Hi, we’re so glad to be here to share the excitement as Seekerville begins their eleventh year. We don’t want to put a damper on things, but … when was the last time you stopped to take care of your writer’s soul?
Been a while? Well, stick around because we know a lot about this subject since we both just finished a grueling project involving several writers. While we were busy brainstorming and plotting, it seemed as if life was plotting against us. Anything that could go wrong in our personal lives did go wrong.
Writer stress messes with both our physical bodies and our heads. Everything from writer’s block and depression, family issues, and physical ailments, can bring our fast-paced rush to get that book done to a slamming halt. When we try to push through without stopping to take care of ourselves, we can sometimes make things worse.
Writers have the need to produce good stories. This brings a different kind of stress, because we think too much. We process, analyze, dissect, put back together and come up with ten ways to worry over a sentence.
When you add life plus deadlines plus health issues plus family issues, well, that’s writer’s stress. Soon, you’re sitting in your office staring out the window. You’ve forgotten how to write and you just can’t form the words.
Here are some suggestions we’ve compiled over the years on how to take care of the writerly you.
1. Set realistic expectations. Don’t try to prove you can do it all. You’ll make yourself sick trying. It’s okay to hold up a white flag and surrender sometimes. Set little achievable goals that work toward the bigger goal. It’s easier to build a house one brick at a time than trying to lay all the bricks at once.
2. Our worst fears stem from not measuring up. We judge ourselves and feel like failures if we can’t do it all. This is a vicious pattern. Give yourself grace the way God does. He knows you inside and out and loves you. Self-love is not self-centeredness. It’s okay to be okay with yourself. You’re enough.
3. Stress is not about everything that’s happening in your life—it’s about how you react to everything that’s happening in your life. When you find yourself in a tight situation, don’t look around. Look inside and to God then decide what’s best for you. He will guide you. Sometimes His answer is to step back and let go of anything unnecessary that is contributing to your stress.
4. Don’t go borrowing trouble. Publishers shut down, editors get shifted around, and e-publishing and print books are trying to cope with each other. This industry is too big for one writer to worry over! Stay informed, yes. Ask questions, yes. Absorb facts, but don’t take on worries about things you can’t control. You only have two shoulders! (Stretch those shoulders every few minutes.)
5. Learn to take things slow. Hard to do in such a fast-paced I-need-it-now world. Or as Judy Christie says in her book “Hurry Less, Worry Less at Work” learn to take the “deadly” out of deadlines. Put some wiggle room in deadlines and in your blue jeans. 🙂
Because your waistline can increase right along with your deadline worries, right? So take time before you head to your writing so you can focus. Let that guilt go and take a walk or kiss your honey. Take a little time to do something that doesn’t involve work. Exercise your body as well as your mind. Even during deadline week!
6. Prayer plus Action equals a good reaction. Prayer or meditation can be very important in every aspect of our lives, but action can bring you peace of mind. Find a way to live with intention. Don’t let the writing own you. If your flame is fueled by what matters in life, your fire won’t go out when your career takes a wrong turn. Sometimes life’s bumps are part of God’s plan to grow and stretch you.
7. Take on only what strengthens you. Don’t say YES to all the right things for all the wrong reasons. You have to carve out a spot where work takes priority. Say NO to requests that don’t bring you joy. If you find writing draining at times, try to find a pace that allows it to become a joy again. Even in crisis mode, remember writing is your thing. It’s important. It’s your job. But taking time to heal or reset your joy button is even more important. Life crisis comes before a deadline, okay? A deadline can be extended. Your life? Not so much if you’re slowly taking away years due to too much anxiety.
8. Are you successful but stressed? Or are you successful in spite of stress? Are there times you want to stay in bed all day, hidden under the covers? Do you make yourself get up? Writing should be a joy even on days when it feels like a drain. But when you’re in crisis mode, it’s hard to be joyful. Start with one or two minutes of gratitude attitude. See if that can be extended a little each day until you’re back.
9. Are you keeping up the act of a happy, successful person when you feel like a complete flop? Reach out to others. If you strip things down and spill your heart, you’ll become surrounded by the grace and the fellowship of people who understand. And you’ll find out they need to talk about such things, too. It’s not so much that misery loves company. But misery NEEDS company!
10. Learn to show poise under stress, grace under pressure and acceptance of yourself during hard times. Remember, it’s how we react to stressful situations that matters. It’s not easy but the next time you want to throw a hissy fit, go ahead and do it. Find a private place and rant. Get in the shower and cry. Then pick yourself up and take deep, calming breaths for several minutes.
Breathe, really let go and breathe. Define stress as part of life, laugh in its ugly face. Put on some color and blow kisses into the wind. You can’t burn out if you know how to sparkle!
