners.

    Loved the links! I've already purchased Janice Hardy's "Understanding Show, Don't Tell." I ordered it the day you shared it on Facebook, Tina. It should arrive today!

    Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend!! I'm battling a chest cold, so I plan to spend a good deal of my day resting and drinking hot tea with lemon, honey, and ginger. I'm also going to read a book off my tbr pile and start brainstorming my next project.

  10. You Seekers sure know how to throw a party! Congratulations to all the winners of prizes but everyone who attended was a winner in all of the great ideas and tips that were shared. I am looking forward to November and beyond!

  11. WooHoo! Congratulations Laura! Also congratulations to all the other winners as well. Here at Seekerville we are ALL winners! These wonderful authors give to all of us each and every blows me away.

    Thank you for the wonderful birthday month. It flew by this year but it was fun!

    I'd love to be in the drawing for Cowboy Christmas Homecoming. Thank you for the opportunity!

    Have a blessed week!

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.

  12. What a great October and a great WE, Tina. Thank you. And thank you Seeker ladies for all you offered in the posts last month!!

    Congratulations to the winners!

    Have a great weekend, all. I'm hoping to click a few links, and I'm spending time iwth my family, now that hubs is home again. :)

  13. Happy weekend, Seekerville! WOW! Yet another fabulous W.E. Tina!!

    And the "NaNo" folks are off and running on the 5th day in their personal challenge to build up that word count! Wishing you all the best!!

    Congrats to all the October winners. And thanks to ALL of you for making our 9th birthday celebration so very special!

  14. Congrats to grand prize winner Laura, and all this week's/month's winners! The Seekers outdid themselves with this 9th birthday celebration, thank you all!

    I'm thrilled to win the Jen Turano collection, thanks so much!

    Yes! you've got to love those cowboys and the charming cover on Cowboy Christmas Homecoming! Ruthy's cowboy Hugh, Mary's Roy and Anna's Isaac prove how loveable they can be. Julie's Colton isn't a cowboy, but a widowed pastor with cute kids, so he's just as good ;)

    Don't even get me started on Nick from Home on the Range, my latest cowboy crush.

    Tina~ thanks for all you do every. single. week. to make Seekerville such a fun an informative place. No wonder you're the island Mayor, but please, no ordinances bikinis must be worn :)

    The article from PW, "Why most Amazon reader reviews are worthless", really bothered me. The agent who wrote it is quite the cynic. The responses by writers, bloggers and readers ran about 10 to 1 against his opinion. Part of author Stuart Aken's comment said it well, "..You have managed in a few words, to insult the integrity of honest reviewers and the intelligence of many readers.."

    Sat. plans: bake a carrot cake for my son Greg's 36th birthday tomorrow, do as little house work as I can so I can get back to A Portrait Of Emily Price, so far really good!

  15. Oh my!!! So excited to see my name on the winner's list - an iPad Mini!!! That's truly awesome!! Thank you sweet ladies for the gift, and for the wonderful birthday month of love, laughter and learning!!

    Congratulations to all the winners, and thank you for the congrats sent my way. What a sweet bunch of folks in this village!

    I agree with CINDY W, "Here at Seekerville we are ALL winners! These wonderful authors give to all of us each and every blows me away." Well said!

    RHONDA, I hope you feel better soon!!

    Thank you, TINA, for another wonderful WE!!

    Congratulations to RUTHY, JULIE, MARY and ANNA!! That book looks amazing - LOVE that cover and can't wait to read it!!

  16. Happy Weekend everyone. I know I need it. I just finished my first week of a long term sub job that goes until Christmas vacation, so I definitely need a bit of a break.

    Congrats to all the winners! I loved the birthday month.

    Please enter me in the drawing for Cowboy Christmas Homecoming. My book group is going to read it!

  17. Congratulations Laura on winning the ipad mini! Congrats to all the winners.

    Have a wonderful weekend!

    Please enter me in the drawing for Cowboy Christmas Homecoming.

