As an unpublished author, I wondered more than once if all the hard work was worth it. I was so busy doing what needed to be done, that there wasn’t much time—or energy—to pursue much of the dream.
But as we celebrate Seekerville’s 10th birthday, I started looking back on the last 10 years of my writing life, and found a plethora of amazing things that I wasn’t doing then that I’m doing now. Really, I had a hard time stopping at ten!
1. Writing - Keeping to a writing schedule because it’s my job now. This seems like a no brainer, but life and exhaustion can get in the way of producing good copy. I’m in a season in my life where I was able to quit my high-pressure corporate job a few years ago. I know this isn’t an option for everyone, but I put in my time at the office. I’m still at “the office” every day, it’s just in my own home.
2. Speaking/Signing - Ten years ago, groups had no real reason to invite me to speak. Even today as I’m blogging in Seekerville, I’m packing my SUV with books and heading out to visit the library in a neighboring town. I’ll be signing books at a local festival in a couple of weeks, along with two more appearances before Christmas.
3. Keynoter - I’m listing keynote speaker separately because there’s just something extra special about being asked to keynote at a conference or retreat. In August, I gave my first keynote speech at a Christian ladies retreat in Indianapolis, Indiana. What an honor! I never, ever, in my wildest dreams, thought I’d be able to add “keynote speaker” to my resume.
4. A Taste of Fame - Okay, fame is relative, but it’s a big deal to be standing in line in my small-town grocery store and have someone recognize me and tell me — loud and proud from across two checkout lanes — that they meant it when they posted on social media they want to know what happened next [to secondary characters].
5. Sharing the Stage with Francine Rivers - Yep, ten years ago, who would have thought that in 2015, I’d be standing on the same stage with Francine Rivers at Prestonwood Baptist Church in Plano, TX as we and six other Tyndale authors addressed the 700+ ladies in the audience and signed books afterward. Surreal!
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Tyndale Authors, Editors and Marketing at Prestonwood Baptist Church, Plano, TX |
6. Conference Calls - Since I worked as a purchasing manager, I’m no stranger to phone convos with salesmen and the occasional conference call to hash out some major problem. But even those daily interactions working out $100K steel deals weren’t nearly as fun or as dear to my heart as conference calls with my editors and marketing. The time just flies as both sides work to make my latest project shine as bright as possible.
7. Books, Books, & More Books - Books with MY name on them. Should this be listed as #1, or #10??? Isn’t it the reason for this post, for all the time and effort, writing, speaking, signing, and being tied to my laptop 24/7? Yep, what I wasn’t doing 10 years ago was holding my books in my hands, and seeing my books in bookstores and online.
8. Industry Recognition - The dream was just to become published. Just to get my foot in the door, have a book with my name on it. But then to have those books win awards and land on the CBA and ECPA Bestsellers lists is just above and beyond anything I ever imagined.
9. Savoring Morning Coffee at Home - Okay, this is a bit of a departure from all the writing-related points above, but for someone who loves, loves, LOVES being at home, it’s just about the best of the lot. My dream has been to work from home just about all my adult life, and it seemed as if that dream would never come true. Granted, I still wear many “business” hats since my husband and son are both self-employed, and I’m the bookkeeper for their businesses, plus the work I do as the treasurer of ACFW. All these jobs are what enables me to stay at home.
10. Bring on the jammies and grungy hair - There’s a lot to be said for working at home and being able to wear whatever you want all day. Get up and twist your hair up in a clip, throw on an old t-shirt and a skirt or jeans and call it good. What I’m not doing, is jumping out of bed, scrambling to get dressed, and driving thirty minutes to the day job, rushing to get there on time. (Uh, did I say that I’m not exactly a morning person?)
Okay, I’m out of numbers, so this last one is just a plain out BONUS…Because of the blessing of working from home and my flexible hours, I have the absolute JOY of baby sitting my sweet and sassy grand baby twice a week. It doesn’t get any better than that!
So, there ya go. Ten (plus one!) amazing, wonderful things I wasn’t doing ten years ago.
Now for some Seekerville birthday fun! Leave a comment sharing at least one amazing thing that you weren’t doing (experiencing) ten years ago. It can be writing related, but doesn’t have to be. Today’s birthday prize is a grab bag with ten cute and fun items - along with a signed copy of Pam Hillman's latest The Promise of Breeze Hill.
Let’s chat!
First and foremost I had no GRANDBABIES ten years ago!!!
ReplyDeleteWell, this is true! Me either. :) But isn't that the BEST of all??? :)
DeleteGot you both beat. I had five grandkids ten years ago! Now I have seven!
DeleteAnd grandkids are the BEST!!!
DeleteMy first book came out in February 2007. That's ten years ago.
ReplyDeleteWow, so much has changed.
I had a full time job ten years ago. Now I'm at home writing full time.
I had a child still at home a senior in high school.
I had two kids in college and ZERO MONEY!!!
Mary, I can so relate to that, esp. the college thing. Mine were also in their teens. I didn't have any money or a BRAIN after dealing with two teenage boys all day! lol
DeleteOh, man... ten years ago there was one kid in college and two in grad school and one in law school.
DeleteAnd no money.
And two weddings.
Less money.
Oy vay.
Ah this is an easy-peasy answer. Ten years ago I wasn't reading Seekerville, didn't know any Seekers or villagers, and I wasn't a member of ACFW. Thank you for sharing your ten, Pam.
ReplyDeleteGood one, Barbara! Ten years ago I wasn't reading Seekerville. I'm so thankful I found this blog.
DeleteGreat answer, Barbara! Amazing the friends and connections we've all made in 10 years. I should have added YOUR answer to my list of ten! :)
DeletePam, congratulations on all you've accomplished and on living the good life. This is a fun post.
ReplyDeleteLet's see, ten years ago I didn't have plans to quit my day job in 9 1/2 months! Snoopy dancing just thinking about that. It is exhausting.
Ten years ago I didn't have three published novellas.
Ten years ago I wasn't an award winning author.
Ten years ago I didn't have the worlds most fabulous mentor!!!
Love your "Ten years ago I..." list, Terri. Isn't it grand? And only 9 1/2 months to go before you walk out the door for good??? You're going to LOVE working from home! :)
DeleteThink about it:
DeleteIf ten years ago you didn't have a million dollars, does it logically follow that you have a millions dollars today?
Vince, apparently not. Sigh.
