Saturday, March 4, 2017

The Weekend Edition

Welcome to the Weekend Edition, 
as we launch into the first FULL week of SPEEDBO! 
You can sign up at any time in March! 
Every time you comment your name goes in the Speedbo hat
 for a Speedbo prize. But you must be signed up or be a reader!

Congratulations to all the writers who are making words happen.
It's the weekend so check in and let us know how you're doing!
Sign up and details can be found here, along with prizes.

If you are not familiar with our giveaway rules, take a minute to read them here. It keeps us all happy! All winners should send their name, address, and phone number to claim prizes. Send to

Congratulations to Starting Line-Up Winners Yoxani Shurtleff and Emily Neyer who won a $25 Amazon Gift Card. The rest of this week's Speedbo winners can be found here.  All the surprise gifts have been carefully chosen and can now be seen here as well. Remember that  Speedbo page prizes are sent out April 1. In March we write!

Our regular giveaways below can be claimed now!

Monday: We welcomed author and virtual assistant, Heather Duff to our Village. Heather shared,"The Power of One Hour." Jackie Layton is the winner of an ecopy of The Wrong: Kirby Mayhew Mystery Series. 

Tuesday: Laurie Wood was our special guest  with her post, "What Writers Need to Know About Canada." She'll dispel some myths and share a few tidbits you may not know. Stop by.  Preslaysa Williams is the winner of a Seeker ebook of choice in honor of her visit. 

Wednesday:   Sherri Shackelford launched Speedbo with her post, "Why Challenging Yourself as a Writer Matters."  Renee McBride, Phyllis Wheeler and Cindy W are the winners of her March, Love Inspired Historical release, A Temporary Family.

Thursday: Keli Gwyn was our day-2 Speedbo hostess with her post, "The Slow Writer's Guide to Speedbo: 10 Tips for Those Who Write With the Speed of a Turtle Slogging Through Molasses."Lara Hitchcock, Laurie Wood, Sandy Smith, Marcia L. Scott and Vince are winners of her latest Love Inspired Historical release, Her Motherhood Wish.

 And from last week's Weekend Edition, Bettie, Connie and Sally Shupe are winners of a mass market edition of Ruthy Logan Herne's "Back in the Saddle." Congratulations!

Monday:  Mary Connealy is your hostess. We are talking about GOALS and SELF-DISCIPLINE. Four books to giveaway. One on craft. One on goals. One for fun to spark your imagination. One of Mary's. Long Time Gone.

Tuesday: Keely Brooke is our special guest.

Wednesday: Julie Lessman is in the house with one author’s view on the path to success in a blog entitled, "Back-peddling on the Road to Success." A paper copy of Splickety Love's SPARK Magazine that includes Julie's flash fiction piece of an alternate ending for Gone With the Wind will be given away as well as one of Julie's books.

Thursday: "Aim High or Shoot Low?" Stop by to chat with our very own inspirational author Ruthy Logan Herne as she talks about self-examination and how that simple exercise can apply to your mental, emotional, and spiritual life... and how it helps make you a more productive writer. She's sweetening the deal with two copies of Their Surprise Daddy, releasing next month!

Friday: Best of the Archives with another Speedbo post to encourage you. Comments are closed on Fridays so we can write and read!

Tina Radcliffe's Rocky Mountain Sheriff, cover reveal. Book 6 of the Paradise series will release in ebook late spring of this year!  Sheriff Sam Lawson finally meets his match when journalist Abi Warren returns to Paradise. And oh, how the sparks fly!

Covers by Rogenna.

DEAL ALERT! Book 1 in Julie Lessman’s Heart of San Francisco series, Love at Any Cost, ON SALE for only 79 to 99 cents, so check out the fun video and buy links below!

AMAZON, BARNES & NOBLE, and CBD (79 cents)

NEWSFLASH! Whoa, baby ... Julie Lessman just found out that the February issue of SPARK Magazine, which includes her alternate ending for Gone With the Wind, is available for FREE DOWNLOAD when you take advantage of the FREE SUBSCRIPTION to Splickety, so all you have to do is send a blank email with "Subscribe" in the subject line to:

Sandra Leesmith's novella, 
Where The Eagle Flies available now in hardback print. HERE.  Also available in kindle ebook. 


