Are you tripping the light fantastic on 12/31?
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Janet Dean, Debby Giusti and Missy Tippens |
Are you being wined and dined by a handsome fellow or beautiful lady?
Photo by Christopher Sardegna on Unsplash
Are you being picked up in a limo (or an Uber car), and whisked off to an evening of fun and frolic?
Photo by Scott Webb on Unsplash
SWEET!!!! Audra and I are wishing you the best of times, because that sounds like a crazy fun day!
But for the rest of us... the stragglers who may or may not be in bed by nine. :)
Photo by Patrick Wittke on Unsplash
The folks who partied with so many family and friends over December that we're content with some peace and quiet as a change of pace...
The people who quite willingly stay at home and toast the New Year in with the Times Square ball drop, glad that we don't have to fight for a subway spot at 12:30 A.M....
Come one, come all to our annual Rockin' It New Year's Eve party where we'll laugh and talk and sing Auld Lang Syne just like they did on "It's A Wonderful Life".
My friends, it's that time again when Audra and I invite you to have a little cyber fun with us on December 31st! We're having folks stop by and offer their good wishes and we've got a giveaway box of Seeker treasures...
And all you need to do is show up.
Yup, that's right. Show up and wish your friends a Happy New Year as we say a fond farewell to 2017... and welcome a new year in together, as friends, family and colleagues.
Now here's what I need you to do... come closer, so I don't have to shout....
If you could send me a Seekerville memory, we'd like to use them during our New Year's holiday bash... Last year we had fun with pets, but this year we want people.
We want you! Photos and remembrances are welcome here!
You can send the memories to me at Or post them in the comments below. That's it... that's all you have to do! We'll put them together.
And to all of our new villagers, all of our not-so-new villagers, all of our friends and colleagues that follow Seekerville and support our goal to help writers achieve their goals...
Merry Christmas. We love you. We thank God for you all the time, and we're awfully glad to have had this time with you! As we enter into the sacredness and busyness of the Christmas holiday season, we're quietly working on stories (just like you should be!) and happily spreading the joy of a baby, born in a manger. King of kings. Lord of lords. Wonderful. Counselor. Prince of Peace. Everlasting Father....
Wonderful things to contemplate as we tiptoe along Advent's contemplative path.
And shameless plug here: Books make wonderful Christmas presents... for kids and grown-ups alike! And here's a chance to win e-copies of Ruthy's latest!!!
I'm doing e-copies because there's no time to mail things the next few weeks and I love, love, love the convenience of beautiful stories at our fingertips... Sweet!
Stop in and leave a comment... or a memory... and we'll chat about old times gone and your plans for the future!
Multi-published, award-winning inspirational author Ruth Logan Herne has over 40 novels and novellas to her credit, and she is absolutely loving her job... Hidden in the dark of a Western New York farm where lake effect snow becomes a regular vocabulary term this time of year, (note the Buffalo Bills football game Sunday 12/10!!!) she quietly writes in the dead of night before her day job... and hangs out with little kids and dogs and miniature donkeys on a regular basis. You can find her here in Seekerville with her Seeker buds or friend her on Facebook, follow her on Amazon and Bookbub (authors love that!!!) and chat about life, love and food at the Yankee Belle Cafe!
To get Ruthy's quarterly newsletter, send her a request at or CLICK HERE!
I'm hoping to spend New Year's Eve with everyone here, it's always a lot of fun :-)
ReplyDeleteTrixi, I would love to see you here! :) Eggnog... Sparkling bubbly stuff... and an array of great foods... Feel free to bring a dish to pass!
ReplyDeleteI will definitely be at the party.
ReplyDeleteMemories...there have been so many wonderful things throughout the year(s) that to pick just one would be difficult. I have laughed and I have cried over posts from the Seekers and comments from Seeker Villagers. What really touches my heart is the 'heart' ad 'love' poured out by the Seekers. The prayers offered up for me when I had my knee replaced in January 2016, I felt so blessed. Then this year, as a caretaker for my Mom, I received support again through prayer. We lost Mom on 02/01/17, it was devastating for me because she was also my best friend, but the Seekers were there for me again, offering prayer and cards of condolences. I was so touched by a group of wonderful women who have never met me but reached out to me with love. I appreciate you all so very, very much!