Delete10 years ago I didn't have the time to read like I do now because I had younger kids to take care of while my husband had crazy long hours at work. Therefore I wasn't reviewing books or following author blogs or all the other fun online things I am doing now. I also had a whole lot more energy for things....things that tend to take a little longer to do now....haha! I was 10 years YOUNGER *sigh*
ReplyDeletePam, I already enjoyed, read & reviewed your book so no need to toss my name in the hat for the book :-)
Trixi, that's the trade off to the kids growing up and requiring less of your attention... being older and not having as much energy.
DeleteI keep the grand and I'm exhausted at the end of the day! I look back and wonder how I did it with my own. There's a reason are supposed to be parents, and I'm supposed to be the grandparent!
And... I love that you're getting to do all the fun stuff like reading and reviewing now. All of us authors love all of our reviewers!
I am an almost empty nester, our son just started his second year in community college so it's definitely nice to have time for myself :-) And I agree with the grandparent thing, we have a 3 1\2 yr old grand-girl that keeps us on our toes and! I, too, wonder how I did it with our two kids, oy! But there's that YOUNGER thing again...haha!
DeleteHi Pam! Love your insights, ten years in the making!
ReplyDeleteTen years ago I was under contract, writing my second non-fiction book and just kicking around the idea of writing romance because I had no idea there was such a thing as inspirational romance! Once I discovered that AND had a hip replaced, I was able to sit in the chair and write my first, albeit cringe-worthy Inspy romance MS, thanks to the gentle help from RWA New Jersey Romance Writers.
And yes, grandbabies...FIVE of them in the past ten years. WOW. LOVE IT! ;)
Lyndee, this makes me smile. Isn't God amazing? He knew you needed that still, quiet time to concentrate on writing that romance, so he sorta helped you along with being in a position where you had to write. :)
DeleteAnd... another satisfied grandmother raises her hand. lol
Well THAT was fun to read. Seriously. Until you stop and really think about it, ten years doesn't seem like a big deal. Ho hum..Seekerville's tenth birthday.
ReplyDeleteBut it IS a big deal. It's huge. Ten years is a very long time.
Ten years ago I had no clue how blessed my life would be because of a little blog called Seekerville.
Ten years ago I would never have imagined that this ministry called Seekerville could have agents and editors emailing me to schedule their authors.
Ten years ago I never would have predicted Seekerville would be nearing THREE MILLION UNIQUE VIEWS.
Wow. Just wow.
Three million?! WOW. I bet some of those are from the CT Fiction Fest, where I told EVERYONE about Seekerville! ; )
DeleteTen years ago I didn't know YOU. Now that's a crazy thought.
3 million is LOT of views!!!!
DeleteWow! I think e million makes you ladies famous. It is a ton of views.
DeleteAmazing what Seekerville and the Seeker Villagers have accomplished in 10 years. And Josee is spot on... Villagers do share the good news of Seekerville when talking about great places to grow in your writing.
DeleteOhhhh... that reminds me. I need to grab a stack of Seekerville notepads to take with me to the booksigning today! BRB!
TINA, that is absolutely so amazing! WOW! Go, God!
DeleteTen years ago I was still working. Every day is now a holiday. Yay, more time to read.
ReplyDeleteMary, I like that thought... every day is a holiday. And you choose to spend it with us! We love ya!! :)
DeleteTen years ago I was reading voraciously and reviewing the books I'd read on my own blog. Wow! Time passes quickly.
ReplyDeleteBlessings & Happy Birthday!
Cindy W.
Oh, I too have already read your wonderful book Pam so no need to toss my name in.
DeleteThis was so much fun to read, Pam. Congratulations on all of your accomplishments! Ten years ago, I was just becoming obsessed with studying the craft and searching author websites and blogs. It sure goes fast, doesn't it?
ReplyDeleteCrazy fast! When I was a kid, I thought the day would never end. Now, I wonder where it went. And I know you're looking back at the ten years and thinking about how much you've learned. I know I do. Every day!
DeleteOf course there's more, but it's exciting to study craft and the industry and learn something new every day.
Ten year ago, I had a full-time job, three children under the age of three, and massive chaos. I still have massive chaos, now have four children but thankfully only one child under the age of five, but work only two days a week which makes the chaos a bit more manageable. Yay!
ReplyDeleteMH, 3-under-3??? Yes, that constitutes chaos. Bless you, friend! And I'm so glad you get to spend more time with the kiddos at home. I know you and they love that. :)
DeleteTen years ago I had zero children and I wasn't writing at all. Now I have three kids (8, 7, and 4), two desk drawer manuscripts, and one ms that's won me a couple contests and landed me an agent. So, yeah, just a couple changes...
ReplyDeleteThere ya go, Amanda! You're the poster child for Roll up your sleeves and get 'er done.
DeleteFor anyone who's speed reading, go back and read Amanda's comment again.
3 kids, 2 manuscripts, contest wins and an agent... all in 10 years.
Let that soak in.
It does kinda make me wonder what I was doing with my life 10 years ago with no writing and no kids. I honestly can't remember... :)
DeleteThanks so much for such a fun post! You inspire me to look ahead ten years at what I hope to achieve! (I'll have 3 teenagers 10 years from now, so perhaps I should set the bar low. :) )
Amanda, same here. I've been writing off and on for 23 years, and look back and think... wow, what did I DO with my time before writing???
DeletePam, your list gave me goosebumps. Congratulations on your success!
ReplyDeleteTen years ago I had no clue I was a writer. None.
Ten years ago I hadn't written a book, with two more underway.
Ten years ago I couldn't have written "Award-winning Author" next to my name.
Ten years ago I hadn't known how incredibly supportive and encouraging fellow writers are, especially the people I've met through Seekerville and my fellow mentoring sisters.
Ten years ago, I had no clue what a query letter was, much less written one. In fact, ten years ago, I had no idea about anything regarding publishing.
Ten years ago, I had no idea what "deep POV," "hooks," and "GMC" were.
So much has happened in 16 months. Wow.
16 months! Girl, I'm eating your dust. Wow, is all I can say. Plus, you're so talented.
DeleteOh, Terri...thank you. That's especially sweet coming from YOU.
DeleteIt's all God, of course. He brought me Tina and that was a game-changer.
Congrats on reaching for your dreams, Josee!
DeleteAll of us who are pursuing a writing career have experienced everything you've listed... or we will if we stick with it. Some might have been at this five yeras, ten, fifteen, or even six months. All the milestones are badges of honor and praises. So glad to see yours here. :)
How fun and how wonderful, Pam!
