Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Where Writers Write: A Virtual Tour

Happy Valentine’s Day, Seekerville! Myra here, your virtual tour guide. Thanks to everyone who submitted photos of your writing spaces! We received such a great response, in fact, that I decided to devote this entire post to the Seekervillagers who participated.

However, if you want a peek at some Seeker writing spaces, hop on over to the Seekerville Facebook page, where the lovely Tina will be adding photos throughout the day.

(Viewing hint: Click on any photo below to bring up a larger version in a new window.)

First up is Seekervillager Meg Brummer. Makes me envious of her lovely kitchen, not to mention the view!

Next, let’s visit Jill Weatherholt’s writing spaces. Her desk is a little too neat to be believed, isn’t it? However, I could really go for the lovely patio setting! And have you seen Jill’s hummingbird photos on Facebook? Wow!!!

Here’s a peek at Vince Mooney’s writing space. Very businesslike. Bookshelves, lovely artwork, interesting maps, and even a fax machine!

Christina Khanagov’s “office” is our next stop. Doesn’t this look cozy and inviting? Looks like Christina enjoys composing with pen and paper.

Okay, Barbara Scott is clearly attempting to shame the rest of us. Really??? Is anyone that neat and organized? Well, except maybe Jill! 

Wilani Wahl bravely shared her “before and after” snapshots. I’m partial to her cute little porch writing area, but I totally understand when the electronics start overheating on warm days. That is when you do NOT want a laptop on your lap!

Apparently, Jeanne Takenaka is another neatnik. Loving those bookshelves! And the comfy chair and ottoman? That’s where I’d spend my writing hours!

Could you keep your eyes on your computer screen with an office view like Jackie Layton’s? And I love that her table and chair carry sweet family memories.

Ah, Sharee Stover, a gal who appreciates creative clutter! She points out, “If you zoomed in on the trash can, you might see Almond Snickers and York Peppermint patty wrappers. I don’t know how they got there. Giggle.”

Tanya Agler has everything she needs close at hand. Notice the conference badge with all her pins. It’s great to keep special mementos in view, reminders that we are, indeed, writers.

That concludes our tour! What would you most like to ask our participants about where or how they write? Or, if you missed your chance to send us a photo of your writing space, join the fun today by posting your pix on Facebook, Instagram, and/or Twitter with the hashtag #SeekersWrite. Just tell us in your comment where we can find you.

Now for today’s Valentine's Day giveaways--four, count 'em, four! Mention in your comment if you’d like to be included in any or all of the drawings. Winners announced in the next Weekend Edition!

About Myra: Award-winning author Myra Johnson writes emotionally gripping stories about love, life, and faith. Myra is a two-time finalist for the prestigious ACFW Carol Awards and winner of Christian Retailing’s Best for historical fiction. Originally from Texas but now residing in the beautiful Carolinas, Myra and her husband love the climate and scenery, but they may never get used to the pulled pork Carolinians call “barbecue”! The Johnsons share their home with with two very pampered rescue doggies who don’t always understand the meaning of “Mom’s trying to write.” Myra and her husband are also currently harboring their younger daughter and family (six in all plus a kitty!) as they transition toward their next missionary calling. With grandkids underfoot ranging in age from 14 down to nearly 3, there’s never a dull moment! 

Twitter: @MyraJohnson and @TheGrammarQueen 

Sign up to receive Myra’s quarterly e-news updates here!


  1. Note the blog header..those geniuses are Al Einstein, Tina Radcliffe, and Mark Twain. All have messy writing spaces. I rest my case.

    1. I'm with you Tina. I'm at my best when the clutter is the greatest. Read somewhere that cluttered desk is a sign of creativity. YAY

    2. LOL, Tina!!! I honestly had no clue that was your office in the center photo!!! Organized clutter--the name of the game!

    3. Hi Tina:

      Amazing! Until I read your comment above, I thought that center picture was my alternative workspace from a photo I sent in some years ago! Don't writers have a Plan B workspace?

      Is it possible that Chaos theory predicts that cluttered creative areas with an affinity of purpose will begin to look alike?

    4. I laughed out loud at this, Tina. :) You're in exceptional company!

  2. Hi Tina: Einstein's second theory of relativity:

    "It's only a mess if you can't find things."

    1. How true. Loved seeing your writing area. Love the maps.

    2. Hi Sandra:

      Did you notice the southwest living desert scene in the left painting?

      I think the 'settings' in the area where we create our writing also influences our output.

      Just as settings are important to the story we are writing, so too they are important in the creation of that writing. How many think of this? If music helps, so too will the visual.

    3. I do much better with visuals than with music playing while I write. Although once when I was writing about a beach setting, I played ocean sounds in the background.