I'm facing surgery again on 01/10/17 this time for a rotator cuff repair and would appreciate any prayers offered.
Thank you all here at Seekerville. I love you all!
Cindy W.
That should read, 'heart' and 'love'
DeleteCindy, thank you! And we'll be here praying for you in January, too.... How wonderful when technology and progress brings us together in these beautiful ways!!!
DeleteCindy, I have your surgery date on my calendar now, my friend, so here's to a highly successful result!! And you're like the fourth rotator cuff repair I've heard about lately, so it must be all the rage! ;)
DeleteHugs and Merry Christmas!
Prayers for a successful surgery, Cindy.
DeleteI've got your surgery date on my calendar, too, Cindy. Will be praying for you then and as you go through PT.
DeleteHugs, Janet
Praying for your surgery, Cindy!
DeleteA party at Seekerville is always a good time!
ReplyDeletePraying for you, Cindy.
Party hats on order!!!! :)
DeleteIt’ll be my first Seekerville New Year Party! How exciting!
ReplyDeleteMemories...I remember meeting the Grammar Queen on this blog for the first time and laughing out loud....reading about the process of writing, editing, publishing, and promoting and thinking it’s really really hard for authors and being grateful for those who continue to write....realizing that Julie Lessman can make me laugh until I cry....
MH, we'll have such a good time!!! And we all love Grammar Queen... Myra Johnson has the total skinny on what a fun "character" she created... and no matter how tough some days are, MH... I take a line from Lenora Worth when I say that on the worst possible day I still have the best possible job!!!
DeleteLooking forward to seeing you at the party!
MH, that is soooooo sweet of you to say because I just LOVE making people both laugh and cry, but put them together? WOW! That's the emotional peak we're all trying to climb, authors and readers, so BLESS YOU, my sweet friend and MERRY CHRISTMAS to you and yours!!
Aw, thank you, MH! I'll be sure to pass your sentiments along to Grammar Queen!
DeleteSince I toddle off to bed at 8 o'clock to read for an hour and then say nite-nite, I'll stop in earlier on New Year's Eve. I don't think I've rung in the New Year at midnight since the 1970s. Usually, people in the neighborhood make so much noise with firecrackers, they wake us up. Mike and I kiss each other, say Happy New Year, and fall back asleep when the neighbors stop their annoying celebrations in the middle of the street. lol
ReplyDeleteMemories. Too many to list. Getting to know all of you better is a blessing. Seekerville feels like home.
Merry Christmas, my friends!
LOL, Barb, I hear you on the firecrackers waking you up! That's why I wear ear plugs! ;)
DeleteHugs and MERRY CHRISTMAS!!
Now why didn't I think of earplugs! You're a genius, Julie. lol
DeleteFirst, I'm in total agreement on the late hours, LOL! That's why the amazing Keli Gwyn always closed us out because I am not a midnight person... but I am a four AM person, LOL!
DeleteBarb, those memories... we've traveled a lot of roads, haven't we???
Pass the chocolates!
Oh, those firecrackers! NYE and Fourth of July are just horrendous for our puppies!!! The old guy has gotten pretty hard of hearing, so he handles it a little better, but the other one hides behind the toilet! I turn on all the white noise I can for her and have even tried a Thundershirt, but it doesn't help much.
DeleteWow, its hard to believe we are getting ready for a new year. Where did this one go? But I always love to ring in the year with a Seekerville party. Yay. And what a fun theme. I can hardly wait to share the memories.
ReplyDeleteSandra, you and I have conga-line-danced at many a party here! Bring your island leis and let's kick off the shoes and have some old-fashioned Seekerville fun!
DeleteYou bet. Ready to PAAAARTY!
DeleteHow can it be that we are ready to turn the calendar page to a new year????? Whew! 2017 blew by.
ReplyDeleteNow to find a picture.....
Rose, we'd love a picture!!!!!!
DeleteAnd they say the older we get, the faster the time goes... They should just hush. :)
Let's cruise forward at whatever speed we choose!