  18. Congratulations, Laura....and to all the winners through our birthday month of October. I feel like a winner cause of all the awesome posts we had! AMD TINA YOU ROCK! Thanks for another great WE. I guess you can't take time to celebrate, just be glad your birthday is in September, not during NaNo. You go, girl!

  19. Congratulations to all the winners this week.

    It is a beautiful crisp fall day in the mountains. Hoping to accomplish much on my book for Nano today. I am behind already. I kept trying to make it perfect from the start. Finally it dawned on me this is just the first draft. The perfection making can come later. At least I have written every day. I hope goes well for all those who are participating in Nano.

    Please enter me in the drawing for the Cowboy Christmas Homecoming.

  20. YAY--an extra hour of sleep tonight! Although now my body has to adjust to the time difference. Even harder--our doggies and mealtimes! I've been saying for years that they just ought to split the difference and permanently set everybody's clocks a half hour earlier from whatever time it is right now.

    Enough grousing. CONGRATULATIONS on the Christmas novellas, ladies! And congrats to our birthday month grand prize winner, LAURA, and all our other winners this week!!

    Must go see what Project Guy is up to. He's mostly been behaving after his foot surgery a few days ago. Doc says he's doing great, but he has to put his foot up often and wear his "Frankenboot" for at least a month. Thank goodness it hasn't kept him from emptying the dishwasher and helping get supper on the table. My hero!!!

  21. I love the cover of Cowboy Christmas Homecoming! The cold crisp weather, the tree cut on the ranch, the hunk and his horse put me in a Christmas romance mood. Know the novellas between the cover will be fantastic as you all are terrific writers! Congrats, Mary, Ruthy and Julie. Can't wait to read this collection!

    Thanks for the Great Weekend Edition, Tina. The calendar is so pretty. Mega congrats, Laura, on winning the iPad mini! Congrats to all our winners. Will be checking out several of the links.


  22. GREAT WE, as always, Miss T!
    CONGRATS to all the winners - - and YAY to Laura on winning the Ipad!!
    Seekerville is the BEST!!

    I am THRILLED to be a winner of Tyora Moody's Literary Entrepreneur Toolkit - - WOOHOO!! THANKS, Seekerville!!!! :)

    It is a PERFECT, Autumn day in my Georgia neighborhood - - wish you all were here sitting on my porch. I'd happily serve whatever peach dessert you'd like - - or if you don't care for peach (*Gasp*) I also have chocolate desserts! ;)

    Hugs, Patti Jo :)

  23. p.s. Meant to also say CONGRATS to MARY, RUTHY, and JULIE on their COWBOY CHRISTMAS HOMECOMING release!! LOVE that cover!! :)

  24. RHONDA, I just read that zinc lozenges shortened a cold by three days. Worth a try. Hope you feel better soon!

    Hugs, Janet

  25. SANDY, wishing you well with your long-term sub job!


  26. WILANI, it's cold, crisp and sunny here in Hoosier country. Beautiful to look at and nice if you bundle up. Hope you have a productive day working on your book.


  27. YAY for the winners and the new releases!

    What a b'day month it was. Wow. #9 Seekerville! Big kudos to each of you Seekers as you continue to write, publish and MENTOR so many. Just today I referred two newbie authors here. What you've created with this blog is incredible. Hats off (If I wuz wearing one!)

    Great WE, Tina. Already perused some links.

    Congrats to the NaNo writers. Write on!

    If anyone is of a mind to, please let Amazon know that May the K9 Spy has set the first book of the series as FREE on Kobo and Nook. That would be a big help and go towards setting it free on Amazon too!

    Janet, it is cooool here too and I LOVE it, having been in the Houston area for 11 days in nearly 90 degree weather and 112% humidity. ack!

    Myra, I hear you on the dogs and the time. AGREE with your solution. Let's just be DONE with it like Tina was saying. :) Hope PJ heals quickly!!

    Rhonda, feel better soon.

    For probably 6-7 yrs now, we swab our nostrils nightly with hydrogen peroxide. No colds, no flu. It really works! If anyone wants to try.