Two good books on this subject are Judy Christie’s “Hurry Less, Worry Less at Work” and Allie Pleiter’s “How to Write When Everything Goes Wrong.”
Now we’d like to hear from you. Are you in a good place or a bad place? What have you done to get through a hard time?
Today, Lenora and Terri have brought a terrific prize package. Three commenters will take home books. One will take home Terri Reed's Guardian, another Lenora Worth's Tracker and a third will win Classified K9 Unit Christmas featuring novellas by both Terri and Lenora!!
Here's a sneak peek:
When FBI K-9 agent Nina Atkins thwarts an attempted murder, she becomes a target of the killer—the same hit man US Marshal Thomas Grant is tracking. Even caught in the crosshairs, Nina’s reluctant to share her case, but working with Thomas may be the only way to capture a murderer before she becomes his next victim.
Yuletide Stalking by Terri Reed
Determined to stop an arsonist with the help of his accelerant-detecting K-9 partner, FBI agent Tim Ramsey must protect the only witness. But when the criminal begins stalking Vickie Petrov, can Tim convince her to trust him…and help her survive to see another Christmas?
Single mother Penny Potter has spent months in hiding to keep her toddler from his father, a rogue FBI agent turned fugitive. But he’s determined to flee the country with the child, and she can’t dodge him forever. When he corners Penny in the Montana wilderness and gets away with their son, she’s forced to trust his brother, handsome FBI K-9 agent Zeke Morrow. And Zeke must decide where his loyalty lies: with his sibling or the woman he wasn’t supposed to fall for. As the bullets fly and family ties are tested, Penny and Zeke will fight to save the boy who brought them together.
When a fellow FBI agent is kidnapped and a protected witness vanishes, Leo Gallagher will stop at nothing to find them both. So when he discovers a link between the case and a single mother in Wyoming, Leo and his trusty K-9 partner rush to question Alicia Duncan. Could she be the key to locating the missing persons? Not if a killer has anything to say about it. Someone is determined to keep Alicia from talking, so Leo and his chocolate Lab must keep her and her little boy safe on their family ranch. With danger lurking around every corner, Leo must work overtime to not lose another person who's important to him.
Lenora Worth writes romance and romantic suspense for Love Inspired and also writes for Tule Publishing. Three of her books finaled in the ACFW Carol Awards and several have been RT Reviewer’s Choice finalists. She also received the RT Romance Pioneer Award for Inspirational Fiction. “Logan’s Child” won the 1998 Best Love Inspired for RT. She has made the NY Times, USA Today and Publishers Weekly bestseller lists. With seventy-five books published and millions in print, she enjoys adventures with her retired husband, Don. Lenora loves reading, baking and shopping … especially shoe shopping.
Terri Reed’s romance and romantic suspense novels have appeared on Publisher’s Weekly top 25, Nielsen’s Bookscan top 100 and featured in USA Today, Christian Fiction Magazine and Romantic Times Magazine, finaled in RWA’s RITA contest, National Reader’s Choice Award contest, ACFW’s The Carol Award contest. Contact Terri @ www.terrireed.com or P.O. Box 19555 Portland, OR 97224m.
When a fellow FBI agent is kidnapped and a protected witness vanishes, Leo Gallagher will stop at nothing to find them both. So when he discovers a link between the case and a single mother in Wyoming, Leo and his trusty K-9 partner rush to question Alicia Duncan. Could she be the key to locating the missing persons? Not if a killer has anything to say about it. Someone is determined to keep Alicia from talking, so Leo and his chocolate Lab must keep her and her little boy safe on their family ranch. With danger lurking around every corner, Leo must work overtime to not lose another person who's important to him.

Terri Reed’s romance and romantic suspense novels have appeared on Publisher’s Weekly top 25, Nielsen’s Bookscan top 100 and featured in USA Today, Christian Fiction Magazine and Romantic Times Magazine, finaled in RWA’s RITA contest, National Reader’s Choice Award contest, ACFW’s The Carol Award contest. Contact Terri @ www.terrireed.com or P.O. Box 19555 Portland, OR 97224m.
Welcome, Terri and Lenora. I'm sucking in my stomach as I read this. Clearing the fridge of all high calories and settling in for writing with a honeycrisp apple by my side.
ReplyDeleteBut I did bring a few little donuts for guests.
Coffee is on! See you in the morning!
Good morning Tina, donuts and coffee sound lovely.
DeleteA most excellent post Terri and Lenora that can apply to anything in life!
ReplyDeleteI've read two of the three books with Classified K-9 Unit Christmas slated for this weeks read & review! A book I've been looking forward to since the start of the series :-)
Thank you, Trixi!
DeleteGood morning Trixi. Happy to see you here.