I'm excited to par-tay with all of you! I'm ready for 2018!
Caryl, I've got several friends who are totally ready to be done with 2017 for personal reasons... There's something definitive about turning that calendar page and seeing a fresh start... kind of like Anne of Green Gables and her "new day... with no mistakes in it yet!" line!
DeleteRuthy, that's one of my favorite Anne lines. I've always known we were kindred spirits ;)
DeleteTanya, I've known that from the beginning, too. :) Crazy... focused... ridiculously motivated... and did I mention crazy???
DeleteOh, yes.
I see I did. :)
I have always felt New Year's Eve was one of the most over-rated holidays around ... until Seekerville, that is! LOVE the NYE Rockin' get-together, and I will be there for part of the time.
ReplyDeleteMEGA HUGS to Ruthy and Audra for planning our year-end blast!!
Julie, glad you can stop in... we'll uncork the champagne (or sparkling grape juice!) and toast the day in... I think once you're a mom, getting all kinds of things ready for the holidays, you're just kind of ready to wind down come 12/31... but I do love that so many churches put significance on the feast of the Holy Family, and celebrate that first Sunday after Christmas as a special day in its own right... and then the Epiphany....
DeleteStretching out the holiness of the season keeps my head in the game of why it's so special... not about Santa, etc... but about that sweet baby, born in a stable and laid in a manger....
I think this will be my third or fourth New Year's Eve with Seekerville, and there's not a more fun time or place I'd rather be! Bring on the fun!
ReplyDeleteLike Cindy said, I've seen so much heart and love, and all of it truly meant. The support from everyone makes the journey a bit easier. Just like family!
Marcia, I agree. Just knowing folks are cheering us on smooths the way... And having walked a lot of broken roads in my time, smooth is easier...
DeleteAlthough a few breaks in the concrete teach us a lot of life lessons, don't they?
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteAnd what would we do without life lessons?
DeleteMarcia, so true... character building. Conscience forming. It's all part of the path.
DeleteWe're going to KY for a late Christmas celebration because my husband has to work on Christmas day. My oldest granddaughter is about to turn 8 and wants to stay up until midnight. Her parents laughed and said they weren't staying up that late. So of course, I jumped in and said I'll stay up to watch the ball drop. I've got to create good memories and fun times while I can. I was so spoiled living in the same town as my son and his family. Now I'm learning how to be a long distance grandmother. I've spent a lot of New Year's Eves with you all, but this year is family. I'm going to miss you though.
ReplyDeleteJackie, I'm all over you making memories with that 8 year old! GO YOU!!!! :) That's in a class by itself, my friend!
DeleteJackie, I plan to spoil any grandkids I have someday too. :)
Deletehi Ruthy
ReplyDeleteLooking forward to the New Year's Eve at Seekerville. I have two pix in mind to share for Seekerville memories which involve Guppy "reading" Seeker books (Janet's and Mary's) in order to avoid going "night-night". Guppy as toddler knew mommy might let him stay up if he was holding a book.
Now he's reading "for the reals" Hardy Boys mysteries and wanting to stay up to watch Mister Roger's Neighborhood shows...
DebH, I remember and so loved that precious photo of Guppy "reading" my book! It's been fun to "watch" him grow up here in Seekerville.
Oh, Deb, I love watching Guppy grow up... It's such a pleasure! And so much fun making friends with you and hanging out together! Although this is a big country and in-person meetings aren't easy... I can still love you to pieces from afar!!!!!
DeleteRuthy, I am looking forward to another Seekerville New Year's Eve. This will be my 4th in Seekerville.
ReplyDeleteAlso want to say that I typed The End on my novel! It does, of course, have so much work ahead. I haven't quite figured out how to divide the chapters yet, for starters. But the first draft is done.
Please put me in the drawing.
Sandy, I am feeling the joy of your THE END! Those are my favorite two words to write! :)
DeleteCongratulations, Sandy! Working my way there, too. Can't wait for that feeling!
DeleteOh my gosh, typing the end is the BOMB!!!!
DeleteHappy dancing in upstate for Sandy!!!!
That's awesome sauce!!!