    Happy Saturday everyone... I'm uploading photos from the Wounded Warrior Getaway for the families - thanks for praying for them!!! Then DH and I are going to mark out a path thru the woods to the pond. YAY! Lived here 15 yrs, finally getting around to some of these things. :)

  28. Rhonda! I'm so sorry you've got a cold. Sending you hugs and hot lemonade. It's great for colds, or at least it tastes good!!!!

  29. Cindy and Connie, I'm loving November, too!

    I love prepping for holidays... marking a calendar with fun things to do and thoughts of EGGNOG are filling my brain!

    Let's hear it for eggnog!!!

  30. Such a great WE!!! Love seeing the new releases!!!

    And the winners! Yay!!!

    Laura, congrats on winning the iPAD Mini! Thanks for supporting Seekerville!

    As Patti Jo mentioned, it's a beautiful day in GA. The leaves are in their full fall beautiful.

    Waving goodbye to October and our wonderful birthday celebration!

    Welcoming November with Thanksgiving right around the corner...and then Christmas. Hard to believe it will be here so soon!

    Happy Fall to All!

  31. Rhonda, so sorry you're not feeling well.

    KC, so interesting about using hydrogen peroxide. I've never heard of doing that. Worth a try!

    Thank you for honoring our Wounded Warriors! You're such a faithful supporter of our military! God bless all our men and women in uniform!


    It's a sunny 64 degrees in Lake of the Ozarks, and I'm bundled up on my veranda watching the birds and ducks raise a ruckus because Keith hasn't fed them yet!! Oh, man, and you should hear the squawking our resident blue heron is making!!

    Of course, I'm raising a ruckus, too, because I am SOOOOO THRILLED for our winners, especially sweet Laura Conner Kestner for winning the iPad Mini -- HOW cool is that??? So SUPER CONGRATS to Laura and ALL the other winners this month -- it was a great birthday month, wasn't it??

    And more ruckus to be raised over the release of COWBOY CHRISTMAS HOMECOMING, my first joint venture with Mary and Ruthy outside of the Seeker novellas, so I hope everyone checks it out. Great stories all around, both in this historical cowboy collection from Gilead AND in the contemporary counterpart, When Sleigh Bells Ring, which features none other than a dear Seekerville favorite, Barb Scott! I have read this contemporary collection and it is WONDERFUL, so treat yourselves, everyone with early Christmas gifts of both collections.

    I have to admit, I LOVE the cover for Cowboy Christmas Homecoming because it's so how I pictured my novella that it's kind of scary. My cowboy is a pastor who lives on top of hill, so the image is PERFECT for my story, and really for all the others too!

    Gotta go dig into the treasure chest of of fabulous links Tina collects every week, so have a great rest of the weekend, everyone!


  33. TINA, forgot to thank you for ANOTHER wonderful WE, my friend -- they never disappoint!!

    Oh, and guess what? That "Bad Request" error message some of us get when we Preview our comment and then lose it? It's not just happening on Seekerville. I'm on another blog today as well, and it did the same thing over there, so it's definitely a Blogger glitch.

    RUTHY!! A book club online chat with you would be AWESOME, so the winners are gonna love that. I actually really enjoy doing Skype book clubs, so I'm not sure how the online chat works unless that's what you meant?

    I encourage everyone to check out the Fall Scavenger Hunt. These are one of the best and most fun giveaway events you can attend, and I'd be involved in this one, too, if I wasn't pulling away from most promo, so do check it out.


  34. TRACEY SAID: "Julie's Colton isn't a cowboy, but a widowed pastor with cute kids, so he's just as good ;)"

    Ah, but he WAS a cowboy before he became a pastor, Tracey, so the let me in the collection. ;)

    Thanks to everyone on their congrats for the release of Cowboy Christmas Homecoming -- it's been a blast working with Mary and Ruthy especially.


  35. Congratulations on winning, Laura!

    We're so glad y'all helped us celebrate this past month.

    Julie, it sounds like you're having similar weather ours. Gorgeous! 65 degrees here right now.