Thanks for the link love!


  1. SPEEDBO!!! Welcome to the Weekend Edition and Days 4 and 5 of our month-long challenge.

    I'm into a novella, a Woman's World story and working on a rom-suspense and a Love Inspired manuscript. GET 'ER DONE WRITERS!!

    1. Sounds great Tina - keep it up! Woohooo. ;D

    2. Hi Tina:

      When are you not working on a Woman's World story?

    3. Well I didn't work on much WW last month. But I do always have two in progress, because they have to spend time percolating. You can never just write and send. They need time, like fine wine.

    4. Oh yes, and like a fine wine, you definitely have the right vintage! If we could taste your WW stories, what wine would they taste like?

  2. Congratulations to all of last week's winners!!! And looking forward to some new ones this week!

    We've got a busy family weekend here on the farm, kids and babies and food and SNOW... a surprise couple of inches descended on us overnight! WHAT???? 70 degrees three days ago and now... Ruth's spring peepers (tree frogs) are fast asleep once again, hiding from 14 degrees and snow!

    My writing part of Speedbo begins Monday. I have sent in my final Grace Haven Love Inspired book and am working on a new Love Inspired proposal... and I've sent in my revisions on "A Light in the Darkness" for Guideposts MY FIRST MYSTERY!!!!! And Monday morning I dive back into "Welcome to Wishing Bridge" coming out his fall... But first I had to clear my desk... and I did!

    Keep going, my friends. That 1K/day (or even 500/day) gets a whole lotta words on the page if we do it all the time!

    And happy to see a bunch of my steady 1K/1HR friends over here. I'm so glad you signed up!!!!


    1. There is something about sprucing up my area that really helps me zone in to the task at hand.

      I have another non-writing project I've been working on since January and as of late last night, I've just about finished everything up! Yay! (It was a lot of fun). My next goal is biting the bullet and lassoing me up a plot for that fiction idea I have. I don't know how long of a book to make it (Novella, full length, etc), so I figured I'd plot it and see what ideas I came up with.

      YOUR FIRST MYSTERY! How fun! How'd you like the plot change up? What kind of mystery is it? =D

      BTW - I think I want a second cup of coffee if there's enough to go around. ;)

    2. Yay! I won a copy of Sherri's new book! Thank you!

      Ruthy! Congratulations on your new adventure writing mysteries for Guideposts.

      I'm doing well with my Speedbo pledge this week. I'm super motivated to finish this R&R to Love Inspired. Thanks for all your support, Seekers!

      Have a productive week!

      ~ Renee

  3. After mornings in the 60's, we'e in the 20's this morning. Bring on the coffee!
    Thanks for another terrific WE, Tina. I love your new cover! Nice job by Rogenna.
    Today I have a hot date with my AlphaSmart, so we'll see what happens.

    1. I have a date with mine, as well, Jill!

    2. I plan to sit down with mine after dinner. As my son would say, "That things a beast to get the words done."

  4. Looking forward to getting Speedo started. After 33 hours without power I feel late to the party lol. Congratulations to the winners and thank you so much for a copy of Ruthy's book! Have a great weekend and happy Speedboing!! Still no snow here.

    1. UGH! Those darn power gremlins. Don't worry, Sally. There's plenty of time to get started. It's great to see you here this morning.

      ~ Renee

    2. I echo Renee's UGH! A power outtage now would wreck havoc on my deadline!!! :( Glad yours is back on!

    3. Thank you! It's great to be back among the power lol.

  5. Congrats to all the winners and all of the Speedbo-ers (sp?) lol. You've officially made it to your first Speedbo2017 weekend - WOOT!!!! =D Be blessed and have fun...lots of fun. In the words of Pastor Butch, a cowboy preacher - If you aren't having fun [writing], you're doing it wrong. ;)

    Congrats Tina - fun cover for the sheriff! :) Cover design is a lot of fun...especially the research phrase!