  3. Okay first of all....there is NO WAY these can be writers spaces. They're all TOO neat! Even Sharee's is an organized mess,not a single thing I wouldn't expect to see on a writers desk. *Sigh* My desk, and I'm not a writer, seems to be a gathering place for bits of scrap paper with things squiggled on them, maybe a bill or two, sometimes stacks of books, and maybe even a few dust bunnies! And whatever else anyone throws on there...seems I'm constantly cleaning it off :-)

    Besides home or the local Panera or Starbucks (etc), where else do some of you like to write? How many of you still use pen/pencil & paper? Do you need quiet or can you work around noise? Any pets who keep you company? Lastly, what is your favorite snack or drink while writing (if anything)? I hope I haven't used up my quota of questions, lol!

    Very interesting to see writers spaces! I'll have to check out that Facebook page for more. What a fun post, Myra, thanks for sharing. Please add my name for all but the book as I have a copy of "Castles in the Clouds", thanks so much!

    1. Trixi, this is why we get along! :) I sent Myra a picture of a chair, because that's the current deal. A laptop opens all kinds of opportunities to write wherever we can find a spot to sit!!!

      And that Meg Brummer is amazing, writing with kids around (using naptime, sleep time, etc.)

      Go Meg!!!

    2. Trixi, I have a hunch almost every one of these writers straightened up at least a little prior to taking their photos.

      Well, perhaps with the exception of neatnik Barbara Scott!!!

    3. As I'm the one who mentioned restaurants, I also write at local libraries. I have a Basset hound who is only too happy to distract me. I can work with music or people noise, but when my dog wants attention, it's too hard to say no so I go elsewhere while the kids are at school. Also since I write when the kids are at school (3 at home, 1 in college), I use their breaks to clean the house, and fortunately, I had cleaned my desk before the request for pictures went out!

    4. I know what you mean about pesky pets, Tanya! Our dogs seem to have very accurate internal clocks. They know when Mom should quit working and let them go down for supper!

    5. Thanks Ruthy!! It took a long time to figure out how to keep writing while raising toddlers... it's interesting some days, but always fun! :)

    6. I truly admire moms who write. You have to be excellent time managers and grab your writing moments where you can!

  4. The writing spaces are all so individual and personal. A true reflection of the writers perhaps.

    Count me in for all of the drawings thank you.

    1. Mary, isn't that the absolute truth??? It's like glimpsing the author within the author!

    2. Mary, it was so fun gathering all these photos and getting a glimpse into the writing lives of some of our Seekervillagers.

  5. I'm impressed. Alas, my desk has a walkway to it and not much more room. I need to de-clutter but I haven't had time until now.

    I would love to be in on the drawings. I especially love the pencil holder.

    Cindy W.

    1. Write . . . declutter . . . write . . . declutter.

      Really. Is there a choice here???

  6. Great post, Myra! I've always loved to peek into writer's spaces. Sadly, I don't fall into the genius category as I can't write in a cluttered space. Like Cindy, I love that pencil holder. Happy Valentine's Day!

    1. Jill, I love writing outside. It's tough in the summer because we're on the farm and folks stop by all the time, so I can't be alone except early, early morning.... so then I have to hide inside sometimes. But I love it, and when I'm out there, there's something so fun about creating fiction in the great outdoors.

    2. I agree, Ruthy! The fresh air sparks my creativity. And how fun it would be to write out in the middle of the pumpkin patch. :)

    3. I may try that before they're ripe, LOL! :) It's pretty quiet out there in JULY!!!!

    4. I wrote a good chunk of my book last summer on my back deck and my front porch. I found that anytime I was stalled, writing outdoors get the gears moving again. As I write this, I'm staring out my window at my Narnia-like surroundings dreaming of tulips and daffodils.

    5. Oh yes, I LOVE writing on my screen porch! Can't wait for real spring weather again so I can set up my padded lounge. Right now, that space is occupied by our homemade greenhouse to keep my deck plants alive over the winter. No room to bring the plants indoors with our daughter's family of six living here till summer.

    6. Jill, I'm like you. I can't write with clutter around. If you saw the "before" pictures of my room, you'd visibly cringe. :)

  7. Love these writing spaces! Do any of the Seeker Villagers in today's post clean up their desk at the end of the day? Or do they leave it as is so they can easily get back into the story the next day? (Can you see my bias in my question? LOL)

    1. Never. Only time it gets cleaned is if company is coming over. Then I can't find anything for a day or two. lol

    2. My office is in the attic, so no one goes up there.... but I write on the first floor usually, where I can see the birds and trees and hear frogs and toads.... And coyotes and bears and deer, LOL!