  36. Those of you doing NaNoWriMo let us know how it's going!

  37. Thanks, JULIE, for mentioning SLEIGH BELLS RING!! It was so much fun to write, and VILLAGERS, you must buy a copy of COWBOY CHRISTMAS HOMECOMING. Talk about putting you in the mood for Christmas!! :) All of the novellas are little gems to hang on your Christmas tree.

    Anybody else in the mood for Christmas? Not to shortchange Thanksgiving. I have LOTS to be thankful for. The Lord has been so good to me this year.

    TINA, thanks again for another great WE. Can't wait to read the links you suggested. That's how I spend Sunday afternoons after church. :)

    Have a great week everyone, and congratulations to all the winners!!!

  38. Rhonda, I'm so sorry you're sick. My mom had that recently. Hope you feel better quickly.

  39. MYRA, I'm so glad you reminded us about the time change. I'd forgotten. I would either have been an hour early or an hour late for church tomorrow. I have to keep repeating to myself, "Fall back."

  40. You would have been early, BARBARA! Which is better than being late when DST starts up again next spring!

  41. Very festive, WE! I love the holidays and the WE just seems to add to it! Thanks to much for my win! I can't wait to read my book! That will definitely put me in the holiday spirit! I love all the Seeker books!

  42. Happy weekend. I love the weekends and the Weekend Edition. Always fun to congratulate winners and didn't we have a bunch this past month. Yes, Cindy W. we're all winners here in Seekerville.

    Myra, we don't do daylight savings time in Arizona. When its 120 degrees who wants more of that???? LOL

    Makes it easier.

    My mom didn't know how to do all the digital resets on her clock so when she had to reset her clock, she would stay up till midnight and then unplug it. Worked for her. And always makes me chuckle. I know the younger generation laughs at me trying to do techy stuff on my computer.

    Happy writing, especialy the NaNoWrMo folks

  43. Congrats Laura. You're going to love your ipad. The trick is to go to an Apple Store and take the classes. It really helps and will save you a lot of time in the long run. (one who speaks from experience)

  44. KC, are you sure you weren't in a sauna?? :-) It's been a beautiful fall but they're predicting more snow than normal this winter.


  45. Tracey, thank you for your Cowboy Crush on Nick, LOL! LOVE IT!!!!

    And carrot cake.... Mmm...... I made the Coconut Cream Cake today (for tomorrow) just because I've been meaning to make it for two stinkin' years... Can't wait to try it!

    Happy birthday, handsome son!

    The article... I wonder why they did it? I might not agree with all of my reviews, but I actually love that reviews (of everything) have become the norm... not the exception.

    And I take all with a grain of salt because I've got some fave things that only have a 3 star avg. on sites... but I love them!

    So it's still opinion, but heaven help us if we live in a world where our opinion becomes unvalued.

    Shame on him.

  46. Marianne, you are such a bright light shining! You make me smile! When do you head back to AZ?

  47. I love peaches, Patti Jo! and those peaches you brought to Nashville... you are amazing. They were amazing. The whole week was amazing!!!!

    So how about some peach crisp over here, pretty please?

  48. Julie, I expect they mean a Skype type chat, which means I MUST WASH MY HAIR!!!!

    YIKES!!!! :)

    And wasn't this a fun collection? I remember when we got asked to do it, we were fist-pumping the air because working together is just so stinkin' much fun!

    I get to make fun of you and Mary....

    And you guys get to be nice to me!


  49. Okay, busy day here today... busy for writing, so that was marvelous... I'm working on edits so got my 1K written early, then 40 pages edited.... and a coconut cake made, and firewood stacked (no gym membership needed here, #farmfit and #farmcraycray!!!!) and drove across the city with big ol' ugly farm truck to pick up a new-to-me bedroom set for a spare room...

    No Craigslist killer, so that was good! (I took my son-in-law who might or might not risk his life for me!)

    And two blogs done for next week.

    But look at the clock. If I go to bed at 9:00 tonight, it will really be 8:00.