  6. Yay Julie! Congrats on being in print. That is awesome.

    I couldn't get the video link to work. :( Took me to Amazon. ;)

    Going to read me some links...I think I'll start with 'law abiding fiction' and move on to 'social media' tips - I like me some social media tips. (Sorry for the quirky sentence structure - with my joy of finishing a project - I'm a bit in a jovial mood! Plus, um, I just finished that whole mug of coffee. Lol. ;) )

    On Monday, I'll pick up where I left off on my goal sheet and look for some more accountability! EK.


    1. Hey, Megs, yeah I figured that out this morning, so I apologize. I apparently cannot handle more than one link at a time because my Splickety link didn't work either. Sigh.

      BUT ... all should be fixed now, so check it out!


  7. Yay another weekend edition. Congratulations to the winners. Thanks for all the great links.

    I'm busy like Ruthy. Today is my 50th anniversary with hubby. We are having a big celebration and dance tonight. So fun. So I'm super busy. Loving it.

    1. Happy happy happy anniversary, Sandra! Have a wonderful celebration, you two!!!

    2. Sandra, I saw that pic of gorgeous you and your hunky hubby on your wedding day. I can't believe you've been married 50 years! But since I trust you, girl, I know it must be true.

      Happy anniversary, you two!

    3. Enjoy your celebration, Sandra! Congrats on 50 years! That's love!!! :)

    4. Congrats to you Sandra. What a special time you will have. Enjoy!

    5. Happy Anniversary Sandra!
      You've Reached the Gold!
      Now the story of your wedding qualifies as Historical Romance!

    6. Thank you all for your wishes. We had a wonderful party last night with all of our pickleball friends and nieces and nephews that traveled down for date weekends. They will make it to 50 also if they keep that up. chuckle.

    7. Vince you are too funny. It is rather disturbing when you go into an antique store and see all kinds of stuff from your era. Antiques??? yikes.

    8. Wonderful that you had such a nice anniversary, Sandra! Congratulations!

      Nancy C

    9. Hi Sandra: I'm writing from real experiences. When I read Ruth's "Red Kettle Christmas", a historical from the late 1940's, it had a Macy's Day parade, Thanksgiving Day, which I attended for three of those years. Yes, I was a little kid but for that reason it made a big, lifelong impression on me.

      So it has happened to me. Oy vey!


  8. This is my lucky day if I believed in luck, which I don't. Opened the Speedbo page to find out I had won a "First Scene" critique, opened my regular e-mail to find a request from a publisher for a full. Could be worse. We had snow here too, like Ruthy, but just a dusting. It is however fiendishly cold.
    My MO for Speedbo is to put in an hour a day on my Speedbo WIP. The pages do add up, I'm into Chapter 10 (I started in January). If I devote one hour, wherever, I can usually produce something. There is some momentum.
    I'm also doing a chapter-by-chapter with another book, with my crit partner, but that's only one chapter a month. One of mine for hers, one of hers for me. And my book is already in draft form, so I just have to press "send." I'm also planning a Winter Weekend at the end of the month, and I'm taking yet ANOTHER book, the draft of the sequel of the book that has gone to the next level with an agency. Like Ruthy and Tina, I have a lot of projects going. Fortunately, time management is my hobby.

    1. Wow, congratulations to you, Kathy!!!

    2. A request for a full!!!! Fantastic!!! Yay, Kathy!

    3. Great going Kathy. Want to share the time management skills? I used to be great, but that gift seems to be slipping away lately. LOL Or maybe I'm just having too much fun.

  9. I also pulled the plug on a nonfiction gig that was more toxic than it's worth. Life is too short. Or on some days, not short enough.

  10. Thanks for another great week and an equally great WE. I so admire all of you who are fulfilling your Speedbo pledge because, as a reader, this will ultimately benefit me! Tina, I also love the cover of Rocky Mountain Sheriff and look forward to the story!

    1. We love and need our reader cheerleaders, Connie. Thanks for the support!

  11. WOW. Days 4-5 of Speedbo already! With my next proposal out the door, edits on the previous book will occupy my time this weekend.

    Love your cover, TINA!

  12. Speedbo is awesome! Great cover for Rocky Mountain Sheriff! I want to read it NOW!!!

  13. TINA, Rocky Mountain Sheriff's cover is beautiful!! Congrats to our winners! Next week looks great! We're blessed with lots of great posts here in Seekerville.