Ruthy, I'll be stopping into Seekerville NYE. I wouldn't miss the memories you're collecting! We've always had a dinner dance to attend, but we don't have tickets yet. Must look into that. Honestly, I can't believe this year is drawing to a close!
Janet, I live vicariously through you and Dale on New Year's Eve... tripping the light fantastic while I frump around with curlers in my hair and old, beat-up slippers and a plastic bottle of diet Mountain Dew...
I'll be glad to see you here earlier in the day and I'm happy we were able to give the late crew the night off... Audra and I are calling it quits at 9:00 EST because I am ridiculous! But we'll pretend it's just a fun DAYTIME party! :0
Ruthy, no one will be up at midnight to see in the new year??
I'm so excited to celebrate my first New Year with Seekerville! It sounds so fun! My hubby is a state trooper, so he's always on duty New Years Eve. I'm excited to have something to look forward to for the evening.
ReplyDeleteKaren.... I love my state troopers! I've got a couple of trooper buds, several Rochester Police Department buds and several Monroe County Sheriff friends and relatives... and I am so proud of the work these guys do.
DeleteTell that hubby I said thank you! And the hero in "The Lawman's Yuletide Baby" is a State Trooper.... I love throwing troopers into the mix. They're so straight-backed and stoic!!!!
Karen, bless your husband! We'll love seeing you that night. :)
DeleteI'll be here for New Year's Eve! (between church services, at least!)
ReplyDeleteI've lost count of how many celebrations I've had with the Seekerville bunch...maybe this will be my seventh?...but every single one is a blast.
I'll be sifting through the memories and pictures to see what I can send you!
Jan, thank you!!!!.... It's fun to take a look back while we move forward. You know me, I respect the past because it shapes us... forms us... and it creates opportunities! But it's good to move forward, too. With no forward thrust, where would we be???
DeleteBurning goose grease in button lamps for light all winter.
Viva la progress!
Looking forward to my first New Year's Eve with Seekerville. Your suggestion to send in family memories and photos sparked a story idea based on my Army son's New Year's Eve. Guns, guard dogs, police, and underwear. I don't have photos for that... but I'll see what else might make a good visual of other New Year's Eves.
ReplyDeleteHi Ruth:
ReplyDeleteI have a memory, which might go better with the Yankee Belle Café, of actually making your Meg's Allegany Maple Fudge from "Small-Town Hearts". And yes, I used real butter and real maple syrup! (Not cheap or easy to find.)
The family loved the fudge so much they wanted more. But it's a lot of work to make. However, I did make a batch for my ACFW chapter meeting and that fudge went first! The tray didn't even make it to the end of the meeting! People would get up to get some more while the speaker was still speaking! What a faux pas! Don't put this fudge out until after the talk! (It went so fast I'm glad I took pictures!)
Oh, man, Vince... that fudge and my own version of penuche are just amazing and crazy popular! I'm so glad you still love that. We have the real maple syrup on hand up here, but it's pricey... still, it's so worth it to make maple candies! Thank you for that memory. I still love Meg's story... and her candyman sugar daddy! :)
DeleteHi Ruth:
ReplyDeleteI forgot another great memory! No only was I a character in more than one Seeker book, I played myself in Julie's "Romance-ology 101"! I bought six copies of that book and had them out all over my office. (Pictures? Of course :).
Wow! Now if my book about there being a cosmic black moment with all the characters in novels being knocked out of their books and into the general population comes true, I could actually run into myself and Julie could have made the fiction me a better thinker who could convince people that he's the real person and I'm the fiction character.
Now, who has a memory like that?
Happy New Year!
LOL, Vince, not just in Romance-ology 101 either!! You have two appearances in my books, the first being "Vince Mooney, romance writer" in the last O'Connor book, A Love Surrendered, so you ROCK, my friend!!
Hi Julie:
DeleteWhat's so nice is that my Irish side family is all from the Boston area and mostly still is and also that your Boston Series is my pick for books that will still be read 100 years from now. It's a wonderful snapshot of a unique time in our history.
I love that you're in Romanceology... that's a great nod in a wonderful direction!!!