ReplyDelete10 years ago I wasn't walking into a Walmart, grocery store, pharmacy or Barnes & Noble and seeing my books on the shelf. Even after 13 books (another coming in Spring 2018), it STILL seems surreal. I don't think I'll ever get over the wonder of it all! :)
Exactly! And you have this sudden urge to grab the intercom and say, "Attention Shoppers!!!!"
Delete(I kidding... sorta!)
Ten years ago, I'd just had my first grandbaby. #ten is due if February.
ReplyDeleteI had just quit my day job.
I had 6, I think, kids still at home. Everything gets so jumbled...
I was writing occasionally, but went to RWA meetings and met other authors. I REALLY loved to talk and get away from the house at that time. Now, I love to be alone in my house.
I had no clue what Twitter was. I spent very little time on the internet.
Connie, with 6 kids at home, I can see why you quit your day job. :)
DeleteI'd like to interject here that I see a trend... Several of us are relating that we had XX number of kids at home 10 years ago. Sometimes young moms and dads are frustrated at the fast pace of life juggling jobs and children, then teens, and sometimes teens, tweens, AND itty-bitties! That's a wonderful, amazing season in our lives. I love my now-grown kids with a passion and don't regret for a moment hauling them back and forth to this event or the other. I'm proud of the adults they've become, I love the daughters-in-law they gave me, and more importantly, they gave me grandbabies (one here and one on the way!).
So, for all you young moms and dads who feel like your writing life is slipping through your fingers -- hold on. Soak up all this learning and doing, and living. Embrace every season and write from it, through it, and about it. :)
Love that, Pam. I'm in the teenager + preschooler phase and sometimes I have to stop and remind myself to soak in this fleeting time.
DeleteI agree Pam. It's so important to take care of the youngin's while you still have them!
DeletePam, great to see the way your life has changed. Writers never realize the way things are going to go after their published...and then, once they're on the merry-go-round, they either can't or don't want to get off. Congratulations.
ReplyDeleteDoc, it is a merry-go-round, and so far the "merry" is still part of the mind-set. :)
DeleteSure, there are some ups and downs and stress-filled days and nights, but most of that is brought on by my own procrastination. Daily, I strive to figure out how to reduce the stress level and enjoy the ride.
This was a fun post, Pam. Also fun to read the comments and see what everyone was doing 10 years ago.
ReplyDeleteI'm the opposite of some people in that 10 years ago I only had one part time job, and today I work nearly full time during the school year with my substitute teacher job.
But 10 years ago I was only thinking about writing a novel, and now I am ready to write the final scene.
10 years ago I wasn't on Facebook or any other online forum. Now I'm on Seekerville and have met so many people I would never have known otherwise.
Please enter me for your book, Pam!
Sandy, congrats on nearing that final scene. How exciting! Isn't it amazing the friends we have online? The Seekers all met online and now we're great friends, all brought together by our love of story.
DeleteFirst, I'm going to apologize if this comment posts twice. I thought I posted, but I don't see it.
ReplyDeleteFun post, Pam!
It's fun to look back at the good and bad in our careers.
Ten years ago, I had no published books only lots of short stories.
Ten years ago, I had no idea one of my books would final in the RITA and take me to my dream destination, New York City!
Ten years ago, I didn't know how wonderful it would be to have granddarlings!
There you go, Rose! A RITA finalist! Now that's something to crow about, and to think that ten years ago, you had no inkling that was in your future.
DeleteAnd the fact that the RWA conference was in NYC was icing on the RITA cake. :)
I'm grinning SO big over that one!
I loved this post, Pam. It has"happy" all over it.
ReplyDeleteLet's see...ten years ago, I wasn't mothering teens. Instead, I was the mom of two toddler boys. I'm discovering that--overall--I'm enjoying being mother to our two teenage boys.
The other thing I wasn't doing ten years ago was writing fiction. I was dreaming about it in the secret places no one knew about, but now, I'm doing it. And, most dsys, I'm really excited about it. :)
"Happy" all over it. So cute!
DeleteAnd true...
I actually had a whole section of over-analyzing and talking about "if you're not there yet" and "if you haven't accomplished what you set out to do in 10 years" etc. But I nixed it. Today is the day to celebrate 10 years of achievements.
Most days, I'm really excited about it, too. Ha!
It's so good to look back and see progress, isn't it?
ReplyDeleteLet's see...ten years ago...
I wasn't writing. All of my creative energy was being poured into homeschooling and recovering from our latest move.
I wasn't emailing back and forth with editors and my agent, planning and scheduling the next big story.
I wasn't spending blissful hours at home. Alone. Just me and my characters. (I love being at home!)
I wasn't a name you could Google. Okay, you could Google it, but you wouldn't come up with much.
I wasn't aware of Seekerville, online writing classes, ACFW, or any of the writing jargon I learned just a few years later.
I wasn't planning to be an author. That was a long buried, and long dead dream. I thought. But God has other plans. He always does! I dreamed I'd ever hold a published book in my hands with my name on the cover!
But most of all, I wasn't part of this great community of authors! I never knew a group like this could be so encouraging and supportive!
That sixth point should say, "I NEVER dreamed I'd ever hold a published book in my hands..."
DeleteAnd I even proof-read my post. :(
Wow, Jan, I would never have guessed that you weren't writing 10 years ago. The things we learn when we ask! :)
DeletePam, you've accomplished great things in those ten years! Congratulations on your novels, on all the fabulous things writing has brought into your life. Though none of that comes close to the joy of a grandchild, does it? :-)
ReplyDeleteTen years ago I was waiting on my debut to hit the shelves. Ten years ago I hadn't spoken to a book club or ladies group. Ten years ago I hadn't experienced a book signing. Ten years ago, I no idea what a blessing Seekerville would be. Ten years ago our grandchildren were small. Today our youngest is a teenager.
Time flies. Life is precious. I'm so blessed to have achieved my dream but more than that, I'm blessed to know all of you! I'm blessed by my precious husband and family and friends. Thank you, Pam, for encouraging us to look back.
Oh, the excitement of that debut novel! :) I remember it well, Janet. Love your list of what you weren't doing 10 years ago!
DeleteThat first book of all the Seekers has a way of sticking in our memories. It's always so fun to celebrate that first sale!
Has anyone tallied how many published books all the Seekers have between us? It must be staggering!
DeleteNope, but I've wondered that myself, Myra! It's hard enough to figure out how to count my own. Novels? Novella? OOP? Sigh. lol
DeletePam, congrats on your success!
