Friday, February 24, 2017

Best of the Archives: Never Miss a Chance to Speedbo

2017 is our SIXTH year to Speedbo.

We've heard every excuse imaginable for why not to Speedbo, but here's something to remember. Contracts, revisions, galleys, and other editorial requests will arrive at your inbox at the most inconvenient and difficult times of your life once your sell. You'll still meet those deadlines, because you are are a professional writer. 

Speedbo teaches you how to carve out time in your crazy world despite what's going on. Because there will never, ever be a normal day for a writer. 

Here's what some of our Speedbo participants from past years have to say about the month-long challenge:

 I'd encourage anyone who's interested to give Speedbo a try. I'm a fan for several reasons:
First, there's the timing. I find March a great month to focus on drafting. It's still winter here and it's bleak outside. There are not a whole lot of other things going on in March so it's easier to make writing a prime focus. 

Then there's the flexibility. Speedbo works really well with this year's theme of No Limits because your Speedbo goals are entirely up to you. You decide what works for you and you evaluate your success. There's no failing at Speedbo because whatever you accomplish is more than you had to begin with.

Finally, if you need motivation, look no further than this. The book I wrote during last year's Speedbo will be out from Love Inspired Suspense in October. Yes, you can write a book and sell it. I'm living proof! 
 -Cate Nolan
 I’m pretty sure the Seekers should apply for a patent for their Speedbo invention. It is genius. In my little corner of the writing world it gives me accountability without expectation and motivation without threat of failure. Speedbo has birthed new novels in me, transferred ideas to my computer screen and even given me new hope and courage when those two commodities were sadly lacking. Speedbo 2014 was a landmark year. I dusted off the novel I had begun summer of 2013, finished it, edited it and entered it in contests. I won the attention of an agent and now that Speedbo novel is sitting on the desk of editors. Maybe no one buys it, but the point is – I did it! Thanks Seekers and Speedbo. The certificate thing is really cool too!-Cindy Regnier
 I'll be honest with you guys, I don't always make my Speedbo goal. I know, you're thinking where's the encouragement in that. Here it comes, even when I don't make my goal I write more than normal. There's just something about reading everyone's progress that encourages me - motivates me to do better. So take the plunge, make a Speedbo goal and strive to reach it, but if you don't quite make your word count, don't beat yourself up. Instead, look at all  those glorious words you've written and bask in how much you've accomplished.Terri Weldon
 Last year was my first time participating in Speedbo. The timing was perfect because I had entered the Love Inspired Killer Voices pitch contest, and I needed to get words on paper–fast.  Speedbo offered me the challenge of completing my novel in one month by giving me a deadline while providing me with an encouraging community of supporters. When it was all said and done, I didn't meet my goal of writing a complete novel in one month, but I don't count it as a failure. Why? Well first, I wrote daily (something I had never done). Second, I wrote more words in one month than I ever had before (roughly 20,000). Finally, I became a participant in Seekerville (instead of lurking in the background, I started commenting on posts and being involved).

This year, March is going to be an exceptionally busy month for me with relatives visiting and a baby shower for my daughter who is expecting her first child. But I'm already gearing up for my participation in Speedbo. I will once again attempt to write a novel in 31 days. Will I be successful? Only time will tell, but I know one thing for sure. I can't succeed if I don't try. -Rhonda Starnes
 Speedbo offers the ideal format for doing projects that I need to do but which I have been putting off forever because it always seems that taking that much time to do one big project would prevent me   from completing my more pressing short term projects. Of course, the right time to begin never comes. Speedbo makes the ‘right time’ arrive. I have found that with each Speedbo success, I am more motivated to tackle the next  writing project. Nothing breeds success like success.  In my three years of doing Speedbo, I’ve  completed a second draft of a long novel, wrote a novella, and added 25,000 words to a NaNo book that was far from finished at NaNo’s 50,000 word goal. If NaNo is the infantry,  Speedbo is the Special Forces. -Vince Mooney.
  Speedbo is normally my rite of Spring. I plant my Speedbo seeds: new words and goals for my new WIP. It’s a great jump start and keeps me focused. But I didn’t realize how much I need Speedbo until last year when I couldn’t participate.  I’m so glad to be back this year, knowing those seeds I plant are going to bloom!  And newbies, don’t be afraid. Set your own goals and pace. But whatever you do, join up! -Julie Hilton Steele
I have entered contests, and entered two of my short stories due to Speedbo.-Sally Shupe

 New Villagers: The tips, advice, support, and encouragement during Speedbo make the month of March a great writing month. It makes you sit down and seriously think about writing and what goals you want to set. Go ahead and dream! What do you really want to do? Whether you write 10 or 10,000 or more, one word at a time is how you complete a story. 

You can sign up starting Saturday, February 18th, through March 31st by sending an email to with your personal goal listed. Sharing your goal is only for accountability. Seekerville will not be sharing your goal with anyone.

We'll add your name to the Seekerville Speedbo Hall of Fame. The Hall of Fame will be updated by midnight EST of each Speedbo Day, and y
our name will appear at

Additionally, we'll send you a confirmation email with a Speedbo participant badge to add to your blog or website and a certificate.  

All participants who sign up by March 1st (March 1st at 11:59 pm) will be entered into a drawing for a little extra incentive -one $25 Amazon gift card to be given away for every 50 writers who sign up.  Remember you can still enter Speedbo after it begins.

Plus, we'll be giving away an $15 Amazon gift card (AND MORE) weekly during March (that's five times). All you have to do is check in (on the Blog) and let us know how you're doing. We have surprise book packages for our readers as well. All the fun can be found here. 

All prizes will be shipped out AFTER Speedbo. April 1st. During Speedbo all we are doing is writing.

So sign up and whatever you do, stretch yourself. 

Get out of your comfort zone.

We leave you with some Speedbo tips to help you prepare for March!

Print your own Don't Break the Chain & use it for March 2017.

Try the Pomodoro Technique.

Join author Carol Moncado's 1K1HR  Group on Facebook.

Check out Write or Die by Dr. Wicked.

Do you need Cold Turkey to keep you focused??

This post first appeared in Seekerville 2/13/2015. Comments are closed on Fridays so you can read and write. But you can still enter Speedbo today!

This post was brought to you by Tina Radcliffe. Though she writes slower than slow, she still does Speedbo every year. 

What's your excuse?