    And that means I'll be up at 2:30 AM....

    Yawning now!!!! :)

    But glad for a good day of writing! #happyauthor!

  50. Sandra just convinced me to stay "mac" free....

    Lessons? Classes?

    (Ruthy tucks her head and trudges on with keyboard-friendly devices, refusing to be taught too many new tricks!)

    But Laura, she's right, I'm sure!

    And she's been known to laugh at my lack of tech-nability!

  51. Look at all these WINNERS! Congratulations to all. What a super way to wrap up the birthday celebration -- and last week's posts.

    Those links are worth coming back to read, lingering with a cup of hot tea neaby. Thanks for compling them, Tina.

    Wishes for a super weekend everyone!

    Nancy C

  52. OH MY GOSH! I finally got to post again!!!!!


    Nancy C

  53. Nancy! It is a thrill, is it not???

    (Just watched Poldark... I'm feeling a mite British)

  54. I just wrote the first chapter on my nano book. I am so behind in word count but it is continuing to flow and hoping I will get caught up. At least I have written something each day.

    How is everyone else doing?

  55. Hi, slow to check in and I should NOT be checking in now. The Cornhuskers are on!!!! Playing Ohio State. So far the game is brutal. Also I've got company. And I am ignoring it ALL to stop in and say HI and thanks for the comments.

  56. BARB SCOTT SAID: "Anybody else in the mood for Christmas? Not to shortchange Thanksgiving. I have LOTS to be thankful for. The Lord has been so good to me this year."

    Oh, Barb, me-me-me!! And I gotta tell you -- I never expected to be!! But Keith and I are watching Hallmark Christmas movies tonight, and suddenly I can't wait to get a tree up, so this may be a record for me -- tree up BEFORE Thanksgiving!!

    RUTHY SAID: "Julie, I expect they mean a Skype type chat, which means I MUST WASH MY HAIR!!!! YIKES!!!! :) And wasn't this a fun collection? I remember when we got asked to do it, we were fist-pumping the air because working together is just so stinkin' much fun! I get to make fun of you and Mary....

    YES, Ruthy, a hair wash is a MUST, but I hear you on that. And you can't make fun of us because it's two against one ... and you have dirty hair! ;)


  57. Super fun! What a great week it's been, and an incredible month of celebrating this big Seekerville milestone! Nothing like being reminded of God's faithfulness and His perfect plan and timing for each of us, our lives, our work, and our meaning. Thank you!

  58. What an awesome, busy bunch of authors here! Thanks so much for sharing your time and talents. It's been fun following your birthday bash. Congrats to the winners!

  59. Congrats Laura! The iPad mini is an awesome prize. I was blessed to win last year and I love mine. You will too.

    Congrats to all the winners and thank you Seekerville for a fantastic birthday month. You gals know how to throw a party.

  60. Fedora, hey! I agree wholeheartedly. It's been fun from beginning to end, and the birthday party always thrusts us forward to the HOLIDAYS!!!!!

    I love holiday time... but I'm also aware that so many folks have a hard time with them so my joy is their pain.

    And that's an important remembrance for when we write holiday stories. Old hurts re-surface. Memories haunt. Loss can prevail... but what better than the light of Christ to bring those joys back into our lives?

    Writing Christmas stories isn't just a pleasure... it's more like a mission. A really, really good one!

  61. Terri Weldon, thank you, sweet thing!

    And this is why I never clean before a party ... (Ruthy kicks dust and confetti out of her way as she stumbles to the Keurig...)

    Because there's plenty to sweep up after!

  62. Sure didn't need no stinkin' alarm to wake me up this morning.... 3:15.... and ready to greet the day! Goooooooooood Mornin' Seekerville!!!!!!

  63. Winnie, I'm so glad you're here! Waving hello from upstate, and you are most welcome!

  64. Good Morning everyone. Congrats to all the birthday party winners. Lots of good information in this Weekender news. I am done with seven days of working early voting, just have the election polls setup on Monday and the all day affair on Tuesday. Wish me luck. I have never seen so many people voting in the last ten years. Great turnout for sure and breaking records. Ready to get back to daily writing if I survive all this. Will be glad when it's over. Have a great writing week all.