DeleteWe get home from our Christmas trip a couple days before the party. I definitely want to come! Ruthy, I've just sent you an email with some memories and pictures. I warn you. They are random. :)
ReplyDeleteI am truly thankful for each Seeker. You all encourage through your posts and through your comments. I can't tell you how many times I've been blessed by your responses to something I've shared as a comment.
And the Villagers. I don't get to interact here a ton, but i love reading the comments, and I've been so blessed to get to know some of you. I count this community among my gifts each year.
Jeanne, thank you for your kind words. I think the beauty of our community is having so many of us that no one has to say too much! And the joy is that we're all unique. That way we find our buddies and the folks we relate to.
DeleteWe are truly blessed.
I'll be there! Woot!
ReplyDeleteDANA!!!! Bring noisemakers, okay????? :)
DeleteConsidering my first ever (!!!) book is going to be officially published on January 1st, you bet your boots I'm going to be celebrating on New Year's Eve.
ReplyDeleteI'll be the one in the corner jumping up and down, grinning from ear to ear.
EVELYN!!!! This is so cool. So absolutely amazingly wonderfully cool. We will notch up the celebration with this news!!!! Congratulations on grabbing hold of the new year in such a marvelous fashion!!!
DeleteRuthy, I'll drop by! I'll send a memory this weekend. Hmm, a busy year coming up. I'll be taking over as the president of Georgia Romance Writers come January. And I have lots of writing and editing planned for this month and in 2018.
ReplyDeleteOH MY STARS.... President of the Best Chapter In the World... You guys have some of the most wonderful members, great authors, stellar organization. I admire GRW so much... the Heartland group by Mary is great, too.
DeleteWe killed our group/chapter years ago and I'm okay flying solo. It works for me.
But what an amazingly wonderful resource it is to have a solid core of authors and writers surrounding you.
I'm going to pray you through your time as president... and I know you'll do a great job, Tanya!!!
You'll be such a wonderful president, Tanya!
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad to see the earlier end hour (9pm) which translates to 6pm my time. We haven't stayed up until midnight in I don't know how long! Maybe I can pop in more with the time change, although since that's Sunday and we have church it will probably be early afternoon before I can check in :-)
ReplyDeleteTrixi, we decided to not do hourly hostesses and wing it with me and Audra and people dropping in, like a real "house" NYE party!
DeleteSo we're going slightly informal (slippers are welcome!)
It's been a crazy busy year for me between multiple book releases and care taking for my parents. I haven't commented much here, but I stop in to read the posts every day. Looking forward to being here for a New Years Eve party. It sounds like a great way to start off the new year.
ReplyDeleteChristina, I'm glad you stop in to read stuff... and huge congratulations on those releases. How exciting for you and your new readers. Hooray for both!
DeleteI'll see you on the 31st... and I'll have food waiting!
The New Year's Eve Party is always so much fun!!! Love it! But right now, I'm in the middle of Christmas prep. I'm making a list and checking it twice. And maybe three times! :)
ReplyDeleteAlso finding quiet moments to reflect on the birth of the Christ Child. God is good to bless us so abundantly.
Hugs and love to all!!!
Ho! Ho! Ho!
Those quiet moments are my favorite, Debby. I wish there were more of them... but I cleaned a year's worth of dust from the family room lights and ceiling fan and beams... A quiet time for prayer... and a brighter room!
DeleteI love spending New Year's Eve with you people! My hubby and I love spending the holiday in "quiet mode" now that we are older! We used to go to parties with friends but now, we just like staying home and do quiet things!
ReplyDeleteValri, this getting older thing isn't so bad, is it??? And you've been a Seekerville visitor for a long time... thank you for that!!!!
DeleteWe're supposed to spend New Year's Eve with my daughter and her fiancé and their friends and my inlaws will be here. I think its pretty cool that three generations will celebrate together. In 2018 I am looking forward to not having a broken ankle anymore. Best wishes to Seekerville!
ReplyDeleteCarrie, that sounds wonderful!
DeleteCarrie, that sounds like a really fun time with REAL PEOPLE in the house! Always a favorite here on the farm, my friend! And three generations, celebrating together... yes. Enjoy your day and thanks for the good wishes as we move forward to 2018... and all it holds!