ReplyDeleteTen years ago I wasn't reading romance novels. Also, I was seeking the Lord as I am now.
Blessings and (((HUGS)))
There ya go, Caryl! Reading romance gives us a warm, fuzzy feeling, doesn't it? Glad you're finding joy in the reading. :)
DeleteNice post Pam. 10 years ago I had never written a book review. Seekerville taught me how to do that!
ReplyDeleteCindy, I love this! A Seekerville Book Reviewer is born, and we had a hand in it. Perfect!
DeleteTen years ago I hadn't won or finaled in any contests and didn't know much about craft.
ReplyDeleteKathy Bailey
Kathy, so fun to see you growing in your craft, entering contests and seeing the progress from year to year. Congrats all over again on your successes!
DeleteFun post, Pam!
ReplyDeleteTen years ago I didn't have my two hyperactive super destructive yet totally lovable kittens... who technically aren't kittens anymore but still act like they are :)
Happy birthday Seekerville! May God bless everyone here!
Pesky pets are vital to the writing life . . . aren't they? 😉I know I couldn't bear to be without mine!
DeleteOh my goodness, Phyllis! Speaking of kittens. The grand got a kitten Saturday. A friend found a litter close to her house and they couldn't find the mama.
DeleteIt's almost old enough to eat solid food, but not quite. I had 21 mo old PLUS the kitten yesterday, so they were pretty much comparable with the screeching and clawing. She wanted the kitten, but those sharp little claws would get her.
I was exhausted taking care of both of them together. Kitty didn't want to ride in the baby carriage, or in the baby carrier, or anything that Ella wanted her to do. But I think they'll get along great when Kitty isn't perpetually hungry.
Ten years ago I wasn't able to drink coffee as I sat in my gown in my recliner at 10 am on a Tuesday morning! I would have already been busy at my library job. Ten years ago I wouldn't have known the joy of hearing.a sweet voice say "Hi Mamaw". My first grandchild is now 3 1/2. Ten years ago I wouldn't have imagined that my life could be any better but it really is! AND....ten years ago I didn't know that I would virtually visit a community of writers and readers almost every day.
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday and Blessings!! Please enter my name in your drawing.
That is so cool, Connie. Coffee drinking grandmas in their gowns unit! ;)
DeleteAnd, isn't it fun to have a community that you can visit and comment and real people that you feel like you know (and some you do!) comment back?
Love it!
Good morning Seekerville!!! Nothing like waking up to no internet on the day you're hosting Seekerville!!!
ReplyDeleteObviously, somebody at my ISP didn't get the memo to keep the lines of communication open today! Sheesh -- good help is so hard to find!
But I'm here now... for a brief time. Remember Point #2? Yes, I'm heading out in less than an hour to a booksigning and will be out for about 3-4 hours. That's another thing I wasn't doing 10 years ago... juggling Seekerville and signing gigs. Isn't it grand??? Y'all have fun while I'm gone! :)
But I've set up FOUR Keurigs on the sideboard...I borrowed all the Seeker's Keurigs to keep the coffee and tea flowing.
And don't tell Janet, but I snitched all the leftover cookies from yesterday when she wasn't looking. Can't let good cookies go to waste! Do cookies and coffee & tea for mid-morning break. Can't go wrong there. :)
Love coffee and cookies (stolen, no less)! :)
DeleteI brought cookies, too! And pumpkin bars. Must love pumpkin bars.
DeleteOh, pumpkin bars! I'm having a late cup of coffee now and scarfing down one of those pumpkin bars as well as one of the giant homemade chocolate chip cookies that we had at the library today. They were so good!
DeleteWow, Pam! I enjoyed your reflections on what ten years ago was like for you. Ten years ago I hadn't even started my writing journey..... unless you count my sixth grade "novel" which was a romantic suspense. I HAVE come a long way, thanks to all in Seekerville! Happy ten years! And YES to morning coffee at home!
ReplyDeleteI agree, Sherida! I love the coffee at home!
DeleteSherida, you have come a long way. Yay! Raising my caramel coffee to salute you!
DeletePam, I can sooo appreciate being able to enjoy coffee at home! There's just something great about having time to sip my coffee instead of having to rush out the door, chugging down my java and not getting to enjoy Words With Friends while I eat breakfast.
ReplyDeleteYour 10 reasons are fabulous. Every single one of them :)
10 years ago I would NEVER have dreamed I'd be writing. Some days I still have to pinch myself. I love when God shows up and awakens a dream.
This reminds me...ten years ago, I would reheat my coffee 4-5 times every morning, sometimes finding my mug from the day before still in the microwave. Now that my youngest is four, I actually drink it HOT.
DeleteLOL, Josee! Yeah, as they get older our lives settle down a bit. :)
DeleteSharee, I, too, love when God gives us our dreams!
Sharee, glad the dream is alive and well and you get to savor the coffee!
DeleteJosee, I never made coffee before I got a Keurig. Hubby doesn't drink it, and it wasn't worth the trouble to make a whole pot. I drank coffee at work, and like you, I'd have to warm my cup 2-3 times in the mornings. Then in the afternoons, someone was bound to make another pot. It was a small office, and we'd all slowly gravitate to the coffee pot and have a second cup.
When I quit work, I got a Keurig and love it. I've used it every day (sometimes 2-3 times a day!) for five years.
What a fun post! I'm going to a retreat with friends this weekend and I think I'll bring it up as a topic of conversation. There are lots of things I'm doing now that I wasn't doing 10 years ago, but the most fun is skyping with grandkids.
ReplyDeleteSusan, I don't have grandkids yet, but that's one of my dreams! :)
DeleteSusan, I think it's great that you and your friends might use this as a round-table topic this weekend. How fun!! :)
DeleteI facetimed with the grand while on a recent trip. So precious to get to do that with them.
I SO wish I could keep chatting, but I've got to go to this book signing... that's the other thing I wasn't doing 10 years ago... accidentally booking two "gigs" on the same day. Sigh.
ReplyDeleteY'all keep up the chatter and I'll be back as SOON as I can!
I'm loving all these "10 years ago I wasn't ..." comments.
PS... we need someone to post a "10 years ago I didn't have a book optioned for film... " :)
Pam, you have me so curious!!!
Deletelol - Well, I don't know anybody personally, who could say that, but wouldn't it be cool???
DeleteTen Years ago I was twenty-five years younger! I didn't realize that, like compounding interest, we age each year at a great rate than we did the year before.
ReplyDeleteBottom line: Do it now!
My mom always says this, Vince. Do it now! Yes, yes, yes.