DeleteJust taking a moment to add, when you ladies collaborate to write a two-in-one book I know it's going to be explosive!!! I'm currently reading Susan Sleemans "Holiday Secrets" (first in a new series), once that's done it's on to Classified K-9 Unit Christmas :-)
DeleteRe-reading through this list this morning, I really love the idea of grace & acceptance of yourself under pressure in hard times. Wow, that just speaks to me! I get myself in such a tizzy when I'm stressed or feel "under the gun" (figuratively speaking), which in turn makes me feel worse. I tend to make more mistakes in those times. I mean, I can show extreme grace and mercy to others when I see them struggling or going through some tough patches....I need to learn to do the same for myself! In other words, give myself permission to extend the same amount of grace. One way I can, is to A. pray for God to strengthen me and B. lean on Him. Without the Lord, I can't do it. Even admitting to myself that I can't do it all can be freeing!
Like I said, this post can apply to so many things! One to print out and put in a prominent place to refer to in the future :-). Thank you Lenora & Terri!
Thank you for this wonderful post Lenora & Terri. I battle with stress at work each day and the stress is self imposed so number 3 really speaks to me. I have a wonderful support system with my husband talking me through. He's a pastor so sometimes it is a mini sermon, but it helps me get refocused on God instead of issues in my workplace.
ReplyDeleteI already have Tracker and Guardian and I'm patiently waiting for Classified K-9 Unit Christmas to hit the shelves. If I could win a copy that would be awesome.
May you be blessed,
Cindy W.
Hello, Seekerville. I’m here. Just had a big cup of coffee. I’ll be in and out but all about chatting with all of you!
DeleteHi Cindy I totally understand self-imposed stress. And that’s wonderful that your husband can talk you down. We all need help and refocusing on God is definitely the best way to go. Thank you for stopping in today.
DeleteThanks for the post! So appropriate for all of us, writers and readers alike. Thanks for the reminders and the pointers. I so needed them this morning.
ReplyDeleteMindy, good morning. Hope your holiday was delicious!!
DeleteGood points and well-needed as we head into The Holidays, which can drain even one with the best intentions. They all resonate with me, but especially #2. I'm working my way through an Advent devotional provided by my church, and wrestling with what Advent means to me NOW. I did the presents-events-baking-decorating thing for 40 years and did most of it well, but and thought I honored God and his Advent to us through it all, but now, with age and changing family dynamics, I'm finding that most of what I did isn't necessary any more. So it's preparing for His Advent in my heart, and wondering who I am, without the trimmings, at this both precious and stressful time of the year. AND trying to write.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, thanks for a great post and some non-caloric food for thought. Off to my temp job.
Kathy Bailey
Finding Her Way in New Hampshire
Thank you, Kaybee!!
DeleteGood morning Kathy, I think that’s wonderful that you’re doing an Advent devotional. I’m glad we could provide some words of wisdom that might help. May you have a blessed Christmas.
DeleteTwo wonderful gals and a great post! I'm so glad you guys are here today!
ReplyDeleteI'm in such total agreement... About the making time for other things, not wasting energy fretting and keeping our physical selves as healthy as we can... while working and moving forward.
Mothers/women writers tend to gather guilt as they go. That's not healthy for us, and I'm pretty sure John Grisham and Stephen King aren't feeling guilty because they didn't make ten batches of complementary cookies....
They're writing books.
Women are wired differently, and our job is to figure out a balance between what we need to feel guilty about... and what we can kick to the curb.
I'm so excited about your releases! Happy dancing for both of you!!!!
I've got fresh coffee and virtual chocolate chip muffins... :) Nothing better!
I'm virtually eating one of your muffins, Ruthie!!
DeleteRuth, You are so right woman are definitely wired differently than men. My husband tells me I put way too much stress on myself for things that he feels I shouldn’t be stressed over. Funny that. Chocolate chip muffins sound good. Reminds me I haven’t eaten breakfast yet.
DeleteGood morning Lenora & Terri!Having just wrapped up the last book in a 6-book contract (my 14th Love Inspired) while working a more-than-full-time day job, your post is full of wonderful wisdom.
ReplyDeleteI'm working on my next proposal, but while not under contracted deadlines I'm also taking time to stop and smell the roses...or rather TRULY SLOWING DOWN to enjoy the holidays with friends and family for the first time in years. It's been hard not to beat myself up for doing that, but deep down I know it's the right thing to do for me at this point in time--what I sense God is wanting me to do to refill the relationship, health, and creative wells. Thank you for this confirmation! :)
Glenna, we have to listen to those gentle nudges. Hope you can’t find a balance that works for you!
Deleterefilling the creative well is very important part of writing. I find after every book I need to take a few days just to decompress and clean my office.
DeleteGood morning ladies!
ReplyDeleteCause your waistline can increase right along with your deadline worries.