  65. Suzanne, I am thrilled to see that this crazy election year has broken the chains of apathy that ground our beautiful country to a kind of a halt the last couple of decades... so bring on those voters and I hope you have a great election set-up and election day.

    God bless you for doing this!

    People fought and died for our right to vote. Our right for choosing our own faith path, our own religion. Our right to speak out, our right to write what we write!

    I'm a huge proponent of get out the vote! Suzanne, you are rocking this!

  66. Congratulations to all the winners. Thank you Seekers for all of the awesome blog posts and giveaways!

  67. RHONDA!!! Praying for that nasty cold, my friend! My hubby and I just got back from visiting our grands in Spokane, and those little critters ALWAYS send us home with a goodbye gift of sniffles/coughing/fever, so I hear you! But I will admit, it's SO worth it!!

    LOL, MYRA ... "Frankenboot"!!! Glad it's not slowing him down on the chores ... ;)

    PATTI JO ... BITE YOUR TONGUE!! Not care for a peach dessert??? That's blasphemy in my book!! ;)


  68. KC SAID: "If anyone is of a mind to, please let Amazon know that May the K9 Spy has set the first book of the series as FREE on Kobo and Nook. That would be a big help and go towards setting it free on Amazon too!"

    KC, I just sent an email to Amazon on your behalf, so good luck!

    But I actually just did this on A Glimmer of Hope too, jumped through the Amazon hoops to get it permafree. But instead of asking people to contact Amazon, all I did was send Amazon an email via my author page, telling them AGOH was free on B&N & Kobo, and they made it free on Amazon too, so I would try that as well.


  69. Really excited to read this book! So ready to read about Christmas and for the Christmas season to be here!

  70. Love the cover of the book. Congrats on the release ☺

  71. Happy Sunday! I have been looking forward to that Cowboy Christmas Homecoming. Sounds like a good one to snuggle up with when it is cold outside. Please enter me. Thanks.

  72. I would love to win this for my mother in law she loves reading Christmas stories and this sound like one she would love.

  73. Cheyenne! I used your beautiful name in "Home on the Range"... Nick Stafford's two daughters are Cheyenne and Dakota...

    Two beautifully wonderful and somewhat conflicted western girls!

    Good to see you here!

  74. We've entered you, Boo's Mum.... And you're right, it's the perfect kind of snuggle up and read collection!


  75. Kathy Donley, this is so nice of you to think of your mother-in-law! Tucking your name in!!!

  76. As soon as an apple cake is out of the oven, my dh and I are heading out to enjoy this gorgeous day!! Dark will come fast this evening.

    I'm guessing Pam is off enjoying family and fun, but I want to wish her a very happy birthday and a great year ahead!!


  77. IU barely squeaked by Penn State yesterday. With two interceptions and missed field goals, it was ugly. But a win is a win.

    Don't ask Mary about the Huskers. Ohio State is vicious.


  78. Cowboy books are the best! I'd be thrilled to get it!

  79. I'd love to win free books! Cowboys are great. Christmas stories too! jarning67(at)hotmail(dot)com

  80. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!

    I fell asleep on my couch trying to proofread my book. It's so hard to focus on something that I know back and forth.

    Anyway to congrats to all the winners.

  81. Donamae, tucking your name in and clapping wildly in agreement....

    There's just something about Cowboy "code".... It's downright appealing. We get the manly man but with a gentle side and often we add a troubled soul into the mix...

    Oh, be still my heart!!!!

    I love Westerns and I love cowboy stories.

    Glad you're here today!

  82. Nicky, I'm dying laughing!!!!

    You know that's one of the toughest things about being a teenager... growth and change tires the body and it's hard to stay focused... and then you add school work in, then college work, and the eyes drift shut....

    Glad you stopped by for some resuscitation!!!!