DeleteThanks for that, Vince. Smart words.
DeleteLOL, Vince! I do believe you're right!
DeleteVince, for some reason, this made perfect sense to me. Obviously, I'm old enough to appreciate the wisdom behind your words.
DeleteIt is kind of amazing to look back at how far we've come in 10 years! Thinking beyond the obvious--getting the publishing contract that set everything else in motion--the thing that comes to mind is . . .
ReplyDeleteSocial media.
Ten years ago I had just joined Facebook, and my first friends were Tina, Mary, and Julie. A few months later, Twitter became a "thing." It's staggering to realize how much of a role social media now plays in my writing life. I can appreciate the benefits, but things can quickly get out of hand if I don't enforce limits.
This is so true, Myra. I'm going back a bit more than 10 years, but I didn't even had internet or email for the first few years I wrote and entered contests. Everything was done via snail mail.
DeleteAmazing times we live in!
10 years ago...
ReplyDeleteI spent all my time saying, "One day, I'm going to write a book about..." Now, I've written three books. I'm still unpublished, but I'm moving in the right direction.
We all know I'm addicted to cute planners. Well, I bought a cute, little Create 365 planner yesterday (sssh, don't tell Mountain Man). On the cover it says, "Don't Call It A Dream Call It A Plan." I've decided this is my new motto. I've spent too many years dreaming, now I'm planning to make my dreams a reality. Thank you Seekerville for all the guidance and for educating me on the various ways to make my "plans" come true. I can't wait to get "the call" and shout it from the rooftops of the village!
Rhonda, I love that motto!
DeleteWe're behind you all the way, Rhonda. Plan the work, and work the plan. You can do it!
DeletePam, this is such an inspiring post, especially for a new author! How encouraging to see so many published authors who 10 years ago hadn't published yet or maybe even hadn't started writing yet. So much can happen in 10 years, which feels like a long time, but looking back we know how a decade races by. Ten years ago I didn't have a mom blog (I didn't even know what a blog was). I was still telling God no, convinced I couldn't write the story that kept growing in my head and in my heart every free moment I had to daydream. I still walked into a B&N and looked on the bookshelf where I dreamed I would see my name some day (although I never believed it would happen). Ten years ago I was presenting at teacher conferences, not at writing conferences and guilds. Ten years ago... Actually, let's make that two years ago. That's how quickly everything can change. I'll end on that note of encouragement for my writer friends who still dream about seeing their book in print. :)
ReplyDeleteKaren, that's amazing!
DeleteGo, Karen! Isn't it the truth?! Things can change in a heartbeat. I think God loves proving He is very much in the miracle business.
DeleteSo tickled to see where God takes you!
Karen, you mentioned "mom blog". I'm fascinated by this. I have twitter followers/followees who are mommy bloggers and their following is astronomical.
DeletePam, my mom blog is actually my main connection with my target audience. They have been crazy-enthused book promoters. Honestly, my book released and they went into a frenzy. Before I was published, I started a mom blog instead of an author website because I didn't feel I had much to offer as an unpublished author, but as a mom of teen daughters, I had a few things I could share. I never realized how crucial that blog would be to the launch of my first book.
DeleteKaren, how wonderful that your mom blog has been so successful! Glad you found your "niche"! :)
DeleteSome things I wasn't doing ten years ago:
ReplyDeleteReading (I hated it even if I was still only just learning)
Writing (I was only just learning that too)
Writing for fun (cause I wasn't doing that either)
Visiting Seekerville (but that's a fairly recent development)
Facing adulthood
I was still in the second grade, losing teeth, and playing with star wars action figures. I didn't even have all my siblings born yet. Ten years is a looooong time.
Wow, Nicki! Now I'm REALLY feeling my years! 😉
DeleteLOL, Nicki! Ten years is especially long for a child. And now look, you're practically grown!
DeleteOh, I love this perspective from Nicki's pov! (Nicki, for the record, I imagine some of us are losing teeth NOW! -- ha!!)
DeletePam, such a super-inspiring post!
ReplyDeleteLet's see... 10 years ago, I just survived almost losing our oldest child.
* 10 years ago said child was recovering from multiple hospitalizations and surgeries. (...And praise! He's now an educator to bright, young minds.)
* 10 years ago, I toyed with the idea of jumping back into the writing arena. It would take another five or so for the idea to come to fruition.
* 10 years ago, I couldn't imagine being an ACFW First Impressions winner.
* 10 years ago, I certainly couldn't imagine being an ACFW Genesis double-finalist in two separate categories.
* 10 years ago, I REALLY couldn't imagine finaling (again) in the ACFW Genesis contest two years in a row.
* 10 years ago I couldn't fathom writing multiple manuscripts, almost 800 blog posts, and jumped feet first into the social media pool.
Fast-forward to now. Now, I'm sitting in my cozy home office and writing full-time. Our youngest is now in college. I'm writing every day. I have a wonderful, supportive mentoring group and fabulous agent who encourages me and breathes life into my creative endeavors.
I've seen hard valleys, but I'm stronger for them. And...I'm excited about the future.
Cynthia, that's wonderful to see your list!!
DeleteCynthia, I love seeing your list of 10 years ago as relates to your writing and where you are now, but...
Deleteall that pales in comparison to your FIRST comment where you were able to use the word ALMOST as in you ALMOST lost your child, but you didn't.
Praise the Lord for the word ALMOST!
10 years ago I was writing but didn't have a clue. I was continually being told I should write a book about teaching children. Of course those people didn't have a clue what was involved with writing. I just knew I loved to write.
ReplyDeleteI certainly had never tried to write a novel. Now thanks to Speebo I learned I could complete a novel. Now to just get it polished and I realize I am not to that point yet. I am preparing to begin another Nano.
10 years ago I certainly wasn't doing research for a novel. While eating out with some friends I was asking some random questions I had forgotten to Google before I went out. I was then asked if I was planning to burn down my house. No it is just random research for the book I am getting ready to write called Firestalker. It will have fire, moonshine still, bears, coon hunting and the Smoky Mountains. I hope no one will ever do a search on all I Google. They might question my sanity, but who how fun to do Google searches.
Wilani, I hope you have another successful NaNoWriMo!
Delete(I'm grinning about your google searches) :)
Wilani, yikes, you're right. Some of my google searches would certainly raise some eyebrows!
Delete...AND I wanted to add that SEEKERVILLE is the BEST writing community EVER. You touch lives every day, not just with writing tips, info, and encouragement (though, that's all great), but you're also making a huge impact beyond the tangible - for Christ's kingdom. Yes. THAT.
