Saturday, February 25, 2017

The Weekend Edition

Welcome to the Weekend Edition!

If you are not familiar with our giveaway rules, take a minute to read them here. It keeps us all happy! All winners should send their name, address, and phone number to claim prizes. Send to

JBaugh, Loraine Nunley, and Dana R Lynn are winners of  2k to 10k: Writing Faster, Writing Better, and Writing More of What You Love by Rachel Aaron. (for Kindle)

Monday's "Strong Inciting Incidents Generate Strong Stories" winner of Janet Dean's The Substitute Bride eBook is Dana McNeely.

Tuesday's "Romance Matters: To the Reader and the Writer" winner of Janet Dean's $15 Amazon gift card is Holly Ison. 

Wednesday's "Training vs Trying" winners of Glynna Kaye's May Love Inspired release, "The Nanny Bargain" are: Preslaysa Williams, Jackie, and Kelly Blackwell!

Thursday:  Karen Witemeyer was our guest with her post, "Using Readers for Inspiration!"  Tanya Agler is the winner of an autographed copy of, No Other Will Do.

Monday: Seekerville is delighted to welcome author and virtual assistant, Heather Duff to our Village. Heather shares,"The Power of One Hour."  Stop by and chat and find out which Villager utilizes Heather's services. Oh, and you could win an ecopy of The Wrong: Kirby Mayhew Mystery Series. 

Tuesday: Laurie Wood is our special guest today with her post, "What Writers Need to Know About Canada." She'll dispel some myths and share a few tidbits you may not know. Stop by. We're giving away a Seeker ebook of choice in honor of her visit. 

Leave a comment any day March 1-31 for a chance to win a reader surprise book pack. If you are a writer do sign up for Speedbo to get your chance at these great giveaways.

Wednesday: This is it! Speedbo begins and Sherri Shackelford is back to launch us with her post, "Why Challenging Yourself as a Writer Matters."  Leave a comment for a chance to win one of three copies of her March, Love Inspired Historical release, A Temporary Family.

Thursday: Keli Gwyn is our day-2 Speedbo hostess with her post, "The Slow Writer's Guide to Speedbo: 10 Tips for Those Who Write With the Speed of a Turtle Slogging Through Molasses." Stop by and you could win one of five giveaway copies of her latest Love Inspired Historical release, Her Motherhood Wish.

Friday: Best of the Archives: Seekerville brings you another Speedbo motivational post from the archives! Comments are closed on Fridays so we can read and write and meet our Speedbo goals.

On sale March 7th all across the nation! Waterbrook Press and Random House are re-releasing Ruth Logan Herne's "Double S Ranch" trilogy in mass market paperback size, affordably priced and at retailers across the country! 

"Back in the Saddle" goes on sale March 7th, followed by "Home on the Range" April 4th and the long awaited "Peace in the Valley" on May 2nd!!! Leave a comment to have your name tucked into the newest cat dish on the farm for a copy of "Back in the Saddle" but you have to let Ruthy know you want it... And it's okay to wait until after Speedbo to read it!

You can pre-order any of the books on Amazon, Barnes & Noble or Christian Book dot com! Link to Back in the Saddle on Amazon!

Thanks for the link love!

For more about Seekerville's TBL Entry reimbursement click here.

You could be ‘writer in residence’ for the Mall of America (The Passive Voice)

Realm Makers Christian Speculative Fiction Conference is now open for registration.

4 Reasons Romance Novels Are an Important & Valid Type of Literature (Inspired by Life...and Fiction) 

Ask The Agent: Do I Need an Agent if I Already Have a Book Offer? (MacGregor Literary)

Does Your Character Description Create a Powerful Image? (Writers Helping Writers)

Get More Writing Time By Learning How to Say No (The Write Conversation)

What's Next For Books? (Tech Crunch)

Scognamiglio Gets Imprint at Kensington (PW)

Writing Tips: 7 Steps to Deal with Overwriting (The Creative Penn)

Introducing KDP for Print Books (AME)

Post-Project Depression and Recovery (Writer Unboxed)


  1. The coffee pot's ready!

    Thanks again for the links. I enjoyed that Tech Crunch article.

  2. Helen is spoiling us again. Yippeee!!

    Have a great writing and reading weekend, Villagers.

    And if you don't enter Speedbo you miss a chance for some great fun!