    3. Clean up? Seriously? You had to ask, Preslaysa???

      I MIGHT carry down my empty coffee mug (if I remember) and toss any tissue scraps or M&M wrappers. :)

    4. Mine stays a mess but alas my friend is coming to help me declutter my house so it probably will be a clean clear kitchen table by this evening. I tackled my Christmas decorations yesterday. She wanted to know what the pile of things on the couch was. Just my books I'm reading, things I'm writing correspondence, etc. I got that cleared away last night.

    5. Wilani, I have piles, too. I know what's in them and that's all that matters.

    6. SANDRA, a woman after my heart! RUTH, that's wonderful that you get to see nature while you write. It must be so inspiring!

    7. Ha, ha, MYRA! I'm sloppy while I'm writing too. But I still know where everything is located, LOL. WILANI, I do a lot of writing at the kitchen table. My kids are nearby so I can keep an eye on them.

    8. Lately, I haven't been cleaning up much, Preslaysa. I write better when things around me are in order. When chaos ensues in my room, I flee to the kitchen, or somewhere else to write. So, as much as I can, I clean up my writing space when I'm done. :)

    9. I would be like you JEANNE if I didn't homeschool. I'd keep my space neat and tidy. For now, I pile papers. (There's always an excuse, right? Ha ha.)

  8. Love seeing how and where everyone works. This is such a fun post.

    1. Nice treat for Valentine's Day, isn't it, Terri?

  9. I am clearly aligned with Sharee and Tanya... I don't see clutter, or need clean space, I can block out all of that... and focus on the word count... I think that's clutch especially if you have kids or an outside job and you have to truly pick and choose your focus...

    And I love that Tanya has the 10 writing tips, go you, girl!!!! :)

    But the DREAM GIRL in me would love to have one of those other offices, oh my word! Jackie Layton, that chair looks mighty nice!

    So my reality now is that I write ANYWHERE... I keep my office as an office, but I only use it for supplies and books, etc. My laptop (and my Norton back-up!!!) is my office. I write wherever an opportunity opens up, so often on a chair where I can see the great outdoors, or in the middle of the night where no adorable family members need me because they're all sleeping. :)

    Some things never change!

    Myra, this was so fun! What a great post and I love peeking into these realities!!!

    1. Well, isn't FOCUS the name of the writing game???

    2. Yeah, around here it is. There is so much that could pull me away if I let it, but it really helps me to get that first stint in, early in the day. Then no matter what form of crazy occurs, I'm on track. And I never have to use those words "I'm on deadline"... Hey, newsflash, most of the world is on a deadline... only they call it a job.


      Life is comprised of deadlines, isn't it? Places to go, things to do? And I don't want to miss out on all those!

      (This is my excuse for rare cleaning, and I'm sticking to it!!!)

    3. I typically write ONLY in my writing chair in my office, mainly (lately) because there is a door to close. Even the closed door doesn't always deter husbands, grandchildren, daughters, etc., who "just need to ask you one thing."

    4. Last week I wrote in my brain a children's story in the middle of my watercolor class. I was having a rough day. I could not get the details on my poor bear's face, so I kept trying to fix it. Finally my teacher said, "Don't do anything else to the face. It looks sick." I looked at my friend's who has painted forever and then I really felt so discouraged,but in that moment I fell in love with my bear and wrote his story in my mind. It was two days later when I finally wrote it on paper and then on the computer.

    5. I've done that, too, Wilani--had an idea take hold and worked out all the details in my head before I actually had the chance to write it down.

      And no, Vince, this is NOT the same as plotting! It's purposeful daydreaming!

    6. Hi Myra:

      Just as a rose by any other name would smell just as sweet, so too will plotting described by any euphuism you choose still welcome you into the plotting pantheon.

    7. Ruthy, Number 3 on your ten tips is minimizing clutter so I do try to keep it under control, but it's also my spot for my writing mementos so I keep special things around me. I loved seeing all the spaces.

  10. My wife just created an office for me in the house. Granted, it still has a bed in there for when our older son returns from college.

    1. Hahahahaha! It's so bad when kids come home and their room and bed have disappeared! Like they're gone forever... well done, Walt! You guys hit the perfect compromise!

    2. We miss him greatly. We've decided when he comes home for spring break, we're going to keep him at home, as we sent him everywhere when he was home after fall semester.

    3. What??? You tried to get rid of him when he was home, and now he's away and you're plotting to keep him? Actually, I know the feeling. With our daughter's family of 6 all living with us for the next several months, we seek out quiet times. But when they go overseas next summer, guess who will be crying her eyes out and missing them like crazy.

  11. My first comment disappeared. Trying again...

    I love seeing where the creativity of Villagers is generated! Thanks to all for sharing!