ReplyDeleteAh, Cynthia, thank you from all of us at Seekerville. And it's just not the 13 Seekers that make Seekerville what it is. It's all of YOU, too.
DeleteWhere else would villagers get on board and share their own list of things they weren't doing ten years ago?
Only in Seekerville where the conversation flows as easily as the coffee and tea!
Ten Years Ago I Hadn't Yet
ReplyDelete1. discovered Seekerville…though its 'false dawn'* was already visible on the horizon.
2. predicted that when Ruth sold her first book that the dam would break and a cascade of books would soon follow…(based on her blog-voice alone).
3. read thousands of pages of Lessman's books…with never a sagging moment! (Formidable since my favorite format is the novella and short novel.)
4. been to the Crested Butte Writer's Conference and had a Carol award winning author, who had just arrived at a breakfast table full of published authors, turn and ask me: "What are you working on?"
5. Written at least nine romances (still in first or second draft). I hate to edit but love to create new.
6. been a guest blogger on Seekerville ten times (which is good for someone who is controversial at times and gets it right, 'mostly'.)
7. met four Seekers in person with my wife's full endorsement, "they are so nice, like my church lady friends." (I still don't know what she was expecting from Christian fiction writers!)
8. met dozens of other romance writers in person and marveled at how willing they were to share writing tips and help aspiring writers.
9. had several writing contest entries that scored both the highest grade and lowest grade from different judges!
10. Had the naïveté to challenge Tina to a writing contest! (I would not have won. I got my score!)
*'false dawn' is a good concept to know… it's ripe for coining new clichés.
Vince, here's one from your list that really stuck out to me because I've had the same thing: had several writing contest entries that scored both the highest grade and lowest grade from different judges!
DeleteGotta love those writing contests! :)
Oh, I like the image of a false dawn. I experienced a false dawn when I got up at the first hint of daylight while on a cruise. Two hours (or more) later, I was still up on deck waiting for sunrise so I could get the perfect picture. And it was COLD that morning! lol
DeleteYep. I know all about those high and low scores. I had one ms. (now published btw) to come in dead last in a field of about 50-60 entries. This was after the same ms had finalled in some contests.
To this day, I'm still not sure if the contest coordinator was supposed to send that list to entrants. I don't think it had titles or entrants names, but it did have the entry number and the scores, so it wasn't hard to find my entry... sitting in the LAST SPOT! lol
Pam, this is such a wonderful list!! So exciting and inspiring to read it!
ReplyDelete10 Years Ago...
I had just signed my very first contract with LI (January 2007). The book came out in Feb. 2008. When I got that box of books and opened it, picking up a copy with my name on the front, I collapsed in the kitchen floor and bawled like a baby. After almost 12 years of writing, I had wondered if that moment would ever happen.
How wonderful to remember the realization of my dreams 10 years ago!
I remember you doing this, Missy! And it made me wonder if I'd react the same way. I didn't, but I did stare at my books with this feeling of "I'm about to burst with pride". I think I'm allowed... pride that is. ;)
DeleteI only had 5 children instead of seven. . I had no teenagers and now I have 4 and I had not heard of Seekerville.. . Did not have a service dog and thought I never would, and I have one now. :-)
ReplyDeleteGreat post
Becky B
Becky, with 7 kids and 4 teenagers, you're allowed whatever you want. I think me and the service dog would sorta find us a quiet corner and hang out together. :)
DeleteBut I bet those teens are a huge help to you.
I didn't have granddaughters ten years ago, and I didn't live in South Carolina then. I've made so many great friends through Seekerville that I didn't know back then. I'm thankful for all of my Seekerville friends. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteJackie, I agree. There's just something about all the friends we've made through Seekerville that makes this community SO special. I thank the Lord for each and every one of you.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI love this!!!! Ten years ago I had two grandkids... I now have fourteen.... ten years ago I was unpublished... I now have over 40 novels and novellas in print. Ten years ago I was 5'2 1/2" tall. I'M STILL THAT TALL!!! So some things stayed the same! :) Pam, I'm so proud of you, of all you accomplished.... Good for you!
ReplyDeleteRuthy, I'm afraid I've shrunk a bit. Also, my feet and other areas have spread! ;)
Delete40 books in print and 14 grands. I might catch up with you some day on the books, but not on the grands! lol
DeleteOne thing I've noticed... I can't do jammy days or the hair thing... My middle of the night stint is in my pjs so I don't wake anyone up, but after that I have to be dressed for the day. It just feels wrong to not be ready in case of ... Armageddon? Death by yellow jacket infestation? (current affairs) IRS interrogation team stops by?
ReplyDeleteYOU NEVER KNOW!!!!
Ruthy, I'm still in my lounging clothes today! (a rare full day at home). But I'm kind of living in fear of the UPS guy ringing the bell!! I think it is better to get dressed (which, for a day at home, means workout leggings and a slouchy T-shirt.) haha
DeleteRuthy, I too get dressed, but it's still kinda grungy casual. I remember ONCE after I quit work, I realized it hadn't changed out of my gown all day and like you said, it just felt wrong. So, I've only done that once.
DeleteExcept for the 3 day crud.... Armageddon or not, I wasn't moving off the couch for that one.
What fun to read the comments on 10 yrs! 10 yrs. ago I did not know all the wonderful authors on Seekerville nor the great commenters! What a privilege to know all.
ReplyDeletePam, don't enter me for your book. I recently won it as "book of choice" and am looking for it any day...E or print! Thanks.
Too fun! I hope you enjoy it!
DeleteHi Pam:
ReplyDeleteIs there a prize for stumping the reader? I read your whole post trying to guess who you were. It was not clear if you were even a Seeker. I guess your experience is rather universal. I also liked 9 and 10 the best because they are great motivators.
Now wouldn't it be interesting to hear what the Seekers seek in the next ten years!
Vince, I noticed the slightly "covert" posting, but decided to leave it as it was. My name is in small print on the coffee cup meme... it's a template and I couldn't make it larger. Then I put it at the end just to be clear.
DeleteAnd, yeah, wouldn't ten year predictions be kinda cool. Except the way we did it in high school was the Juniors made the predictions for the Seniors. The Junior class predicted this about me: "Pam is now a professor at Yale University. She is married and has four children. She is a real career woman. On weekends she rides her dirtbike in the motorcross."