  3. Hey Tina, great WE! I've already read most the articles and signed up for Speedbo. Now for a little sleep 😴

    1. Terri, I am so impressed. Now I am off to write my suspense before someone slaps me.

    2. That's the kind of news I like to hear!

  4. Congratulations to all of the winners!
    Thanks for another great WE, Tina. I'll definitely be checking out the article on learning to say no.
    It's great weather here for some outdoor writing.
    Enjoy the weekend!

    1. We have downgraded our weather back to wintry status.... So all work is being done inside. Happy weekend back to you!

    2. I won't tell you about the weather in GA! :)

  5. Thanks for the great WE, Tina! Congratulations to all the winners! I'll be leaving in a bit to attend a writing class about an hour away. Hoping to learn something new - and have fun while doing it. The weather is perfect today, and I've had my coffee!! Hope everyone has a great weekend!!

    1. GO YOU, LAURA!!! So proud of you, girl!

    2. Coffee and writing: My version of a great weekend, Laura. I've thrown seven grandkids into the mix, and a pot of Manhattan Clam Chowder Chowder Recipe Here on Yankee Belle Cafe!!!

      I love the crazy fun of weekends!!!

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Thanks for another great WE. Congrats to all of the winners and I would love for my name to be put in the new cat dish for Ruthy's book.
    Happy Weekend!

    1. Connie, you're in! We had a marketing meeting yesterday, and it's so fun to have such excitement about these cowboys!

  7. Wow, this is great, you have a LOT of entrants to Speedbo! This is great. I'm going to focus on finishing a draft of a contemporary romance by April 1. It's fun to be part of a community. I'm also working through an already-written book with my crit partner, and hacking away at another rewrite in my "spare" time. But the contemporary will be my Speedbo project.

    1. Kaybee, I'm clearing my desk over the next four days so that March is focused on "Welcome to Wishing Bridge".... so I hear you loud and clear. I think a big part of my feeling successful with Speedbo is by planning ahead, and trying to set myself up for success.

      It helps me!

  8. I'm a little incoherent today. Yesterday was a rough day. I said "This is great" twice. I need to edit myself.

    1. KB -- I just assumed it was REALLY REALLY great! No self-editing required. Remember the Speedbo motto--JUST WRITE.

  9. Happy weekend, everyone! I'm working on taxes today. NOT fun, but necessary. I hope y'all have a good day!

    1. I feel for you, Missy. We sent our info in last week and just got the forms back from our CPA to sign and return. Getting a refund--YAY!!!!

    2. I finished tic & tie last night on speadsheets, Missy. Now on to the next step--plugging it all in!

    3. I'm still compiling and making sure I got everything. Since we moved, I'm still chasing down some receipts that never got printed. Will be doing totals soon. Then sending off to CPA!

    4. Oh, Missy.... Taxes and FAFSA and CSS... I had PIN #'s all over my office from year to year with six kids in college and grad school. Bless you!!!

  10. Happy weekend before Speedo starts! Start your engines, get ready, here it comes! I'd love to be entered in the drawing for Back in the Saddle. Have a great weekend!

    1. Sally, you're in!!! And happy weekend back to you!!!

  11. Saturday again??? At least it's (so far) a warm, sunny day in my neck of the woods. The grandkids are already off at a park letting off steam--woohoo! Hoping I can get the weekend chores wrapped up quickly and maybe enjoy some hammock time in the backyard later. Behind on my weekly reading for our all-church Bible study.

    1. I need every Saturday I can get my hands on, Myra. Trying to finish up my next proposal--and edits for the previous book just arrived, then AA's will pound in a day or so after that. So I don't expect a "free" Saturday for another month.

      MAYBE we'll have some signs of spring here by then. Sure do like the days getting longer... and sure wish Arizona went on daylight saving time as most of the country will be doing soon!

    2. My daughter gave us a beautiful handmade hammock from one of her research trips to a 3rd world nation and I'm ashamed to say I've never had hammock time. I'm going to get around to hanging it SOON..... But at least I know where it is. I think. Hmmm.........(runs upstairs and checks the closet....)

    3. Just came inside after catching up on my reading. Lovely, lovely day in the 70s, but very windy. Love my EMO hammock! Easy to put up, easy to take down & store!

      Need to finish up my own AAs in the next day or so, Glynna. This next Love Inspired was a fun one to write!