    My desk lives in two rotating phases--neat (relatively speaking) and disaster area when I'm on a deadline. :)

    1. The "seasons" of the writing desk. Many of us know it well!

      And others of us have only one "season"--kind of like Hawaii, only not as pretty. :)

  12. Myra, this was such a fun post. My house in KY sold, and we signed off on the inspection papers yesterday. I'm living in chaos as I pack, sort, and give away. I long for neat and orderly right this minute.

    I definitely want in the drawing. Thanks so much and happy Valentine's Day!

    1. Yay! I'm so happy to hear this, Jackie!

    2. JACKIE!!!! I'm delighted to hear this, happy dancing for you in upstate!!! YAY!!!!!!!

    3. Yay for selling your KY house, Jackie! I know that has to be a big relief! Moving is never fun or easy, though. Hope it all goes well!

      Maybe say some prayers for our daughter and son-in-law? They have had their SC house on the market since the first of the year. Several showings, a couple of not-quite-acceptable offers, but nothing promising yet.

    4. Yay for papers signed, Jackie! I loved your writing space and the heritage that is in your office furniture! :)

    5. Jackie, such good news about your house selling! The view in your SC pic looks delightful. Where will you be exactly?

    6. Thanks so much you all! Myra, I'll pray for your daughter and family!

  13. Happy Valeintine's Day, Seekerville! Project Guy is taking me out for our traditional Vallentine's breakfast. I'll be back in a bit! Enjoy the tour until then, and don't forget to check out the Seekerville Facebook page for even more!

  14. Well, that was cool. I like seeing other people's writing spaces (and great out the window views). Now I don't feel so bad, even though I don't have an "official" writing space.

    I would love to be in all the draws. Happy Valentine's Day to all. Little man went to school with all his valentines for his classmates today. We went Dollar Store pre-mades that he neatly signed for his friends. Normally we make them by ourselves but momma lost track of time this year. :)

    1. So fun to see what the kiddos bring home after the Valentine's school parties. Our kindergarten granddaughter was SOOOO excited when she left for school today!

  15. Fun post Myra. I love seeing all the spaces however, those neat spaces are enviable but I know they won't happen for me. LOL
    Hope you are having a fun breakfast with project guy. Happy Valentine's Day.

    1. Delicious breakfast at Cracker Barrel! I had French toast with blackberry topping and whipped cream. STUFFED!!!! Must seriously consider taking a long walk later.

      Yeah, right.

    2. Yeah Cracker Barrell requires a long something calorie burning afterward. LOL Sounds yummy though

    3. I talked myself out of the walk. Again. Opted for several trips up and down the stairs.

  16. When I opened Seekerville today I was hit by a wave of terror.

    My desk is NOT on this blog. Praise the Lord!!!
    I just let papers stack up and up and up. What is wrong with me? I felt like it would be dishonest to clean forever before I took the picture.

    But Myra must've been too horrified, and maybe protective of me to reveal it!

    (also it was last minute LOL) that's me too.

    1. I sent no desk photos.... Although my attic office is way cleaner and neater and more organized than it was two months ago a lot of stuff got donated or tossed.... I sent a chair. I'm so BORING.

      But effective!!!! :)

    2. You can start trembling again, Mary. I turned over all the Seeker writing space photos to Tina, who will be posting them on Facebook all day.

      You're welcome. :)


    4. Last I checked, Pam's was the only one up. Maybe Tina will hold yours till . . . midnight or so?


    5. I just saw your desk on Facebook, MARY!

    6. YIPPEEEEEEE!!! Too late for take-backs, Mary!

    7. I'm just reading this, and I might be cackling loudly at the exchanges here. Now, I'm DEFINITELY heading over to Facebook! ;)

    8. I took a new pic of my office but never sent it to Myra. My clutter is growing...

  17. Love these pictures of writers' spaces!

    1. See! I love your commas there! I do that and people make comments. By people I mean my kids, when I'm texting them, and they say I don't need all those commas. But, I do!

    2. LOL!!! Every comma has its place!

      But I admit, sometimes when texting I don't bother. :(

    3. Complete words, complete sentences, correct punctuation. Probably why it takes me forever to text...

    4. Exactly. So I really like the little microphone thingy so I can dictate my texts. It will even let me say "comma," "period," "question mark," etc., so I can get in all the necessary punctuation.

    5. Does your microphone thingy spell correctly? Half the time mine doesn't know what I mean. Must be the accent lol. But I find it's worse than auto correct. I've told the kids I'm going to send some of those texts without fixing it to say what I mean and see if they understand it. I think that auto correct is not part of my conversation but someone else's.