Oh good grief, YES! When I write, really write, I can always tell because I put on weight. I tend to obsess over whatever I'm doing. If it's working out, I do great on exercise but get little writing accomplished and vice versa. I know better. But knowing and doing are two separate things!!!
Love this whole list.
Raising my hand. Me too! It's insanity but yes, that is exactly what happens.
DeleteConnie and Tina, i’m right there with you. Do I discovered Barre3 an Online streaming exercise program that I can do from the comfort of my own living room. They have 10 minute workouts 30 minutes on up to 60 minutes. It’s been really helpful.
DeleteGreat Advice Lenora & Terri!
ReplyDeleteI learned along time ago that because I work a full time job, I can't compete with the writing output that many writers can. I've accepted it and plug along at my own pace. Don't get me wrong, writing is still a priority, but I will never get a book written from start to finish in 30 days.
Best wishes for your new series!
Merry Christmas!
Rose, Plugging along is just fine. Getting to the end is the priority not the pace. Thank you for stopping in today.
DeleteWonderful post Lenora and Terri! I am in a transitional place. Some days are better than others. I MUST concentrate on seeing the collateral beauty.
I love this, collateral beauty. I hope your transition goes well. And turn to God on those days that aren’t so good. Praying for you.
DeleteIt’s so good to be here with all of you. I find that sharing with friends helps so much when we are struggling. Some might call that whining. I call it sharing! Hmmm, I do share a lot! But we need our strong warrior friends!
ReplyDeleteLenora, you're a wonderful friend to LI writers! Always a voice of reason.
Good morning dear friends. Waving to Lenora on the other side of the country.
DeleteLife isn't where I planned for it to be. Just trying to hold on to the hope that God's plan is always better!
ReplyDeleteSusanne, life is a lot like a book plot, lots of twists and turns. It’s hard to adjust sometimes but Terri and I understand what you mean. God knows our hearts!
DeleteSusanne, welcome to Seekerville. I've got a donut with your name on it.
DeleteSusanne, Holding on to hope sometimes is the only thing we can do. God does know what’s best for us even when we can’t see it and sometimes it doesn’t feel good. Praying that you will find peace and joy the season and always.
DeleteLenora and Terri, thank you for this lovely, practical and inspiring post! You gals are terrific, prolific writers. Your books look great, especially for us dog lovers, and will bless our winners.
ReplyDeleteDo you find handling life and deadlines hard around the holidays?
Janet, it is hard to deal with deadlines when all you want to do is bake cookies and shop online! But I truly try to take a few days off during the holidays to enjoy quiet time and reflect on God’s grace and his blessings in my life. My sweet Terri who lives on the West coast and should arrive here later, has had a tough year. So I hope she will be able to rest and regroup. But I’ll let her talk to y’all about that. As for holidays, if nothing else, please take an hour a day to do something special for yourself or spend time with your loved ones. If not, you will begin to resent the things that are keeping you from celebrating. And we don’t want that!
DeleteThank you Lenora for all that you’ve done to help me without friends to help us get through the hard times it sure would be a lot bleaker.
DeleteGood advice, Lenora! I'm so glad that Terri had your support during her tough year. God bless you both.
Good morning Lenora and Terri. You've offered some great advice and it certainly isn't just for writers. I think that many of us feel stressed and lacking in the ability and the time needed to achieve all that we would like. I am trying to prioritize the needs versus the wants and, as always, relying on God to help me know the difference!
Hi, Connie!! Thanks for stopping by!
DeleteThank you Connie, we appreciate you stopping in. Yes trying to weed through the need versus the lunch can be tricky but it’s definitely worth it to help alleviate some stress. That’s kind of where I’ve been lately.
DeleteHi Lenora and Terri,
ReplyDeleteThis is an encouraging post and so helpful considering the extra stress that comes at this time of year. Not only holiday stress but also the stress we put on ourselves when we consider if we achieved our goals during the old year and make new goals for the new.
Answering your question- I'm in a good place. I love what I'm doing and where I am in life. And it's not that life doesn't roll bowling balls at my feet, either.
I take care of stress in numerous ways. Venting is usually involved. I have a great venting partner! . More time with God. Even if I sit in my quiet time until my attitude changes. Change of scenery. A walk at the game reserve or breakfast out. Persevere. You know, when the going gets tough, the tough get going. And thanking God for my blessings. Your post and Seekerville fall into the last category!
Blessings to both of you!
Good morning Barbara, thank you for your lovely words. You live on a game reserve?
DeleteI don't live on a game reserve but there is one very close. I do live on a farm with lots of horses, though and they're great stress relievers, too.
DeleteHi, I’m back. Had an appointment and MAN went with me. Always takes longer since MAN needs to stop here and there “for just a second.” Right! I see Terri is here and taking good care of everyone. Barbara, I love that you’ve found some balance. I love to walk on the beach and I’m thankful that I have that beautiful ocean to remind me that this is the Lord’s world and I’m just a speck on the sand!