DeleteSeekerville parties are the best!
ReplyDeleteI always enjoy hanging out with Seeker friends on New Year's Eve and I know Ruthy and Audra will be great hostesses. :)
Ruthy, I am so in AWE of you with your publishing success - - you are amazing!
Christmas Hugs, Patti Jo
Patti Jo, what kind words! I'm proud of you, too... this is a business that rewards stick-to-it-iveness. You just can't quit, and we need to stay focused... whether it's writing some every day (which works for me and some others) or binge-writing a book in a week (which would never work for me, my head doesn't work that way) it's all good! As long as we don't quit!!!
DeleteHow fun to see an older photo of Janet, Debby and me!
ReplyDeleteRuthy, I'm excited about the party. Can't wait! Well, actually, I can wait. I don't want to rush the beautiful season of Advent and Christmas. LOL
Missy, I know! We'll have fun... I'm making our very special punch... and clams casino dip!!! But I don't want to rush the beauty of the Christmas season, either...
DeleteI plan on being there :)
ReplyDeleteNicky! YES!!!!!
DeleteLast year was my first Seekerville New Year's Eve, and I loved every minute of it. :) I chose my one word thanks to inspiration right here at the New Year's party. Reclaim. It was the spring board to a lot of changes. Last year I enjoyed every minute while still living in Arizona...this year I am in Michigan and happy to have internet so I can join in (we lived in a cabin for almost the first 6 months -we also lived in a KOA Kamp and a friend's basement). Can't wait to see what fun is in store!
ReplyDeleteNot entering the giveaway (I already purchased Welcome to Wishing Bridge a bit ago and I won The Lawman's Yuletide Baby from Kav. :)
Kelly, you are stocked up on Ruthy!!! YES!!!! And I love the crazy back-and-forth of your year... oh mylanta, woman, that's a bunch of stuff going on!!! Looking forward to seeing you on 12/31!
DeleteWe're pausing a litt!e to celebrate Hanukkah. Guppy was a manorah and wanted to know more, so we've been lighting the candles and remembering what miracles God has given us this year. And playing with the dreidels.
ReplyDeleteI kind of liked imagining Guppy as a Menorah!!! Auto correct is a killer sometimes!
DeleteSaw a manorah...
ReplyDeleteRuth, I've been following Seekerville for years,before I was a published author. So much encouragement and helpful posts. Seekerville is like family. I've discovered some wonderful authors to add to my reading list.
ReplyDeleteCindy Huff
Cindy, I'm adding these sweet words to my 12/31 list... thank you! We've been blessed by so many writers and readers and we celebrate your every success!!!
DeleteSounds like fun. I hope I can remember to show up!
ReplyDeleteHahahaha! Do you know that one year I messed up the DATES??? Tina used to do it on 12/30 and in my head... which is a scary place to be... I had NYE party 12/31... And never showed up for my shift. That's how I inherited doing the party with Audra, Anne!!! Hey, call me... Remind me to show up this year!
I haven't been to a Seekerville New Year's celebration so I am looking forward to dropping in at some point! It sounds like a fun time with a fun group of people
ReplyDeletePaula, come on over and drink some Ruthy punch and wave streamers and watch fireworks and have fun with us!!!!
DeleteWe'll look forward to seeing you here/there!
Even though I am married, I spend New Year's Eve alone. My husband goes to bed early and I love to sit up late. So I always wish myself a "Happy New Year".
ReplyDeleteAnd we're the opposite here... I'm up at 3:00 AM and in bed by 8:30.... and Dave's the night owl!
DeleteBut it's worked out for a bunch of years, so I guess we create a balance??? :)
Great pictures Ruth! Thank you for sharing. This is going to be my first New Year celebration with Seekerville! It'll be fun :) Merry Christmas and Blessings!!!
ReplyDeleteNatalya, welcome! A FIRST NYE PARTY!!!!! :) We overloaded Google/Blogger the past couple of years, so this year we're doing it a little differently to avoid the frustration of so many comments and Blogger wringing its hands!!!!
DeleteWe'll look forward to seeing you there... with some surprises in store for you guys!!!