    6. LOL--not always, Sally! I've gotten some pretty crazy results--and they are hilarious! That's half the fun!

  18. Oh, MYRA, how very fun to see where some of the Seeker villagers work!! I'm right there with Jill and Wilani in working outside, which I do three seasons of the year. And, yes, this crazy CDQ has been known to work outside till 8:00 PM in the dark in 39-degree weather!!

    Jackie's view is DEFINITELY inspiring if one is forced to work inside!!

    LOL ... Vince's space looks like a professor's office, so no surprise there from this mental giant!!

    Barbara and Jeanne, I am truly impressed with your order and neatness, my friends, which I try to do, to no avail. :(

    LOL, Meg -- accessibility to the coffee pot is a must!! Now accessibility to the kids? As long as they stay in the yard, right??? ;)

    Wow, Christina -- pen and paper??? For some, old school is best, I suppose, but I can feel my fingers cramping already ... ;)

    And, Pammy -- SO relate to your dump spot pic on Seekerville FB!!!

    Fun post, Myra!


    1. Sorry, Julie, much as I love writing outdoors, the temperature has to at least be in the 70s!

      Wasn't it fun seeing all the Villagers' spots? So cool!

    2. YES, it's a LOT of fun -- kind of draws us all closer, you know?


    3. Coffee is essential. Non negotiable!

      Even the 3-year-old tells me to get my coffee in the morning!


  20. MYRA, it's fun to see where our Villagers roll up their creative sleeves. I'll be going out to Facebook for a peek at where the Seekers write.

    Have fun at breakfast with project guy. I've had breakfast at home, but we're having lunch out today and having guests for dinner tonight. We've already celebrated at a dinner/dance. I love Valentine's Day. And the man I share it with.

    Happy Valentine's Day all!

    1. Sounds like a fun day, Janet! We started the tradition of going out for Valentine's breakfast years ago because you just couldn't get a table at a decent restaurant in the evening. So we enjoy the quiet time together and then celebrate with dinner at home.

      Oh, Project Guy did bring home a gorgeous bouquet of flowers for me yesterday!

    2. Flowers are perfect! My DH says flowers and cards go for about the same price, an exaggeration but either make me happy.


    3. Isn't it ridiculous how much a simple greeting card costs these days???

  21. Janet, you are such a delightful wife and hostess... Enjoy your day, it sounds wonderful!!!!

    1. I think we should all crash Janet's Valentine's Day!!!

  22. This is so fun! I love seeing where other writers work. My desk is in what's supposed to be our formal dining room. There are no doors, so I move my mobile office around from room to room, trying to find a quiet space. Yet, somehow, no matter where I go the kids always find me! ; )

    Stephen King says to find a room without a window. Zero distractions. To that end, I'm thinking of putting a small desk in my closet. Seriously.

    I'd love to be put in for the drawings. Thank you!

    1. Oh my! I couldn't stand not to have a window! When I'm daydreaming scenes, I need nature to lose myself in.

      Yes, kids do have a way of finding you. My granddaughters have reminded me of that this winter!

    2. Sometimes I write in my closet, JOSEE. Zero distractions! Just my clothes. I don't have a desk there, I just plop myself on the floor, lol.

    3. I have a friend who's written in her closet too, Josee, if that makes you feel any better. :)

    4. Closet writers. . . . Hmmm . . .

  23. Happy Valentine's Day, Sugarville! Yes, I've changed your name for the day.

    Myra, I had to giggle when I saw my office photos. You know what I noticed first? My trash can is full. Had to take a few points off my neatnik score. lol

    1. Sugarville--yes, very appropriate for Valentine's Day! Hoping lots of chocolate is in my future! If Project Guy is true to form, he has already been to the See's kiosk at the mall.

      We will excuse you for not emptying your trash can.

    2. Whew! Thank you, Miss Myra. I'll enjoy one of your chocolates virtually. My project guy is "projecting" right now, still working on the great, never-ending wall of our bonus room.

    3. Um, and who's paying for "the wall"? ;-D

  24. Happy Valentines Day. It was fun participating. Please enter me in all but the starbucks. We don't have one and I am not a coffee drinker.

    Need to get busy on the house so my friend can see I at least tried to continue working on my house I have company coming on Sunday.

    1. Company coming is what it usually takes for me to take housecleaning seriously!

      Thanks for joining the fun today, Wilani!

  25. Very cool to see where ya'll write. Today I'm writing in the car as we drive 14 hours.

    1. Looooong drive, Amber! I've never been able to do much writing in the car. Hope you have a productive trip!

    2. I always bring my computer when we road trip so I can get in some writing, Amber. Stay safe!

  26. Love seeing all these!
    I keep my writing materials on the dining table and on the high chair. I have a cardboard box close by that I can throw everything into and hide in my bedroom if company is coming.