  12. Happy Saturday everyone. I am so hoping I will have a great Speedbo this year.

    I saw the ENT doctor yesterday. He is ordering an ENG test where they put water in my ears. That ought to be fun. Not! They tested my hearing and I will be needing hearing aids I sure don't want to go there. But it is all in the Lord's hands. I had fun trying to read my Bible this morning the words were moving around on the page so not going to be a good day for reading. It is beautiful today, The Bradford pears and Cherry trees are out. The pink dogwood has buds so hoping we don't get a cold snap to destroy the beauty, Currently it is 63.

    1. Spring? Already! Wow.

    2. Sorry about the medical tests and hearing issues--and the "wandering words," Wilani.

      I'm soooo jealous of your spring day! It's in the upper 30's here right now--with possibility of up to a foot of snow on Monday / Tuesday. SIGH.

    3. Wilani, I hope they get to the bottom of things. Wowza, you've had a rough ride.

    4. Wilani, so many folks wear hearing aids. They're like glasses...just a help! They're sure to improve your quality of life! Hope they help your vertigo too!

  13. Another great WE! There are a lot of Speedbo participants! So cool. I have a question though...what do those little icons mean beside some of the names? Like the muscles, the sunglasses, the star, the pen? I looked around on the page, but didn't see a "key" to what they were. Okay, I'm off to start reading through my manuscript that I am going to be editing during Spreebo. It's going to be totally embarrassing, I'm afraid. (Snort)

    1. Those are just for fun according to comments the participants made when they asked to join Speedbo.

      That would be my sense of humor. Hidden sense of humor.

    2. Ahhhh, that makes complete sense coming from you, Tina! LOVE it! I totally understood mine. :)

    3. Hmmm, thinking I'd better go back and check that email.

  14. Lovely Weekend edition!! Go Speedbo participants...well, guess it's not GO yet, but soon...gettin' it on with the warm-ups!!
    Working for a bit on my contest entries and then off to the antique mall to check-in. My Sweet Husband and I have kind of been out of all our loops...LOL Looking forward to connecting again with all our precious peeps!!

    Wishing everyone a delightful weekend!!

    1. Kathryn, so good to have you here!!! And it's "GO" soon.... I'm with you on the warm-ups!!!!

      The antique mall. OH BE STILL MY Co-op AND ANTIQUE LOVING HEART!!!!!!!

  15. Hi ALL!

    I just found the perfect theme song for Speedbo!

    Watch and then 'get with it'!

    1. Vince, I counter your choice with my choice:



      I'm goin' big, my friend!

    2. I went and listened to it. For a while I thought he was saying Speedbo. But the song itself is PERFECT. 'They call me Speedo cuz I don't believe in wastin' time.'

    3. Hi Ruth:

      Great choice!

      But if we can use movie clips, I'll raise you this one:

      Can you get more emotional than this one!
      Now I'm really thinking of entering Speedbo!

      But, no doubt, you made a great choice!

    4. Vince, I love Chariots of Fire!!!!! Oh, be still my heart, that's an awesome reminder. I would rank that right up there with Theme from Rocky.

  16. TINA, thank you for another great WE! Congrats to ALL the winners.

  17. Am I the only person dying to see Keli Gwyn's post this week about Speedbo and the SLOW writer????? Anything the Gwynster writes works for me!!!!

    1. You aren't the only one! I am super slow and can't wait to read what she has to say. ;)

    2. I am always the tortoise! Loved Tina's meme from her archive Speedbo blog yesterday! :)

    3. I LOVE Keli!!!!! When I saw her on the agenda for this week, I did a happy dance :-) I'm so blessed to be a part of her reader team...Called Keli's BFF's...yay!

    4. Thanks for the kind words, ladies. I'm coming off a seven-week pre-deadline writing sprint. Well, sprint doesn't exactly describe my writing process. It's more of a series of marathons, one after another. To say I'm wiped out right now would be an understatement, but it did give me tips to share with you wonderful people.

      I hope you like the post. I durn near drove poor Tina nuts with all my questions and overabundance of memes. Narrowed it down to the best. The title meme is pretty nice, if I do say so myself. Good thing Tina is so patient.

  18. Wow, next week's line up looks fabulous. And I am really psyched for Speedbo.

    Ruthy...I already have Back in the Saddle (and I highly recommend it), so don't add me to the giveaway.