DeleteThe ocean is always calming for me when I'm on vacation. You're fortunate to have it year around, Lenora.
Hi Terri and Lenora! The last thing my husband said to me this morning was, "Don't stress yourself out. If you don't make 50,000 words by the end of the month it won't be the end of the world."
ReplyDeleteHe'd love to read your post today. Thanks for sharing! I'm okay where I am with writing and I still have ideas for books. So, I won't give up yet. The best way to handle stress for me is to breathe deep and spend time with God.
Thanks again for sharing!
Well the point is that you have stretched yourself and are farther than you were November 1. So it's win win. So proud of you.
DeleteAs Tina said it’s a win-win if you’re farther along than you were yesterday. Writing is a journey each story is a journey and sometimes it comes quick sometimes not so much. And I love that your husband gave me such great advice.
DeleteGood morning ladies!
ReplyDeleteYou could have opened this post with "Dear Meg" because you must have written this directly to my soul.
Last year especially was a hard year. Health issues, mental issues, life circumstances, and two small children swirled together in a perfect storm of stressed-to-a-frazzle bundle of stay-at-home-mom-writer guilt!
Thankfully, I'm not to a point where I have the external pressure of contracts and deadlines, but it still took someone giving me verbal "permission" to step back and focus on healing.
Now the passion for writing is back and it's come with an important lesson in clinging to the Rock and living with balance instead of in extremes.
I'm going to bookmark this post so I can come back to it for the reminder and the practical list when I need it!
Dear Megan, thank you for stopping in today and I’m really glad the Post was helpful to you. I’m really glad someone was able to speak truth into your life and help you to get back and focus on healing.
DeleteMegan, thank you for sharing with us. We will send prayers to help you along the path. I’m glad that our words brought you some comfort.
DeleteMegan, I'm so glad the passion for writing is back. That's always such a relief after tough times.
DeleteTerri and Lenora, this post is so timely. I have found that beating one's head against the desk does NOT help the writing stress at all. And it makes my dog look at me weird. Naps, walking and a lot of praying are how I handle stress. Not always in that order.
ReplyDeleteI must say that I love the cover of Classified K9 Unit Christmas mostly because there's a German Shepherd on it. I'm partial to those :)
Thank you for the practical advice here today. Blessings to you both!
Share, You’re welcome. I love German shepherds too. I have to admit I was a little afraid of them when I was younger but writing about them and then meeting a few of them has made them one of my favorite breeds. Though I am partial to Australian Shepherd’s. That’s what I have. And yes banging your head against the desk is not helpful. LOL
DeleteAll those covers are absolutely gorgeous. I want a K9 now!!!
DeleteWelcome, Terri & Lenora--and thank you for this timely and encouraging post!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite line: "Sometimes His answer is to step back and let go of anything unnecessary that is contributing to your stress."
That's an area I'm really focusing on these days, and it's helping me regain some of the joy of writing that I'd begun to lose over the past crazy year.
Now, if I can just keep my focus through the holidays . . .
Myra, keeping focused through the holidays can be tough. Pace yourself. I’m going to have a forced down time starting the 8th with surgery on my wrist from a break that didn’t heal properly. So I’ve been frantically trying to get everything done ahead of time. I need to take a breath.
DeleteMyra, I think the duel struggles of traditional and Indie publishing has upped the stress for so many writers. We want to do it all and yet, it’s hard work either way. I’m learning to step back and not be all things to all people and to not let others pressure me into being what I can’t be. It’s tough to say NO but I’m learning.
DeleteYou're on my prayer hit list, Terri.
DeleteThank you I appreciate the prayers. And I appreciate you my friend.
DeleteTerri and Lenora, every point in your post spoke to my heart. It's been a busy, wearying year and I'm tired. There have been discouraging times, and when I'm tired, those times weigh heavy on my spirit. The point that I'm taking with me into these next weeks is the truth that it's not the stress but how I react to it that is important. I'm seeing more and more the necessity to be in prayer and be honest with Jesus about everything.
ReplyDeleteThis is a copy and paste post for me. Thanks for sharing your wisdom here, ladies!
Jeanne, sorry to hear you’ve had a rough go but God has you.
DeleteLenora and Terri, what a perfect list! Thank you for sharing - especially #3, which really speaks to me and my past year. When I finally decided to write for the Lord I didn't expect all the roadblocks that would be thrown in my path this year - and yet I should have, right? :) I'm so grateful to have found Seekerville at the same time because you have all helped me stay afloat on the journey this year. I have Tracker and Guardian and as a dog lover/owner have enjoyed all the K-9 books this year as well. Thank you again for this keeper post!
ReplyDeleteLaurie, so glad you found Seekerville. So happy to hear you’ve enjoyed the K-9 books.