  27. Now a cardboard box. That I could relate to. I have so many resources and ideas that include slips of paper and all I can't even fathom how someone can write without the ancillary stuff messing up the area. Not to mention, ibuprofen, coffee, lip gloss, eye drops, gum, and such.

    1. Ancillary stuff. Yes. Let's call it that. Sounds much more professional than clutter. I'm looking at mine right now and thinking . . . "Huh??? I need that . . . why?"

      BTW, when you have grandkids invading your space, it's always a good idea to take daily inventory of your carefully hidden M&Ms stash. I could be wrong, but it sure seems like mine are disappearing faster than I personally am eating them.

      Like I said, I could be wrong.

  28. Barbara Scott the neat freak.
    That term has never once be attributed to me.
    It's like a bucket list thing. To overhear someone 'gossiping' about me and calling me a neat freak.

    I'd also like to hear, "That Mary Connealy is so thin she doesn't even look healthy."

    So far, no luck.

    1. Yeah, and I'm not having much luck either with my daily plan to take an afternoon walk. Too cold. Too cloudy. Too tired. Too busy. My list of "too's" could go on endlessly.

  29. Ooh, I like Jackie Layton's view best. When I write I prefer to have a window to look out of--gives me something to focus on while I think. Sign me up for all giveaways!

    1. You're in, Rachael! Yes, I do love Jackie's view. I would seriously love to have a writing office that overlooked a sunny beach somewhere!

  30. I tried that whole window thing. Distracting. Squirrels, birds, neighbors. Now I face a wall. The secret is to put your clutter behind you. Never ever face the room. And to close the door halfway so you cannot see people moving out there in the periphery. Oh and earplugs so you can't hear them in the fridge.

    Welcome to the world of an A.D.D writer.

    1. ROFLOL!!! My back is to the door to my office so I can pretend I don't hear my "visitors" when they sneak in to tell me something.

      Except it kind of gives it away that I'm "frittering" (to use a Tina word) when they can clearly see Facebook or Twitter or Seekerville on my laptop screen. ;)

    2. Also, my window is on the second story, so when I look out, I mainly see the tops of trees blowing in the breeze. In the winter, though, I can see all the way to our backyard neighbors' houses and the next street over.

    3. I too am laughing hysterically. You are so right. Too much distraction and you don't get much done. That's why most of the time i write early when it is still DARK OUT.

    4. When it's dark out, I'm done for the day. Give me daylight!!!

  31. Love all these writing spaces! But some of you are just WAY too neat!! lol

    Sometimes I go out on the porch to write, but rarely. It's too chilly in the wintertime, and too hot in the summer. And my dog sticks her nose into everything I'm doing if I'm outside, and she's a distraction. But I might try again this spring. But I need some comfy new chairs and a way to prop my feet up for my laptop. And we know who would be sitting in my comfy lawn furniture if I went outside, don't we?

    Yep, dear doggy Dakota!

    1. Yes, Pam, all the elements must come together under ideal conditions in order to write . . . right? That's why last year I ordered myself a lovely chaise with thick pad for my porch.

      Then I need a side table for my snacks and tumbler of ice water. And the cellphone, of course, in case I need a selfie--NOT! And the ceiling fan, shades to block direct sun . . .

      And then some obliging neighbor will decide to fire up the lawn mower or weed whacker or leaf blower or power washer . . .

      Wait. This is why I have an INDOOR OFFICE!!!

  32. I love how each writing area is so organized. It's fun to take a glimpse into another person's life.
    I'd like to please be entered into the drawings.
    Thank you for sharing your spaces with us!

    1. Look a little closer, Stacy! Not everyone is what I would call exactly organized--LOL!

  33. Just back from my lunch break with Project Guy. Progresso soup and . . .

    See's chocolates---YESSSSSS!!!

    1. Yum! Are you setting any out on the virtual table for us? ;)

    2. Oh, sure, have all you want! (Because I know where the REAL box is hidden!)

  34. And . . . Ruthy's writing space is up on the Facebook page!

  35. I just went and looked around the facebook page. Yep, mine is up there. Note that the KEYBOARD is uncovered. Isn't that what counts?

  36. Hop over to the Seekerville Facebook page now for a peek at my writing spaces!

  37. Happy Valentine's Day everyone. Hope it is a good day for all. I seem to have come down with a cold again, so I slept in this morning.

    What a fun post this is. Megan, Jill, and Jackie have some gorgeous views outside their windows. Jeanne's office looks so cozy.

    I have seen a couple of the Seeker's writer spaces on Facebook. I will have to go back and check out some more.

    Please put my name in for any of the prizes!

    1. So sorry about the cold, Sandy! Glad you were able to get some extra sleep. Hope you can enjoy the rest of Valentine's Day!