    Happy Productive Weekend for those doing Speedbo. Here's to getting words on the page!


    1. Thank you, Janet! And goooo Speedbo!

  14. SANDRA, happy anniversary! Your celebration sounds wonderful!


    1. Thanks Janet. We had so much fun. Haven't danced that much in ages. So much fun and the Retro Rockets play music from our era which makes it so much fun.

  15. I so appreciate Speedbo/ Seeker's gentle approach to producing more words. I have not yet reached 1k a day but the significant word is yet. With Speedbo push, I gather momentum.

    My thanks to those posting.
    HAPPY anniversary to Sandra!

  16. Cheering on TINA, RUTHY and KAYBEE!! You're rocking it!


  17. Tina!

    I love the new cover! I can't wait to continue reading your Paradise series. Keep up the good work.

    ~ Renee

  18. Tina!

    I love the new cover! I can't wait to continue reading your Paradise series. Keep up the good work.

    ~ Renee

  19. Happy Anniversary, Sandra! Nice to see you here this morning. Eat cake and have a great time celebrating.

    ~ Renee

    1. Thanks Renee. We didn't have cake, but we had tons of other food and it was so much fun. All our pickleball friends and some family were at the party. We danced until they closed down. Whew!. Can't believe I can still move. LOL

  20. So far I'm right on track with my Speedbo goal, plus even a little extra cushion. But today it's time for a [planned] break to go spend time with my favorite nephew! 6.5 weeks old, and a real cutie.

    1. You earned the break, Rachael! ENJOY!!

  21. Happy Saturday, Seekervillagers! Sounds like everyone's making progress toward their Speedbo goals. I impressed myself yesterday by writing over 1600 words EVEN while helping take care of my 3-year-old granddaughter while her mom & dad were at the surgery center.

    Wow, amazing what surgeons can do these days. Our sil broke a finger on his left hand a few months ago when he was hiking and fell down a steep incline. It never healed properly, so he went to see a specialist and found there were some bone fragments in there keeping him from being able to bend his finger.

    So they took some part of his wrist that is very similar to a finger joint and placed it in the finger. He's moaning and groaning around here this morning but hopefully is on the mend. If he hadn't had this surgery, he would never be able to play guitar again.

    1. Praying for his successful recovery, Myra, so he can play the guitar again. :)

    2. Yep, the guitar thing was the clincher for deciding to get this done.

      Thanks for the prayers!

    3. Myra, praying for the healing of your sil's finger.

      Congrats on getting the words in while babysitting! I'm impressed.


    4. Praying Myra and what a blessing that we have the surgeons who can do this.

  22. Trying to Speedbo this weekend, but after I set my goal at word count, I realized I wasn't quite ready to start the writing process on this story yet. I have a LOT of pre-work to do if I want this story to go somewhere, so I'm spending Speedbo energy on outlines, plots and character sketches. I might still get my 750+ words in just doing character interviews :) Happy 1st Speedbo weekend, everyone!

    1. Just keep moving forward, no matter how. It's all good.

  23. It's day 4 already??? Ack!

    This is a quick check in, then I'm outta here to meet my goals for the day. Ruthy said she has a busy family weekend, but my "busyness" is usually flipped to Mon/Thurs when I babysit.

    Who knew a one year old could be so busy and exhausting???

    And Sundays are always busy with church. When I made out my writing schedule, I left Sunday and Monday at 0, just because those are my two busiest days of the week. The plan was/is to catch up on those days (or get AHEAD) if possible.

    Thurs is a semi-busy day as I babysit, but only 11 hours instead of 13, so I scheduled in 1000 words for that day.

    I'm behind on my goals, but still have time to catch up.

    Tues/Wed/Fri/Sat need to be 2500+ days. Doable if I'm not a lazy procrastinating bum!

    Heading out to write! Will check in later!

    1. Pam, hope you made your goal. I had a good day yesterday. Like you, I usually don't write on Sundays.


  24. The sun is shining in the mountains today, but it is chilly at 38 right now. In spite of my health issues in the first 3 days I wrote 6,364 words, It helps if on the days I feel good I write extra so that on the bad days when i can't write much etc.