DeleteThank you, Laurie. I’m glad you’ve found this special group to help you through!
DeleteGood morning everyone. I’m having trouble posting here. My devices aren’t cooperating today. It’s lovely to see you all here.
ReplyDeleteYay I’m here. I’m going to go read all the previous comments. It’s a rainy day in the Pacific Northwest. What’s happening in your part of the country?
ReplyDeleteIt's on the cool side on the coast of SC, but the sun is shining. It's a beautiful day.
Delete86 degrees in Phoenix yesterday, Terri. Send rain here, please and thank you.
DeleteRight now the sun is peaking through. I’ve never been to SC. I hope to get there one day.
Delete86 whew. That’s hot. Lol
Sunny and warm for this time of year in Indiana. I'm inside decorating but we'll be taking a walk later. Tomorrow is supposed to be even warmer. My hubby is planning to golf!
Today turned out to be beautiful.
DeleteHi Terri and Lenora! Thank you for writing a great post today. When I focus on self-care first thing in the morning, my days usually go better. I'm learning that I have many years ahead of me, and so I don't have to be superwoman today. I'm setting more realistic expectations.
ReplyDeletePreslaysa, practice self-care is so important. Good for you for taking time each morning.
DeleteWhat a great attitude, Preslaysa.
DeleteHi Terri & Lenora:
ReplyDeleteHow nice to see you here in Seekerville. It seems Terri, Lenora, and Lyn were regulars on my LI subscription years ago. Is Elnora still active?
How to care for the writer's soul?
Think in terms of positive affirmations; engage only in encouraging self-talk, and think before you speak. Never worry about God's plan for you. God is like Garmin (GPS). Whenever we exercise our free will and make a life choice, God immediately makes a course correction. God has infinite plans* available for us and they all lead to His home where there are many mansions. We should worry no more than the lilies of the field.
I'm a former military K-9 handler. Please put me in the drawing for any of the K-9 books…Kindle please.
*Note: 'plan' is 'plans', that is plural, in Jeremiah 29:11-13.)
Really, Vince, a military K-9 handler? This is something I don't remember knowing about you! How fun!!!
DeleteWise words Vince! I wish we’d known you were a former military K-9 handler. The 2018 continuity series is Military K-9 Unit. A first for us with a huge learning curve.
DeleteDid someone mention Elnora??She’s still here, Vince. Elnora keep Lenora in trouble but she also reminds Lenora to lighten up and let go at times. Good to hear from you!
DeleteHi Lenora: Does Elnora know the Grammar Queen? I'm sure they be great friends. Vince
DeleteHi Terri: Is the 2018 series set in stone? I'd be happy to be a beta reader or even give earlier input. I might be able to tell you things that are not in text books. Glad to help if it is not too late.
Hi Vince thank you for the offer. Unfortunately most of the books are in production now. If we do another we’ll know who to ask our questions.
DeleteHi Myra: It was fun to be in K-9 in Europe -- especially in the summer when we worked dust to dawn for three days and then got three days off. We did have to train the dogs for at least two hours in the mornings of those work days but we loved the three days off so often. Lots of time to see Europe. Also, I had a German Shepard before I went into the Air Force and missed her so working with big dogs was a natural for me. Yes, it was fun. Vince
DeleteHi Terri and Lenora! Thank you both for this excellent post. I love all of your advice.
ReplyDeleteI've always been a worrier, but I'm learning to realize when to "put the brakes on" and reevaluate. When my daughter went into labor 16 days early (14 days before my planned trip), I was in full momma panic mode, trying to pack, book a flight, and get myself to the airport (Hubby was at work). I was on the phone with hubby discussing flight options out of the three closest airports, anywhere from one to two hours driving distance from where I live, when I decided I needed to stop, breathe, and think. I ended up staying home. To keep my mind off not being there, I went out to eat dinner with a friend, and believe it or not, I even managed to go to sleep that night before my daughter had the baby. :) My son-in-law sent me a text of my adorable new grandson around 1:30 a.m. It wasn't an easy decision not to rush to her side, but I know for my health (stress and high blood pressure levels) it was the best thing I could do. Hubby and I stuck to our original plan and flew out here nine days ago (baby was two weeks the day we arrived). We fly home tomorrow.
Slowly but surely, I'm learning to let go and trust God to handle all things. :)
Congratulations Rhonda on a grandson. Such a blessing. And you can rest easy knowing God has all of you in His hands.
DeleteRhonda, I’m so glad you took that breath. I’m also glad things are okay with baby and mom. It’s hard not to drop everything when one of our loved ones is in need. Congratulations, grandma!
DeleteRhonda, congratulations on your new grandbaby!
Rhonda, I'm so happy for y'all! Enjoy that sweet grandson!