    1. Dana, good for you, for being fired up for Speedbo. ME TOO.

    2. Leaving you out of the cat dish!!!!! :) But so glad to see you over here!

  19. Thanks for this great WE, Tina. I'm not sure about Speedbo this year. I have a couple projects on the go and will undoubtedly continue my daily writing, but I'm not ready to commit to specifics yet.

    And Ruthy, the only time I tried to get into a hammock I ended up on the ground! So if I had one stored in my closet or basement I'd be leaving it there. LOL.

    1. Hahahahahah! Every year I promise myself I'll get it up, but I want two trees the right distance apart, Carol... not one of those awkward stands. So I must figure this out. And my daughter still loves me, so that part's good!!!

  20. My eldest and her three children came for a visit this week, which was so fun. School is out so we all had a few delightful days together!!! I love having little ones in the house! They left a few hours ago. The house is quiet and I'm back at work...but a little sad!

    Hard to believe that it's time for Speedbo and Lent!!! Easter will follow soon thereafter...

    The world seems to be moving faster these days! :)

    1. Ash Wednesday this week!!!! And my favorite custard store OPENS on Ash Wednesday.... But I won't be there because there will be no custard on a fasting day. But maybe later in the week?????

  21. I'm officially signed up for speedbo. Now the work begins. I can relate to the upcoming entry about writing at the speed of a tortoise. He did win the race though! Please throw my name in for Ruthy's book.

    1. Bettie, I'm tossing your name in, darling!!!!! And good for you, signing up. Let's do this!

  22. SO much good stuff here, as USUAL!
    Congrats to all the winners.

    Keeping low writing profile these days. Need to get on with it as I market and sell, sell, sell what's already in print! :)

    Thank you Seekerville, for all you do.

    1. KC, good to see you and you're welcome!!!! It takes a village... and maybe some wine.


  23. Happy Weekend, everyone! I am getting geared up for Speedbo and excited about it.

    Date night with my hubby tonight, going to the Community Theater.

  24. Happy WE everyone! Almost Speedbo time for you writers & I'm getting my pom-poms and cheers warmed up for you guys :-) Can't wait to cheer youse on!!

    Congrats to this weeks winners! I love the generosity of our authors here, you guys ROCK :-)

    GAH...I SO can't wait for Keli Gwyn's post on Thrusday!! She's a terrific gal, my (almost) neighbor in Cali, and I'm blessed to be a part of her reader team called Keli's BFF's. If you haven't read her books, you're missing out on some terrific books!! Such charming characters and her classic sweetness comes out on the pages. I just finished "Her Motherhood Wish" and loved every page :-) A great week ahead for sure folks!

    No need to throw my name in the cat dish for Ruthy's "Back in the Saddle" as I've read it already & am anxiously awaiting May when I get to read Trent's story..."Peace in the Valley". RUTHY.....PLEASE tell me you have more of these up your sleeve....PLEASE?? I'm not above begging for more of your family saga stories :-) I LOVE all your characters, settings, charm, etc!

    Happy rest of your weekend & blessed SONday tomorrow.

    1. Hi Ruth:

      I'm with Trixi above except I want to see more novellas. I just finished and reviewed "The Pastor Takes a Wife" and I think it may be your best writing! I was doing a lot of admiring as I read that story. I think you are a lot wiser these days!

    2. Thanks for the heads up on "The Pastor Takes a Wife" Vince, I'll have to check it out! I'd love to read more of her books. :-)

      And Ruth, I forgot to add to my comment above...I've both read & reviewed "Back in the Saddle" and "Home on the Range" and will do the same for "Peace in the Valley".

    3. You're a gem, Trixi. I appreciate your support and encouragement.

    4. Trixi.... THANK YOU!!!! What a sweet bunch of things to say, my friend.... Okay, I'm in total agreement with Keli's work, absolutely. She is beyond charming and enchanting, isn't she???

      Second.... I hope you love Peace in the Valley. I hope you love it to the moon and back! And Waterbrook is looking at a proposal... and I've got "Welcome to Wishing Bridge" coming out in November, a very holiday friendly book about a young mother, stranded in a storm, and the amazing town that wraps her and her baby in love.... :)

      AND!!! Two Love Inspireds this year, one in six weeks (Their Surprise Daddy) that's Rory Gallagher's story... then "The Lawman's Yuletide Baby" that's Corinne Gallagher's story (she was widowed years ago....) and then... they gave me special permission to write Josie Gallagher's story and that's out in February 2018. So three Love Inspireds, one Double S Ranch, one mystery (A Light in the Darkness)!!! and one single title.... In the next twelve months. I'm workin' it, Trixi, LOL!!!! If I can give you 4 or 5 books/year to read, I will be the HAPPIEST AUTHOR EVER!!! :)

    5. Vince!!!! I'm so glad you liked Macy and Will's story. I love working in "Second Chance", it's such a great setting and I have a full proposal done for longer books there, but no time right now to write them. Maybe in 2018??? I am beyond blessed, but I love, love, love working historicals. I had way too much fun with all of those stories, and huge, ginormous thank yous for the shout out!!!