  38. Thanks for sharing your photos. I love seeing everyone's personal writing spaces. When I read your books I will imagine you all sitting there writing. I would love to be included in any of the drawings.

    1. Hi, Julia! Just imagine a lot more clutter around my space if you look at it on Facebook. I'm guilty of tidying up a bit so I didn't embarrass myself too much!

  39. It's great seeing everyone's writing spaces! As Meg Brummer's husband says, "This is where the magic happens." :)

    Someday someone might see a picture of my writing space. Perpetually messy, sometimes clean, always organized. (At least I think I know where that research book is...)

    Thanks for the fun post, Myra!

    1. So we didn't talk you into sharing, huh, Jan? Next time!!!

    2. Jan!!! I laughed so hard! I'll have to show Austin your comment ;)

      I think the only reason my writing space stays somewhat organized is because it moves around so much (island to counter to table to bedroom...) so it doesn't have a chance to settle long enough to get messy. But I still need *some* clutter to concentrate ;)

  40. FYI, I have not come across a single taker for my #SeekersWrite challenge!

    All you have to do is snap a photo of your writing space and upload it to either Twitter or Facebook with the #SeekersWrite hashtag.

    Be brave! You can do this!

    1. Posting on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook now! On Twitter, I'm @preslaysawrites On FB and Instagram, I'm @preslaysa

    2. YAY!!! Thanks!! A lovely writing desk!

  41. It's only halfway through February, and it's been a MONTH in our house. I loved reading all these and seeing other Seekervillagers' writing spaces. So fun!

    Myra, thanks for sharing this post. What a fun way to get to know fellow writers a little better. I'm looking forward to popping over to the Seeker Facebook page and seeing some of your writing spaces. :)

    1. PS—I'd love to be in the drawing for everything but the pencil holder. As cute as it is, I don't think I'd use it. :(

    2. Thanks for being a part of the virtual tour, Jeanne!

  42. How fun!! I'm especially longing for Jackie's view!

    Thanks to all who shared their office spaces! I was excited to share an update with Myra (on Facebook) since we moved to a new house in June. I now have my first ever designated office space!

    1. Your new office is lovely, Missy! I know you're enjoying having a room that's all yours for writing!

  43. And Missy's space is up on Facebook!

  44. My desk is pretty clear when I am not sitting at it working because the clutter gets too distracting for me. As for writing, my laptop itself gets too distracting so I've been writing my draft on my AlphaSmart Neo word processor. I love that little thing. It keeps me focused on just getting words written.

    Happy Valentine's day everyone!

    1. Hi, Loraine! Another AlphaSmart user, I see. Debby is always talking about hers. I've just never been able to imagine not being able to see an entire page of writing. I look back and forth too often to make sure I'm staying on track.

  45. LOVED seeing these writing spaces of Seeker Villagers! Wow, I'm impressed that some writers are SO neat ~ I guess it's just as well I didn't share a photo of my writing desk and space - - my "creative clutter" might give some folks hives, LOL. ;)

    Thanks for the tour, Myra - - you're a gracious hostess! (And I'm sure I've told you but I LOVED reading Castles in the Clouds - - my FAVE of your books!!) :)
    Happy Valentine's Day!! Hugs, Patti Jo

    1. Wasn't this fun, Patti Jo? And after you've seen all these pix, surely you won't be embarrassed by a little "creative clutter"! :)

      Thrilled you enjoyed Castles. I'm hoping to release book 3 soon with Rose's story!

  46. My desk is usually messy. I have this theory that if it's tucked away, I'll forget about it. That includes digital stuff so I keep up too many documents and have piles here and there. Each stack represents a topic like craft, research, story notes and Post It note reminders. It looks messy but is organized.

    Anyone believe me?


    1. Oh, sure, Janet. I've also got some beachfront property I'll sell you at a reeeeeeeeally sweet price! ;-D

    2. Janet, I assumed your desk would be totally organized! I'm surprised it's messy at all. But I can imagine that you would know where everything is.

      I'm the one who's desk usually looks like a bomb has been dropped on it. :)

  47. Oh this is so fun!! I have to admit that I'm that person who likes to take an evening stroll so she can peer in windows and see how folks decorate their homes. Heading off to Facebook now.

  48. Happy Valentines Day Seekers!!! I'm glad I'm not the only perpetually messy one out there. Even after I clean and organize, it looks cluttered within minutes. So I've given up ;) Thanks for the fun giveaway Myra!

    1. I know the feeling, Heidi! And lately we live in perpetual clutter with the grandkids dropping their stuff everywhere. They also don't seem to understand that a toy on the floor is fair game for the doggies to chew on!