I'm not a professor, but I am an author, so maybe their crystal ball was a bit cloudy. 2 kids instead of four. Career woman. Yes. And no dirtbike, but we love our 4-wheelers and Ranger Side-by-Side. So, they weren't too far off with that either. :)
So many things have changed in ten years, Pam. Such as:
ReplyDelete1. I wasn't a full-time editor.
2. I wasn't a published author.
3. I didn't know minions existed. (That's such a
sad thing to admit!).
I'd love to be entered in the drawing for the birthday grab bag. Thanks!
Leslie, I'm still not entirely sure what those minion thingies are!
DeleteLOL :)
DeleteLeslie is a hard-core minion fan. If anybody can 'splain it to you, Myra, she's your girl!
DeleteAnd, the world is also a better place with you as an editor. :)
Aww, thanks so much, Pam!
DeleteSuch fun comments! Ten years ago I was still a personal chauffeur to 3 kids at home who were involved in a jillion and one sports and activities and hadn't thought about writing in a while. I WAS still reading every romance book I could get my hands on. :)
ReplyDeleteLeAnne, personal chauffeur is a topnotch job and not everybody can pull it off. I had to pinch hit today and become personal chauffeur for the grand at the last minute.
DeleteI'm so good at it that I dropped EVERYTHING... even leaving my Seeker comment mid-type and my coffee sitting there to get cold.
Nothing gets in the way of being a professional personal chauffeur when the need arises.
Pam, Ten years ago today, I didn’t have two books written. I entered one in an LIS Harlequin contest and was in the final ten. I didn’t make it but, I have a revision letter from the editor. Your blog today convinced me to get back working on it. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteWonderful on the revision letter, Suzanne!!! Time to get busy!
DeleteSuzanne! That's AWESOME. Congrats on the revision letter. Just imagine what you can list in next year when we do "What I Wasn't Doing 11 Years Ago!! :)
Deleteawesome post Pam. Ten years ago, I was one year from discovering Seekerville, had not written a book (but lots of pieces of books), I was not married, let alone have a wonderful son. I was just starting a new job.
ReplyDeleteWow, from single and childless to married with cute boy and a bonus of Seekerville. Not near as productive as some others listed in the comments, but good food for thought anyway.
And since I missed yesterday, the best tip I ever got was: "Deb, check out Seekerville - I think you might like it."
uh, YUP...
And we're so glad you're here, Deb!
DeleteCool... Seekerville ranks up there with a hunky hubby, a cute son and a new job. We have TOTALLY arrived! :)
DeletePam, thank you for the incredible post!!!
ReplyDeleteYou have me thinking here about the past 10 years of life... Hm...I was definitely 10 years younger, lol
What are the most important things in my life? Faith and Family! So, if I look back 10 years, I’ve had two kids and now I have four – it’s AMAZING!
Thinking about faith and my relationship with God, I think there was a spiritual growth during these 10 years :) "Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me” (Psalm 23:1–4)
Natalya, I love that you've identified a spiritual growth as a top major change in the last 10 years. What a wonderful testimony!
Delete10 years ago I wasn't book blogging! I was checking older books out from the library and reading more in the YA genre. Now I have access to new releases and most before they release! I have a Kindle for reading all those digital ARC's and I've discovered the genre I love most- clean romance and Christian romance!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on your success Pam and the changes that have happened for you in the past 10 years! Spending more time with your grandbaby is a special blessing for sure :)
Please throw my name in for the giveaway!
Heidi, isn't it wonderful to get all those books in the mail and on your Kindle?
DeleteAnd it's just as wonderful for the authors when they see those reviews popping up.. so thank you for reading and providing honest feedback. :)
10 years ago I had never attempted writing a book. Other things I have started doing: going to writing conferences and workshops, being part of a critique group, putting comments on this blog, just revived Twitter so I could start building a social media presence, finally put my full name on this blog very recently, started a library of how to write books, cleaned the enclosed porch and made it my studio/office, dared to put some of my doodles out there and got some of them published in a teacher lesson plan book, started complaining about getting older--took my first physical therapy this week.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteAnd two super grandkids.
DeleteBettie, I love your list. You're taking charge of your dreams and the things you love and making changes. I can't wait to see where you are in 1 year, 5 years, and then 10.
DeleteHug those grands for us! :)
Well deserved honors, Pam. I am so grateful for you and the other Seekers who don't stop with their own success, but help us to reach goals as well. God bless y'all!
ReplyDeleteSeekerville has always been about giving back, and that's what makes it so much fun for all of us. Glad to have you be a part of it, Amber.
DeleteI'm back! Had a great day at the library. The crowd was small, but those of us there had a great time chatting about writing and books.
ReplyDeleteAnd my display of books was SUPER cute, and I'm loving my new red fold up wagon for carting stuff around. I just posted some pictures on my facebook page! Check 'em out at Pam Hillman, Author.
Now to see what y'all have been talking about in my absence...
I'm loving this blog post, Pam, as well as reading everyone's lists. 10 years ago I didn't even know that Christian Fiction existed!!!! Can you believe it???? (I also didn't know that multiple punctuation marks are frowned upon in literary circles...but I do now thanks to Seekerville and the dreaded Grammar Queen...but I still don't care. I live a multiple punctuation kind of life!!!!)
ReplyDelete10 years ago I wasn't blogging or reviewing either -- two things that bring me so much joy (along with all that Christian Fiction reading!!!!!!)
No need to enter me in the draw, 'cause I read Promise of Breeze Hill and I'm still all twitterpated over Connor O'Shea.
Kav, I live to write heroes that make you twitterpated!!!!! And we can use ALL the exclamation marks we want to here on the blog. :)
DeleteI love this post Pammers. And standing with Francine Rivers. Yay. I sat next to her at a luncheon. That was something I hadn't done ten years ago. But the biggest thing that impacted me 10 years ago was getting together with my Seeker sisters. Love you.
ReplyDeleteAmen, Sandra. There's nothing like all these great friends that are like sisters and brothers.
DeletePam, how the past 10 years have flown by. Ten years ago, I hadn't met my twins so they have definitely changed my life. Ten years ago, I knew I had to write, but I was by myself in a library and didn't tell anyone I was writing a book.
ReplyDeleteSo the past ten years have been busy. I've had twins. I took a maternity leave and when I came back, I told people and joined writing organizations in order to learn more about the craft of writing. And I've now written more books. Thanks for the cue to look back on how far I've come in the past ten years, and how my family has grown.
I suppose it's too late to congratulate you on the twins, Tanya... so instead I'll congratulate you on your bravery in going public with your dreams, and writing in the midst of raising twins. I'm impressed!