  83. Joan, hey!!! Tossing your name into the old-fashioned Stetson!!

  84. Donamae, Yay for cowboy fans!!!!!!!!!!!!
    You're right in my zone, girl!

  85. JOAN AMING! Glad you're on the cowboy team!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You're name's in the drawing!

  86. Nicky that is soooooooooooo true. We can just skim our eyes right over those mistakes! I know I can.

  87. Janet how could you bring that up??? That is just cruel.
    Our loss yesterday was stunning and the whole state is still reeling!

  88. So sorry, MARY. Project Guy is celebrating! I expect DEBBY is too!

  89. Wow! What a birthday month! Seekerville celebrations are the best! Congratulations to Laura and all the weekly winners! And all these beautiful books! Yay!

    Another amazing week ahead. Thank you for the WE, Tina. I'm off to read the conflict link.....and others.

    Happy remainder of the weekend to all! Cheering the NaNo-ers on to more words!

  90. This comment has been removed by the author.

  91. Happy WE everyone! Can't believe October and Seekerville's birthday is over already, time flies when you are having fun 'eh?

    Looking forward to another fun week here. No need to enter my name for "The Cowboy's Christmas Homecoming" as I just received my own copy in Saturday's mail :-) Such a beautiful cover too!

  92. Great WE! I read a few of the links. So much great stuff to check out. And congrats to Laura for winning the iPad! Enjoy!

  93. It is looking like I will not reach my goal for Nano this year. Instead of giving up on this exciting book I was so excited to write but due to health issues that will be on going, I have adjusted my goals which are to write on it ever day even if it is just a sentence or a paragraph. Today I managed to at least write 80 words.

    I am living in an area where there are lots of fires that are out of control. The smoke is so heavy that I am having trouble breathing and my eyes are burning even in the house. Then when you add in the vertigo and it is hard to think clearly, It looks like I will be trapped in the house for the next several days unless the extreme drought conditions change and we get rain to put out the fires.

    I am disappointed I won't make the 50,000 goal, but am I wrong to regroup and make a new goal of one that is attainable and knowing that I have so many thoughts and ideas for the story until I can be able to write again.

    The Lord is good and I am resting in Him. Please pray for all the fire fighters for their safety. I read online earlier that these fires so far have burned over 10,000 acres.

  94. Christmas and Cowboys, let's build a fire or make our own.

  95. Regarding The Cowboy Christmas Homecoming: four great authors in one book. You can't get much better than that.

  96. Wilani, no, you are NOT wrong to adjust your goals! Every word you write brings you that much closer so do what you can and celebrate your progress!

    So sorry about the fires and your related health issues. Praying for relief!

  97. Whaaaat? I won something?! I won! Yay! Thank you Seekerville and Jordyn! That's mighty kind of you. :) :) I'm sure glad I took a break from nano and wandered through here again. :) It's much appreciated!

  98. Congratulations winners! Happy Birthday again, Seekerville! Many more!

  99. Wilani, we adjust goals all the time. Life happens. Stuff gets in the way. And it's tough when health holds us back.

    We should all adjust our goals to what works for us personally... now that doesn't mean I won't be encouraging folks to put in that hour a day, but you have to do what works for you, my friend!

    I hope the fire situation is cleared up soon. Drought conditions make for tough neighbors, don't they?

  100. Ohio beat the Cornhuskers?

    Oh mylanta, say it ain't so! :)

    But yay for OH fans!!!!

  101. Stephanie Karfelt, congratulations!

    And it's always a distinct pleasure to see you here, my amazing writing buddy!!!

  102. I'm totally down with Kim Dukes' idea!!!

    Who's bringing the chestnuts????


    The link doesn't let me leave a comment, so will leave it here! Would love to win this book!!! Definitely on my Christmas reading list!!! What a delight, some of my favorite authors in one book!! And the cover just pulls me in as I know the stories will too!!! Hope you are having a blessed day!!!!

  104. Congratulations to all the winners! (And COWBOY CHRISTMAS HOMECOMING looks really good.) :)