DeleteLenora, what a great list of suggestions. Thanks for the encouragement (and reminders). So often I find myself slipping into old habits I thought I'd conquered, especially #7. I often repeat a phrase I learned from my pastor: "Sometimes you have to say no to the good so you can say yes to the best."
ReplyDeleteKaren that is a wise statement. Thank you for sharing.
DeleteI'm adding this to the bottom because you two might not see it under my original comment and I don't want you to miss it :-)
ReplyDeleteJust taking a moment to add, when you ladies collaborate to write a two-in-one book I know it's going to be explosive!!! I'm currently reading Susan Sleemans "Holiday Secrets" (first in a new series), once that's done it's on to Classified K-9 Unit Christmas :-)
Re-reading through this list this morning, I really love the idea of grace & acceptance of yourself under pressure in hard times. Wow, that just speaks to me! I get myself in such a tizzy when I'm stressed or feel "under the gun" (figuratively speaking), which in turn makes me feel worse. I tend to make more mistakes in those times. I mean, I can show extreme grace and mercy to others when I see them struggling or going through some tough patches....I need to learn to do the same for myself! In other words, give myself permission to extend the same amount of grace. One way I can, is to A. pray for God to strengthen me and B. lean on Him. Without the Lord, I can't do it. Even admitting to myself that I can't do it all can be freeing!
Like I said, this post can apply to so many things! One to print out and put in a prominent place to refer to in the future :-). Thank you Lenora & Terri!
Trixi, I so get it. I’m the same way. I can drop everything to help a struggling friend but it’s so hard to ask for help when I’m struggling.
DeleteTrixi, that’s a lesson so many of us have learned. Self-care seems selfish but really, it’s selfless. If you’re feeling good, you can extend help to others and they in turn will do the same for you!
DeleteSo this was a continuity series! How many authors involved? (already my head is spinning!)
ReplyDeleteThe books we are sharing today started with six authors and then Terri and I did a follow-up two-in-one novella collection. While our stories aren’t connected, characters move through both books. I loved writing with Terri since I’ve know her for years and knew she’d be an LI author one day. She’s amazing!
DeleteThe continuity we just finished (the tough one) is by eight authors and it’s our first military working dog continuity. A big challenge and it seemed all of us had some sort of personal issues to deal with, too. We prayed each other through!
DeleteWOW. Two of them. Pain and suffering to benefit the reader. AMEN AND AMEN.
DeleteYou can see the set of books here. And it’s cyber Monday!
Ladies, I'm so glad you're here today! This was timely for me. Thanks for all your wonderful advice. I particularly needed #3. I tend to get overwhelmed easily. I need to keep my head on straight and reevaluate my reactions. :)
ReplyDeleteOur reactions are the only thing we can exert some control over. Merry Christmas Missy.
DeleteTerri, I've put your surgery on my calendar. Will be praying for total healing and restored function. Hope the forced down time gives you time to refill your emotional, creative tanks.
ReplyDeleteHugs, Janet
Thank you Janet, I really appreciate it.
DeleteOh ladies this is such an uplifting post -- and how timely as we head into what many allow to be an enormously stressful time of year. Thank you, thank you for these wonderful suggestions and reminders!
ReplyDeleteNancy C
You are welcome Nancy. Thank you for stopping in.
DeleteWe are so glad this post is helping all of you. We weren’t sure what to write about and we didn’t want to bring anyone down but we talked it over and decided we’d share what we’ve learned. God nudges us in that way, doesn’t he? It was a good refresher for both of us, too!
ReplyDeleteSo true, Lenora. Working with you is always a pleasure.
DeleteThank you both! I need to bookmark this post so I can re-read it on a regular basis.
ReplyDeleteThat’s very sweet of you Evelyn thank you.
DeleteTwo of my favorite authors and I'm late getting to the blog! Thanks, Lenora and Terri, for being with us today and for sharing such sage advice!
ReplyDeleteI'm in a good place. Just returned from a week at Hilton Head with the family. Such fun to relax on the beach and build sandcastles with the grands. Arrived home last night and catching up on "things" today, thus the reason I'm late getting to the blog!
Congrats on writing so many wonderful books, ladies, that I love to read. Your K9 stories are always favorites!
Terri, praying for your DEC 8th surgery!
Hugs to both of you!
Hi Debby, I have always wanted to go to Hilton head. Sounds lovely. And thank you for your prayers.
DeleteThank you, Debby. Glad you had a restful beach vacation!
DeleteThank you for this timely post, ladies. As we close out 2017, I've been re-evaluating many things in my life, one of which is managing stress. One thing I've learned so far is when I unplug and focus on God, my family and my writing, things are so much easier to handle.
ReplyDeletePraying for your upcoming surgery, Terri.
Very true, Jill. Thank you so much.