    6. Ruth:

      Historicals are forever. Timeless.

      Contemporaries get dated.

      Historicals have the best future!!!

    7. Ruth - That's what I call "full time writing!" Awesome-sauce! And super awesome cover btw - just saying.

      For Speedbo prep, in the name of 'research,' I bought a coffee table book about cowboys and sayings came in the mail on March 1st. Great timing. =D

  25. Ruthy, SUPER CONGRATS on the Waterbrook mass market deal -- that is AWESOME!!

    And MEGA CONGRATS to all our winners this week.

    I just arrived home from 80-degree vacation back to the 20's, so from the beach to a roaring fire in under 24 hours!! But soooooo fun!!

    Hugs and Good night because I'm pooped!

    1. I'm so glad you had a great vacation... and welcome home!!!

    2. I'm so jealous, Julie! I love the beach!

  26. Happy Weekend, Seekerville friends!
    Great WE as always, and CONGRATS to all the winners!
    Loving all the excitement as many of us gear up for this year's SPEEDBO!! :)
    I'm hurrying to finish a contest entry so I can focus on a brand-new WIP for Speedbo - - can't wait!
    Hugs, Patti Jo

    1. Patti Jo, that's just what I do, and what I recommend! Getting stuff in order and having fun with Speedbo. Go get 'em, Tiger!!!!

  27. I have three Grand-urchins sleeping upstairs... I'm hoping to get a couple of hours of work in before they come downstairs in search of food... They're so stinkin' adorable....

    1. Ruthy, the baby typing on the laptop photo from yesterday was precious!

  28. Happy WE and congratulations to all the winners. Spring and Speedbo, what could be better? I just found the box with my computer cables, so I'll be ready to roll March 1st. Speedbo is definitely better than than the marathon of moving. Glad to be back with you all.

    1. Renee, I'm with you on that! I still haven't found one of my chargers after my move in June.

  29. Great Weekend Edition. Always fun to see the winners, next week's lineup and check out links! Thanks Tina!

    I'm sure Keli had me in mind when she wrote her upcoming post. ;-) Looking forward to your tips, Keli!

    We have three great options for a theme song for Speedbo. Yay! Each of us can pick a favorite.


  30. DEBBY, I remember the quiet after the grandkiddies left. I was always sad to see them go too. I'd leave the tiny fingerprints on the windows just to keep me company. :-)

    Hugs, Janet

    1. Love those fingerprints, Janet! :)

    2. I love the fingerprints, too... I'm old enough to know how quickly they disappear.

  31. JULIE, I love beach vacations! Sorry you had to come back to cold weather. Rest up and stay warm!


  32. Headed to a local assisted living residence where a dear man--a WWII hero and sweet friend--will receive a Quilt of Valor for his service. God bless our veterans...heroes one and all!

    1. Debby! What a wonderful tribute. Thank you for taking the time to do things like this. God bless you.

    2. Stopping by to read the WE news and to congratulate the winners and Speedbo participants.....and Ruthy for the re-release of Home on the Range. Yay!

      I got an early start to Speedbo today by working on a synopsis and rewrite...slow going, so I need Keli's post ASAP!

      Thanks for the WE and the list of upcoming posts. Go Speedbo-ers!

    3. Oops! Posted in the wrong place. :(

      Happy remainder of the weekend to all!

      Debby, what a great tribute to a WWII veteran!

    4. There is no wrong place, darling... Not here!!! So good to see you!!!

  33. Congratulations to all the winners! Loving what is on deck for this weekend. Setting my alarm clock!

    Really excited about Speedbo! I can't believe we are almost there!

  34. Congratulations to all the winners!

    Excited about Speedbo!

    May God bless all of Seekerville!

  35. Awesome links! Favs: Overwriting Tips and Character Dev. Two topics that have my full attention this week! ;)