DeleteGreat post, Pam, and congratulations on all your successes!
ReplyDeleteTen years ago I wouldn't have had the nerve/gumption/hutzpah/whatever to send my first three chapters and synopsis to Tina for a critique.
Ten years ago I was ten years younger...and never dreamed I would be reading so much non-fiction about the craft of writing.
Ten years ago I would not find myself waiting for a senior editor to make my "the call" dream come true. I'm thinking positive thoughts here...
And, last, but not least, three things I'm still waiting on.
1. Tom Selleck to return my phone call.
2. My Playtex five-pound thinner girdle to make me look five pounds thinner.
3. Publisher's Clearing House to ring my doorbell.
The best for last...the awesome blessing of Seekerville, and it's generous authors and followers. You are my cup of tea in the morning!
I've been drooling over the cover of The Promise of Breeze Hill since its release...please add my name for the goody basket!
Marcia, I love your list, esp. waiting on Tom Selleck to return you phone call. I think Jilly Mac has him under her thumb! lol
DeleteDelightful post, Pam! Ten years ago, I didn't know all you wonderful folks. So glad I do now :-)
ReplyDeleteNancy C
Nancy, I couldn't have said it better! Back at ya! :)
DeleteGreat post, Pam. Sorry, I'm late logging on today.
ReplyDeleteTen years ago? I was just starting out on my writing career. Yesterday at church, I was introduced as the parish resident writer. My heart was smiling! Truly, I'm living my dream! God is so good.
The parish resident writer -- so cool!! Now, I'm smiling! :)
DeleteGreat post, Pam!
ReplyDeleteTen years ago I'd just had to take an "early disability retirement" (due to severe spinal/back problems) from my beloved kindergarten teaching job. But was realizing that the Lord was opening the door for me to pursue my lifelong love of writing! :)
Proving that when God closes a door, he opens another door or a window if needed. I know you loved those kiddos, but I imagine you've found ways to include kids in your life to enjoy their sweetness.
DeleteTen years ago, I finally wasn't experiencing heartbreak month after month trying to have a baby! After trying for 17 years, I finally conceived and gave birth to our daughter ten years ago last month.
ReplyDeleteWow, Cynthia, that is the best praise of all. Don't smother that sweet girl with kisses and hugs! :)
DeleteTen years ago I never dreamed that God had a fiction path waiting for me complete with business cards, a website, and three published novels. I also never dreamed I'd ever comment on real live authors' blog posts! I enjoyed reading about your ten plus one things!
ReplyDeleteCongrats on all your accomplishments, Hope. And... I well remember my fear when Tina (I'm sure it was Tina!) informed me that I'd have to BLOG and COMMENT when we started Seekerville!
DeleteWhat would I talk about? How would I comment and not sound like a dork? How would I get over the embarrassment of posting a misspelled word? Ack!!!
Blogging and actively commenting on blogs is actually freeing, and helps with the writing. Commenting on blogs is like ... free writing and gets the creativity flowing. :)
Ten years ago getting my novel published was only a dream. I'll soon have two. I kinda blogged now I blog twice a week. I wrote hit or miss, now I write everyday. I still work my part-time job and take care of grand kids. Elderly parents became my reality in the past five years. I'm now working on novel four, and have reviewed over 100 books for fellow-authors. I loved being at home when I raised my kids and working at home only is still my dream.
ReplyDeleteI love your dedication! Sounds like you know what you want and aren't afraid to go after it. Good for you!
Delete10 years ago I wasn't getting to read & review books as I get to everyday now in retirement, or get to babysit my 7 month old twin grandbabies :) Enjoying retirement!
ReplyDeleteWhat could be better than reading and reviewing books and babysitting twins? :) Double the fun and double the trouble, huh? lol
DeleteTen years ago I never dreamed my house could flood from the inside. Or that I'd ever have to deal with what paint color or floor tile. Ten years from now, it'll all be over. Thanks for helping me put that into perspective!
ReplyDeleteSally, actually dreaming that my house is flooding from the inside is a recurring "nightmare" of mine. Thankfully, I haven't dreamed this in a while, but there's always tonight! ;(
DeleteSo, either you're remodeling or building. I know it's a crazy time for you, but you're going to be so happy when it's all over! :)
PAMMY!! Forgive my tardiness, but my company just left yesterday, so I'm a wee bit behind. But this was SO worth the wait, darlin'!!
ReplyDeleteYou said: "Share at least one amazing thing that you weren’t doing (experiencing) ten years ago. It can be writing related, but doesn’t have to be."
Oh that one's easy! Being a grandmother!! THE BEST!! Second best?? Writing on my deck 20 ft. from a lake. Sooooooo calming!!
Yeah, grandmothering makes adulting worth it! :) And I love your deck. So peaceful. Enjoy the view and your writing time!
DeleteMy life is nearly identical to what it was 10 years ago even though I was only 19 then. But one thing that has happened that I would never have dreamed of was being elected to the Board of my local museum. Not only that, but in the 40 year history of the museum I was the youngest person to be elected and I was immediately voted in as secretary. I'm nearing the end of my 4 year term but it's been quite a ride since that almost 26 year old girl stood there shaking a little and wondering if I knew what I was in for....
The other big change is that 10 years ago I had never heard of book review blogging. I'm about to celebrate my 5th blogoversary and it's been totally amazing!
DeleteThere ya go, Jasmine! On the board at your museum?
DeleteWow! That's a huge accomplishment. Congrats!
And, from authors everywhere, thank you for reading, reviewing and blogging.
Ten years ago I was not a mother-in-law. I just became one in June so am learning to hopefully be a good one.
ReplyDeleteEnjoy as much time with your child's spouse and get to know them as a person and a friend, and you'll do fine.
DeleteTen years ago I had a sweet little 11 month old boy. Now I have an almost 11-year old boy...and 7-year old boy, and they are wild as can be! lol But I love them both very much! I'm very excited too--this morning I bought tickets for their very first college basketball game. They are going to be so excited too! :)
ReplyDeleteHolly, what fun. My now-grown boys are 4 years apart as well. I remember going to rodeos, monster truck shows, games with mine. Not as much these days, but they sure loved stuff like that.
DeleteTen years ago I wasn't hungering and thirsting after Jesus as I am today. The time I spend with Him in the morning has become longer and longer, sweeter and sweeter. Priceless.
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful testimony, Becky. I love hearing how He's blessing folks for their faithfulness to Him.