  49. Myra, Thank you so much for organizing this look at writing spaces. I've loved reading the comments and seeing the other pictures. I'm headed to FB to see the pictures of the Seekers' desks and Preslaysa's. Thanks to all for sharing. Please enter me in the drawings.

    1. So fun to see your space, Tanya! Thanks for joining the tour!

  50. HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY SEEKERVILLE! I love seeing author's writing spaces. Myra, thank you for the fun giveaway.

  51. Loved this! So much fun to get a behind-the-scenes look at where the magic happens. Thanks to all the writers who shared, and thanks MYRA for putting it together!

    1. It was great fun receiving everyone's photos and making them into collages!

  52. Possibly we should vote on whose writing area terrifies us the most.

    I vote for Barb's. Way to bring fear to my heart, Barb!

    1. Good pick, Tina! It would be a toss-up between Barb's and Mary's, for sure!

  53. Thanks for this, Myra. It's fun getting a peek at everyone else's creative spaces. I might have to head over to FB and post one of mine. Oh, and BTW...your 'purposeful daydreaming' is what I call percolating ideas. Just like a good cup of coffee takes a certain amount of percolating before it's robust enough for the mug, a story also has to percolate before it's ready to hit the page. LOL.

    1. Carol Garvin! Long time no see. So lovely to see your smiling face.

    2. You're welcome, Carol! Let us know if you post a photo your space, and be sure to tag it with #SeekersWrite so we can find your picture!

  54. Myra this is so much fun! What a super idea. Just like the process of writing, different approaches work for different writers. Thank you -- and Happy Valentine's Day!

    Nancy C

    1. Thanks, Nancy! There are many similarities and yet many differences. We each know what we need and where we work best.

  55. I see Sandra's pix are up on Facebook now!

    1. Yes, you did a fantastic job with each Seekers photos. I love it. Love those in this post also of the Seeker friends.

  56. Myra, fantastic job on the writing spaces layouts. You are soooo talented. I am really enjoying all of the Facebook shots.

    1. Thanks, Sandra! It was fun putting them all together. AND I got to see everyone's photos before y'all did!

  57. Next Post in the Series?

    Hi Myra:

    From which do you think we would learn more: the writer's workplace or where the whole family watches TV? Isn't it more of 'Show me where you relax' than it is of 'Show me where you work'? Who would send in photos of the family room in it's nature state? Now that would tell a story. :)

    1. Interesting proposition,Vince. Sez Myra as I'm sitting here with Project Guy in our double recliner and Poppy on her blankie between us. Granddaughter just went up to bed after watching TV with us while lying on the dog bed. What's wrong with this picture? Dog on recliner, girl on dog bed???

    2. Hi Myra:

      "It's the old, 'Man bites Dog' makes news" situation. It's perfectly normal in a writer's family.

  58. Am I weird? I write sitting in my rocking recliner, laptop on my lap, while I watch television. Okay, I'm going to a corner to sulk, and rethink my writing space. LOL

    1. Leola, for years I've worked on my lap on the couch! My new office is a first for me (beside using the dining room table). But at the moment, I'm on the couch! :) And yes, I sometimes have the TV on for background noise.

    2. Leola, we write wherever it feels right! If it's working for you, no reason to change. :)

  59. Oh man, this was better than HGTV! I’m sooo late tonight. I blame my daughter. Today’s her 19th birthday and even though she’s at college, it’s her fault I’m late. Giggle. This has been my favorite Seekerville post this year! Loved seeing your CREATIVE spaces! And so grateful to my fellow writers who battle clutter too
    Gotta say, I’m terribly jealous of MISSY TIPPENS’ space! Sigh.
    PRESLAYSA, I sorta clean it every night because the other half of my desk is sitting on my bed and has to go into a little plastic tub and onto the floor.
    Does anyone else have mysterious chocolate wrappers when they return to their desk in the morning?

    1. LOL, Sharee! I'm a huge HGTV fan, so I know what you mean. :) I'm definitely loving my very first true office! It's nice to have my own space--which I will fill to overflowing very quickly, I'm sure. :)

      I was laughing yesterday because beside my computer (on the couch) was two empty bags of individual servings of M&M's! They were left from Christmas stockings. haha

    2. I should clarify! They hadn't been there since Christmas. LOL I had just eaten them the night before. :)

    3. Fun having you on the tour, Sharee! I usually have to gather up all kinds of detritus as I finish up at the end of the day. Coffee mugs, water glasses, used tissues, scraps of paper I've scribbled on . . . Right now I'm looking at an empty heartworm pill box to remind me to call the vet.

  60. I so enjoyed these pictures of your "corners". Your work is so very much appreciated. I'm in the midst of planning a transformation...a granddaughters' "sleepover bedroom" into my writing room. Not sure how Legos will influence my writing. Blessings to you and love these drawings, too!