    Who knows what will happen as the week may progresses. I will have cataract Laser surgery next week on Friday but I don't anticipate any problems but then on the 15th I will have a test where they put water in my ears so they can determine how the vertigo is affecting me. so that may have an impact on that writing day, But I do hope they can figure out what is going on.

    The Lord is so good in the midst of all this I woke to a spinning world this morning. The the spinning part subsided so will still try to get as much writing as I can.

    1. Congrats on your word count, Wilani! And prayers for a successful surgery!

    2. Wilani, thinking of you for your surgery. I had cataract surgery last summer. It was wonderful for me. I hope your vertigo will get better.

    3. Wilani, great word count so far! If you have to take a break after your cataract surgery, you'll have those words under your belt for the win! :)

    4. Cheering you on, Wilani! Prayers for your cataract surgery and vertigo.


  25. Thank you! And congratulations to all the winners!

    May God bless all of Seekerville!

  26. Love seeing the great writing goals that are being met! Congrats to all!

    Tina and Sandra, beautiful new covers!!! More great stories to enjoy!

    I'm working on my speech for the Romancing the Smokies 2017 Readers Luncheon! So excited. I'll be heading to Knoxville in two weeks!

    1. Debby, I've heard you speak so I know those in attendance will be blessed!


    2. Thanks Debby. Vince gave me the ideas for mine. I really like them.

  27. So much to celebrate on the WE edition of Seekerville. Congrats to the winners, and thanks for the links!

  28. Slow start to my speedbo, but I'll get up to speed. 😊

  29. Sy Speedbo is going well. So far I've been able to not only meet my goals but actually go over them. Maybe I'll actually be able to get my book done this month after all...

    Oh well, off to write.

    1. I just did I quick count and I got 7,666 words done March 3rd-4th, two chapters and one extra section. Woohoo!


    3. Whoa, typo alert! It was March 1st-3rd that I wrote those words. I've only written *blush* 419 words today, but plenty of time to remedy that.

    4. Nicki, I'm awed by your word count! Great job!


  30. Happy Weekend, everyone. Hope all your Speedbo goals are going well. So far I have written my 1K a day. I'm excited to win Keli's book. I have been wanting to read one of hers!

    1. Sandy! This is the year you write THE END!!!

    2. Sandy, congratulations!


  31. Best of luck to all doing Speedbo. As an avid reader, I wait anxiously for the books you will write!
    CONGRATS to Sandra & hub on your 50th! Your pic on FB is gorgeous!

    1. Thank you, Jackie, your support means a lot. Isn't that wedding photo amazing???? I just grinned when I saw it.

    2. Thanks Jackie, I can't believe it has been 50 years. They fly by way too fast. smile And thanks for the reader support. Its what we writers need to hear to cheer us on.

  32. Congrats to all the winners!

    I am excited about Speedbo. So far I have 6,405 words done for Speedbo. Still have some more to do on current WIP.

    Diving back in...

  33. Happy Speedbo, everyone, and congrats to the authors, winners, and persevering Speedbo-ers. I'm not exactly sure what my word count is since I stole some sections of words I'd written before Speedbo started, but, even with that extra subtracted out, it looks like I'm keeping up with my goal of 1500 words a day. So, I'm claiming about 6,000 (and I may even write some more today). It got a lot easier once I got past that annoying beginning! :-D

    1. I merged a manuscript too! If it works, it's all good.

    2. Stealing and merging is allows in Speedbo. Well, as long as it's our own work we're stealing. Ha!

      Word donations are always welcome as well. Send to phillman@... lol

    3. Lara, I've grabbed some words I'd written earlier too! Sounds like we're not alone.


    4. Pam, I'm laughing at your request for donations! Let us know how that goes. :-)


    5. Hey, everything counts when you get that manuscript closer to completion. Congrats.

  34. Speedbo check-in: Done with my daily goal, now I'm going to get some reading done. :)

    Congrats to all the winners!

    1. Good job, Loraine!

    2. Loraine, write, read, write, read. That's the SpeedBo march!


    3. Congrats. You are doing better than I. sigh.

  35. Welcome to Speedbo, Judith Cross! Because it's never too late to SPEEEEEEEEEEEEEDBO!

  36. I really enjoyed yesterday's best of post on ways to change anything's and reach goals! Fridays have the best info and its the one day I can't comment,LOL!
    I'll be using some of that info to achieve some of my own personal goals.