DeleteThank you, Terri and Lenora, for telling me I am enough. I know God's love for me is infinite, and I hold onto that promise everyday. He has enabled me to be in a good place, and I thank him for it.
ReplyDeleteWould love to have my name entered in your drawing.
Hi, sometimes we need to hear that we are enough. We also have to believe it. Thank you for commenting.
DeleteI am currently in holding pattern due to health issues and also a family member facing health issues, but the Lord is good and faithful and I know the Lord will see me through and I will be able to pick up my writing again. Thank you for this post.
ReplyDeletePraying for peace and joy for you this holiday season.
DeleteWilani, sending you prayers for peace and healing. Thank you for stopping by!
DeleteI know it's getting close to dinner, so if you lovely guest bloggers need to sign off, I want to be sure to thank you for being with us. Thanks for the reminders to be good to ourselves and for the wonderful giveaway. Happy Holidays to you both and Terri you are on the prayer list for your surgery.
ReplyDeleteThank you Tina for your kind words and for hosting us today. It’s only 330 here so I will keep checking in.I’m about to make some risotto. Because of my bum hand I can’t chop any of the vegetables that will go into it, but I can boil the rice. LOL
ReplyDeleteIf I lived closer Terri (you're only a couple of hours away), I'd gladly keep you company and chop veggies for you...as long as you're willing to share your dinner...lol! ;-)
DeleteThank you for the offer. I’d gladly share. 🙂
DeleteWow ladies, sure needed your post today. I'm helping with a cousin who is dying of cancer and your words of wisdom are most welcome. Thanks for sharing with us in Seekerville today. Looks like you had a fun time. Thanks again.
ReplyDeletePraying for you and your cousin.
DeleteWe have enjoyed our time here. All of you help me to stay focused and refreshed and to remember why I love this job so much. Our readers and the friend-writers we know help us through the good and the bad. We love all of you!
ReplyDeleteWell said!
DeleteHugs to you both!!
DeleteI've been doing a lot of late including, but not limited to college science. Thanks, I definitely needed this because I feel like my writing has been thrown to the wayside. I need to pick it back up, dust it off and continue on my writing journey.
ReplyDeleteHi Nicki, a little writing every day will get the job done. Have a merry Christmas.
DeleteRight now in my life I am in a very good place. The bad times do pass you just need to believe.
ReplyDeleteYou are so right.
DeleteGreat post! I think your suggestions for self-care are valid for those of us who are not writers too. The biggest one for me, perhaps, is being willing to say "no". Projects may be good and worthy but I don't have to agree to be involved in everything that comes down the pike. Listening to the Lord and allowing Him to direct my paths is definitely helpful in my journey. Thank you for sharing. As another commenter said, I should keep this post and refer back to it later!
ReplyDeleteYes saying no can be difficult. Especially for people who want to be needed and feel helpful. That’s me.
DeleteI can so relate. I am stressed by life and trying to balance rewriting my third novel and beginning a fourth. I think they both need to be done but my life outside writing has unexpected pitfalls. Thanks for the reminders and encouragement.
ReplyDeleteCindy Huff
Cindy I can only tackle one project at a time or I get overwhelmed. Praying the pitfalls even out soon.
DeleteWow! Great points for today. Thank you for sharing with us!
ReplyDeleteYou’re welcome.
DeleteThank you for this excellent post! Balancing family, life and writing is a constant juggle for me--especially when deadlines loom. I appreciate being reminded that it's okay to take time for our peace and ourselves, and especially to seek joy. God's blessings!
ReplyDeleteLENORA AND TERRI ... I am SO sorry I missed the party, but Mondays tend to do that to me, especially when I get back into town late on Sundays. :|
ReplyDeleteBut, WOW, this is SUCH an excellent post and one I definitely needed after a whirlwind month, so THANK YOU!!
Hugs and more hugs!!
Terri and Lenora, thank you for the post!
ReplyDelete"So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." —Isaiah 41:10
I'm learning to appreciate hard times. Even though it's not easy to do; our trust in the Lord will grow.
Great timing for me on this post, thank you both!
ReplyDeleteI have a family member in the hospital far away and my own health challenges prevent me from traveling and stress would feel omnipresent if it weren't for our great God truly being so.
May God bless you and all of Seekerville!
I had to join in late this time, but I definitely was not going to miss this post. I definitely need to learn to say no to even the good things when it interferes with those goals. My stress fighter is definitely my time with the Lord. It has to remain a priority. Not entering as I just won a short time ago, but boy are your winners going to be thrilled!
ReplyDeletePAWSOME topic, ladies!
ReplyDeleteAnd some really excellent points I can relate to at the moment.
Need to print and review frequently, but I won't stress over it. HA! ;)
LOOK at these stories. Congratulations on your successes! ("") ("") That's two paws, way up!