    Congrats Tina on the cover reveal, can't wait to order it!

    Congrats Sandra on the 50th wedding anniversary! That's quite the accomplishment! I loved your FB picture, a beautiful couple!

    Congrats to all winners!

    Cheering on all speedboers, I can't wait to enjoy all the great writing I know is going on this month!

    1. Same thing happened to me, Tracey. I enjoyed that recap as well!

    2. Thanks Tracey, I can't believe it has been 50 years. They fly. I'm glad you're getting your goals set up. Achieving them really is a boost we all need in this crazy business.

  37. Woohoo, I won a funny sign! Speedbo is going well, considering my kids are home for Winter break (they go back Wednesday.) While I haven't met my goal every day, I have written every day (and without Speedbo would not have gotten any writing done.) I plan to make up my word count over the next few days.

    I also re-read a portion 2K to 10K and worked on my WIP outline and GMC.

    1. Josee, I bought 2K to 10K and the tips are spot on! I can't remember all of them, but I used the one where you jot down on paper the gist of your scene before you sit down at your computer to write.

      It really worked. I'm not sure it would work for planning too far ahead, but for that one scene it did.

      Hoping to keep that one in my writer's toolkit. :)

    2. Josee, any writing done when your kids are home on break is a victory!


  38. Hi Sandra:

    Congrats on the great new cover for "Where the Eagle Flies". The art shows exactly what the reader will get in the story.

    Question: Can you tell us where we can get the hardbound print copy? I did not find it on Amazon.

    Also, I'd like to use the review I wrote for this novella that was included in the "With this Kiss" collection. It seems the Seeker novellas have disappeared from Amazon! It's almost like something out of Orwell's "1984"! :)

    I can't find my copy of the review. Do you happen to have a copy of that review I could use? I hope I really wrote it!

    BTW: The new artwork for "A Heart Full of Hope" is perfect now! It would be hard to think of a more romantic scene! I went back and edited my review to take advantage of the new cover.


    1. Oh Vince, The Seeker anthologies were dismantled and it was done before we could save all that information. I'm so sorry as I really LOVED that review. If I'd have known that was going to happen, I would have copied and saved it somehow. There were several lovely reviews. sigh

      But that is why you are seeing all the Seekers putting their novellas out there in indie publishing. Where the Eagle Flies is in print paperback. Did I say hardcover by mistake? Yikes. I better go change that. Wouldn't that be special.

      By indie publishing the novellas, it allowed me to make the changes you suggested to the covers. I love how they turned out.

    2. Hi Vince and Sandra,
      I can help you with the review issue. Even though those collections aren't available anymore, any review you wrote can still be found through your own Amazon profile. Two ways to find your profile if you haven't done it before
      1)go to your account page, scroll down to Personalization, click on public profile and your there
      2) Even easier, go to the last book you reviewed, click on your name under that review and it takes you to your profile.

      You'll find all your info there, held up vote count, Amazon rating and if you scroll down you can find any review you have written even if the books not available anymore.
      Hope that helps!

    3. That's helpful vote count, crazy auto correct, LOL

    4. I didn't know that!!! You are so smart!

    5. Hi Tracey:

      It a way. However, my review was not there. The review was for Missy's book. Maybe it got into the historical With The Kiss collection. Also I've had several reviews that went to other books. I posted them under the right book but they got sent to another book. Sometimes it's just another book by the same author. Sometimes it goes to the book which the author has on Amazon twice, once under a pen name and once under her own name. Once I deleted the review under the wrong book and posted it again under the right book and the same problem happened. I emailed Amazon and they confirmed what happened and fixed it on their side.

      So now I'll have to see if I did a review on the historical "With this Kiss" and if it is in there.

      I think I'll just write a new review. I like to write reviews right after I've read the book and everything is fresh in my mind and I am very clear on why I liked the book so much. This would be a good reason to read it again. At least it is still on my Kindle!

      Thanks again,

    6. Tracey, Thank you for that info. I'll have to go in and see if I can find that feature.

      And Vince, you are so sweet to want to write another review. Bless you.

  39. Congrats to this week's winners!

    Happy Weekend Seekerville!

    1. Thanks for cheering us on Caryl!

  40. Okay, all, I'm headed to bed... 4543 words today. Well over my goal. Yay! :)

  41. Tina I love the cover of your upcoming book! It's so sweet <3

    1. Thanks, Heidi! Love me some Sheriff Sam!

  42. I love to think of all the writing happening during Speedbo. Keep writing. . from a reader.
    Becky B

    1. Thank you. Good to know the readers are cheering us on. They must like our writing. Yay!!!

  43. Good looking cover, Tina! I guess I can wait until late Spring for Sam's story . . . I guess I have to :-D

    Super link about How to Manipulate a Protagonist’s Likability. I find heroines/heros with faults are much more interesting -- and relatable :-)

    Congrats to all you winners AND congratulations to Julie for your SPARK story!

    My writing week was re-reading, notes on what needs work, and merging sections of manuscript. Being away from the ms for a while has proven to be a blessing -- I see so many things about the story much more clearly now. Yippy!

    Go Speedbo writers!

    Nancy C

    1. I love it when I can take a fresh look at a manuscript. So often we don't have time. I just found a Paradise book I had abandoned on my computer. JOY!!!!

    2. Thanks, Nancy!

      And I hear you on rereading something with fresh eyes! Soooo important to the quality of the editing!!


  44. Sounds like a busy weekend all around. Congratulations to Sandra on her 50th anniversary.

    I've been busy editing my WIP this week. So far chapter 1 and chapter 2 are revised and I'm taking a quick break before I start chapter 3. Back to work. Happy writing and editing for writers. Happy reading for readers and writers.

    1. Way to go, Tanya. Self-editing is a thing of beauty.

  45. Wrote 18451 words thus far in Speedbo for a short story anthology call, critiqued and revised and then submitted this week. Phew! Glad to be part of this wonderful challenge. Have a great week! <3 Jules

    1. Way to go, Jules!!!! That's no small words!! #greenwithSpeedboenvy!

  46. Keeping up with my Speedbo goals! Yeah! Having a great experience this year.

    1. Great, Bettie!!! Thanks for checking in.

  47. Congratulations to all the winners and all the Speedbo writers!

    Beautiful cover, Tina!

    Great news about Ruthy's book and Julie's writing.

    Happy 50th, Sandra!

    My Speedbo report: Synopsis written and making progress on revisions each day. Now back to work. :)

    1. And Sandra, the cover is perfect for your story! Love it!

    2. Thanks, Sherida! I reallllly enjoyed writing an alternate ending to my favorite novel of all time, but I'll just bet Margaret is turning over in her grave! ;)


    3. Way to go, Sherida!!

    4. Thanks Sherida. We really had a fun celebration.

  48. Congratulations to all the winners! And congrats Tina and Sandra on the new books! Thanks for such a great WE, Tina! Off to read the links now.

  49. HI all, I'm late in checking in but wanna say congrats to all the winners and to Sandra and Tina on their books. I'm keeping up with my Speedbo goals with 5,617 words so far. Praying for a meaty word week this week.

    1. Awesome word count, Sharee!

    2. Thanks Sharee and way to go. Hang in there.

  50. Sunday night already!! Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!
    CONGRATS to all the winners, and to my fellow SPEEDBO participants, hope the writing is flowing! I started off in turtle-mode, but thankfully this weekend I've moved up on my word-count. Finally had to send my "internal editor" on a vacation until March 31 (at midnight, LOL). ;)
    Looking forward to another great week!
    Hugs, Patti Jo

    1. Turtles tiptoeing through peanut butter together, Patti Jo!

  51. Hi everyone. Maybe you should consider having Speedbo more often. (just joking) I racked up over 3,000 words over the weekend, which is very big for me. You are showing me how I can forge ahead with proper motivation. I'm so excited to read how everyone is doing. You're awesome!!

  52. Congratulations to all the winners!! I'm one and so excited. I loved Keli's book cover, now I get to hold it in my hand! Win-win!
